just woke up a few minutes ago and here i am staring at the com with blurry vision. supposedly there is soccer at chr at 3pm. and im still blogging! hahaha imagine if wq sees this he's gonna screw me liao. wa liao ytd went down to eat pizza hut with wq and joash ! omg ! the meal was cheesy and it really knock me out flat. end up baking at home again. LOL!
alright! i have alr made around 800 plus for my second pay le. haha okay okay the guys are calling me liao i gotta zao liao ! bye! =)

- noobthenick
- Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.
came home and stepped on something hard. and i fcuking realize that it was my bro's specs. chao cheeee byeeee. and there goes my hard-earned two days' salary kan ni na eh. -.- initially when i stepped on it the specs was just twisted badly and i could bring it to the optician to have it fixed but when my mom showed me the specs it was broken in half! and i knew who the culprit was. my dad. wa lao and now i have to pay for the full sum. chao cheeee byeeee fcuk!
cumon i have already planned well for the use of the money, now that the lost of 1oo dollars gone means i have to re-organized the whole usage of my salary. wtf. siannn la thought i could come online to post something nice and super funny during those working days at carrier. but noww......... fcuk it la cheee byeeee. damn -.- mood all spoilt and lost over this kind of crap.
cumon i have already planned well for the use of the money, now that the lost of 1oo dollars gone means i have to re-organized the whole usage of my salary. wtf. siannn la thought i could come online to post something nice and super funny during those working days at carrier. but noww......... fcuk it la cheee byeeee. damn -.- mood all spoilt and lost over this kind of crap.
wa liao finally the first pay of the month! 529.5! haha but the next pay would be even thrilling. might go up to 7oo plus if i chiong ot and ot and ot. had so much fun during this time in carrier. the people, the crap that we came up during breaktimes. haha being super punctual for work. LOL! well did not had much life during this holidays. but hey there's something i wanna say. there is this woman in the work place that i find attractive, yea she's old but definitely attractive to me i must say. well thats my side effects after working for weeks in carrier. LOL!
my friendster views has been deterioating drastically, looks like everyone is busy with their own hoildays. haha cant wait for the next gathering le. hahaa i still rmb we said we would meet up during the sept holidays on last june. haha there will be one...
money money money, always money! in a rich's man world!
my friendster views has been deterioating drastically, looks like everyone is busy with their own hoildays. haha cant wait for the next gathering le. hahaa i still rmb we said we would meet up during the sept holidays on last june. haha there will be one...
money money money, always money! in a rich's man world!
woke up early in the morning, rushed down to carrier factory with joash qw wq and xiong. had breakfast there and after the next thing, WE SKIPPED WORK!!! haha headed back to wq house and slacked awhile before playing arcade at yishun. haha sui xiong did not came with us, he persevered on with his work. haha! okay yesterday's work was really tough i really did not have the mood to work today. and this thur would be wq's birthday so we will be taking off too. and what was the reason we gave? - there would be two upcoming events in ngee ann polytechnic and the four of us would be excused on that day. HAHA!
earned about 6oo dollars already. which is halfway through my targeted amount for the thai trip. i think beside earning this amount of money, saving helps to raise funds for the trip too yea. haha this week i hope to reach the amount to 9oo dollars. so that the following two weeks i can earn for my leisure and savings for the bank.
well have to go sleep le. haha night! take care everyone.
earned about 6oo dollars already. which is halfway through my targeted amount for the thai trip. i think beside earning this amount of money, saving helps to raise funds for the trip too yea. haha this week i hope to reach the amount to 9oo dollars. so that the following two weeks i can earn for my leisure and savings for the bank.
well have to go sleep le. haha night! take care everyone.
im on high of 75! 660.5 dollars into my pocket for this weeek! sweeee sweeeee :)
okay okay these weeks of holidays i could say there is no much of enjoyment for me, esp today cause i got posted to other station during work. and it was horrible la =( i had to bend and pop all the rivets into the air cooler. haix sui xiong took over ben's place, wei liang did the starting of the air cooler. wa liao the 3 of us super sway la, hopefully i will be back at my old station. i swear i will work super harder at station 8 now. i wun slack le if not i will be posted to station 1 again. that is super tiring and back-aching.
okay okay took half day ytd and went down to pool and arcade at ang mo kio with dex qw wei liang sui xiong joash ben. haha long time also nv go out as a small group liao. then had thai and chalet meeting during the night. haha cant wait to book those tics and get my ass on the plane now to thailand!!! =)
samsung z3, when are u coming to papa?! im waiting for you, i will pick you up after the day i will be leaving my ipod video. heee.
okay okay these weeks of holidays i could say there is no much of enjoyment for me, esp today cause i got posted to other station during work. and it was horrible la =( i had to bend and pop all the rivets into the air cooler. haix sui xiong took over ben's place, wei liang did the starting of the air cooler. wa liao the 3 of us super sway la, hopefully i will be back at my old station. i swear i will work super harder at station 8 now. i wun slack le if not i will be posted to station 1 again. that is super tiring and back-aching.
okay okay took half day ytd and went down to pool and arcade at ang mo kio with dex qw wei liang sui xiong joash ben. haha long time also nv go out as a small group liao. then had thai and chalet meeting during the night. haha cant wait to book those tics and get my ass on the plane now to thailand!!! =)
samsung z3, when are u coming to papa?! im waiting for you, i will pick you up after the day i will be leaving my ipod video. heee.
okay back to normal life. working this 1 whole week is sure torture for me, but i need to cool down la, if not very easy to fall sick! haha. wa liao sian la. super tired now , but im having about 4oo plus in my pocket liao . hahahaahaahahahaha. song bo!!!!
okay back to normal life. working this 1 whole week is sure torture for me, but i need to cool down la, if not very easy to fall sick! haha. wa liao sian la. super tired now , but im having about 4oo plus in my pocket liao . hahahaahaahahahaha. song bo!!!!
back here to blog. okay okay about the camera hp. i think i can take away the idea, haha but the idea of getting the samsung z3 still goes on. working in the first half of the day was terrible, i kept dozing off while drilling the screws. ended up i needed some coffee to perk me up.
overtime was abit better of course felt more energetic to continue on cause of the extra cash im gg to earn. but i cant spend! cause the almost half the money i earned would be going to thailand fund! damn !
still got what else to post? oh ya. i wanna play soccer this week! haha its a must, after last week performance i am very impressed with myself. i will continue to kick better and outshine all soccer players! haha okay okay that was just a joke. LOL !
overtime was abit better of course felt more energetic to continue on cause of the extra cash im gg to earn. but i cant spend! cause the almost half the money i earned would be going to thailand fund! damn !
still got what else to post? oh ya. i wanna play soccer this week! haha its a must, after last week performance i am very impressed with myself. i will continue to kick better and outshine all soccer players! haha okay okay that was just a joke. LOL !
fourth day at work was super boring. i was expecting overtime from my supervisor, but the most guilty thing is my colleague got scolded like hell from my supervisor cause of me. =( in the end the whole air cooler unit got rejected. okay im so dead, just found out i did the same thing for the other two units too. but tml they will found out la, okay okay dun sack me please please =/ haixx...
this week is going to be another long week for me, given all the workload piling up on me. haha and i have to spend carefully cause my mom told me that my allowance would be used from my salary! wtf! like that how to save for thai trip? wa liao, i wanna use my salary to get the samsung yp-z5! must change a new mp3 la cause my ipod too big la. mmm, and get a camera hp so that i got more pics when i go to thailand with my bros next yr ! aha =)
mmm. think tts all im gonna post le. take care guys.
this week is going to be another long week for me, given all the workload piling up on me. haha and i have to spend carefully cause my mom told me that my allowance would be used from my salary! wtf! like that how to save for thai trip? wa liao, i wanna use my salary to get the samsung yp-z5! must change a new mp3 la cause my ipod too big la. mmm, and get a camera hp so that i got more pics when i go to thailand with my bros next yr ! aha =)
mmm. think tts all im gonna post le. take care guys.
first day at work with wq and joash was fairly okay, except for the fact i slashed my knuckle while drilling the screws. wa liao the metal blades were located below my hand. damn ! the supervisor also la, brief me on the stuffs and then forgot to pass me the gloves and the incident happened la. haha. yup im currently working part-time with the company carrier. im one of the crew there already. and those china, india and m'sia workers are super friendly and they very di siao sia. well think thats how they relieve their work stress. mmm.
me wq and joash are the senior among the 8 new crew members. ben is the 2nd senior, qw wei liang sui xiong and louis are to start their first debut appearance next monday. well the more ppl the more trouble actually, in terms of getting a place in the bus when reporting to work and going back home. lol
in just 3 days i can easily earn ard 2oo bucks liao. and i will be getting my uniform next week ! haha super cool! haha must bring a bag on monday. overall i can cope with the working environment there, and it is easy to fall sick if you dun drink enough water, then falling sick means not being able to work and earn those easy money sia. haha. but its fun working esp when you have friends there. it builds up the bonds too. well joash alwasy crap there la, tt helps me alot, cause i can laugh while working damn !~
cant wait for thailand trip and chalet! i can smell the bbq pit and those thai girls! bird's nest! steady la. save save save spend spend spend. ! alright!!!!!
me wq and joash are the senior among the 8 new crew members. ben is the 2nd senior, qw wei liang sui xiong and louis are to start their first debut appearance next monday. well the more ppl the more trouble actually, in terms of getting a place in the bus when reporting to work and going back home. lol
in just 3 days i can easily earn ard 2oo bucks liao. and i will be getting my uniform next week ! haha super cool! haha must bring a bag on monday. overall i can cope with the working environment there, and it is easy to fall sick if you dun drink enough water, then falling sick means not being able to work and earn those easy money sia. haha. but its fun working esp when you have friends there. it builds up the bonds too. well joash alwasy crap there la, tt helps me alot, cause i can laugh while working damn !~
cant wait for thailand trip and chalet! i can smell the bbq pit and those thai girls! bird's nest! steady la. save save save spend spend spend. ! alright!!!!!
okay went for interview with louis wq and joash at a factory, carrier. its a aircon factory where it is not air-conditioned. LOL ! but the good news is me wq joash got in! steady got brothers to acc me sia. louis' acceptance would be known this friday. haha cause he cant work this week due to a holiday trip he has planned.
another good brother of mine who celebrated his birthday by playing soccer with us. im so happy and touched that almost everyone turned up ! well we will cele for him officially some other day ba. haha though i treated him a lil for dinner, but got sincerity okay! haha steady la cm treated him one drumstick! haha after that chatted til about 2 plus in the morning before heading home. well we were planning for a trip to thailand. hopefully i can go there....
another good brother of mine who celebrated his birthday by playing soccer with us. im so happy and touched that almost everyone turned up ! well we will cele for him officially some other day ba. haha though i treated him a lil for dinner, but got sincerity okay! haha steady la cm treated him one drumstick! haha after that chatted til about 2 plus in the morning before heading home. well we were planning for a trip to thailand. hopefully i can go there....
suppose to meet my brothers at vista point at 9am. turned out that i could not really wake up at that time, cause the night before i was at ivan's house rushing up his folio. even at school me billy and wq had to help him finalise and touch up his folio before submitting it. end up me and wq did not meet any teachers or even see our juniors at all. LOL ! but we were glad that he finished up his folio. =) i believed he will do it and score a b3 and above !
at night i went for a gathering with chr peeps which also includes almost all my brothers la. sophia yi wen and tina. haha actually sophia also one of us too la. mmm had dinner at makan sutra which was located beside esplanade. not long after cm came to join us too, and chatted beside the singapore river there for ard 2 hours plus. haha then it was home sweet home. hope everyone did enjoyed themselves! haha =)
hopefully our group can organise one group gathering for all brothers and sisters la. haha if not it will be super bored. mmm. must organise!
ivan's birthday is coming liao. this is the moment worth waiting for. birthday bash!!! haha
after that would be wq birthday. haha monday would be ivan's birthday.
suppose to meet my brothers at vista point at 9am. turned out that i could not really wake up at that time, cause the night before i was at ivan's house rushing up his folio. even at school me billy and wq had to help him finalise and touch up his folio before submitting it. end up me and wq did not meet any teachers or even see our juniors at all. LOL ! but we were glad that he finished up his folio. =) i believed he will do it and score a b3 and above !
at night i went for a gathering with chr peeps which also includes almost all my brothers la. sophia yi wen and tina. haha actually sophia also one of us too la. mmm had dinner at makan sutra which was located beside esplanade. not long after cm came to join us too, and chatted beside the singapore river there for ard 2 hours plus. haha then it was home sweet home. hope everyone did enjoyed themselves! haha =)
hopefully our group can organise one group gathering for all brothers and sisters la. haha if not it will be super bored. mmm. must organise!
ivan's birthday is coming liao. this is the moment worth waiting for. birthday bash!!! haha
after that would be wq birthday. haha monday would be ivan's birthday.
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