
- noobthenick
- Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.
how great is it to have someone by your side, loving you and cherishing every moment right? well fuck it okay, it is really getting on my nerves. i am sorry people due to the mood i am in, i went to meet up my IS group up for our project discussion and it turned out to be a lovey-dovey chat session. i was there trying to rack my fucking brains out to think of something to finish up the assignment while my group members were discussing ways of wooing a girl and how to touch her heart and stuffs. well just stop fucking thinking these kind of stuffs, wanna chase go straight to the point. dun beat around the bush, it really irritates me and to that girl too. it is suppose to be a group discussion not a counseling room where you get to talk your stupid girl problems and then find solutions to it. here i am trying to salvage our project situation when they still do not know how important is this module to them. fortunately another group member came and together the 2 of us managed to complete the whole thing. everything before 7pm, if not i think i will listen to those crap till sunrise. damn fuck.
met wei qian ben louis and qing wen, mood felt abit better already, cause talking crap with them is more easier. lol, we chatted about the possibilities of situations that will happen during the chalet. laughed alot. well tomorrow is the test, i need to score for that. better go sleep now, waking up later to study. ciaos. :)
met wei qian ben louis and qing wen, mood felt abit better already, cause talking crap with them is more easier. lol, we chatted about the possibilities of situations that will happen during the chalet. laughed alot. well tomorrow is the test, i need to score for that. better go sleep now, waking up later to study. ciaos. :)
adaptation to my current soccer shoes is a must because i need to perform during the chalet. imagine over 2o plus people at the soccer court watching me playing and if i made a mistake, no doubt they would not remember it. lol so tomorrow after my revision i shall practice and practice until i finally get hold of my soccer shoes. yes it is almost 5 in the morning, so do not...
sorry about the internet disconnection, okay as i was saying, do not feel surprise to see me blogging at such a early time. i went for supper with the guys, before that i was watching soccer with billy and wei qian at chien ming's house. i feel so tired right now, i could even sleep for the whole day. but no, i cannot. i have to head to ngee ann's library later in the afternoon to do my revision. turns out that studying at home is quite difficult. lol another reason is that the school's connection is much faster so it makes studying there more easier.
to all talk cock group members, please get well fast if you are feeling super unwell. i do not want you people to miss out all the fun that is going to happen there. its true that few of you guys here read my posts. but i just hope you people will take care of your health during the next week. l :)
time really flies. my birthday in two weeks time. haha 09-12-1990
sorry about the internet disconnection, okay as i was saying, do not feel surprise to see me blogging at such a early time. i went for supper with the guys, before that i was watching soccer with billy and wei qian at chien ming's house. i feel so tired right now, i could even sleep for the whole day. but no, i cannot. i have to head to ngee ann's library later in the afternoon to do my revision. turns out that studying at home is quite difficult. lol another reason is that the school's connection is much faster so it makes studying there more easier.
to all talk cock group members, please get well fast if you are feeling super unwell. i do not want you people to miss out all the fun that is going to happen there. its true that few of you guys here read my posts. but i just hope you people will take care of your health during the next week. l :)
time really flies. my birthday in two weeks time. haha 09-12-1990
now im in the library watching gundam 00. supposedly i have to do my e-learning, but it seems that my lecturer forgotten to reset the assignment for me to do. okay i really need to set my focus straight, fortunately tomorrow i can relax abit. though i have to prepared for my presentation. its on next thurs! i am getting more pissed off, i hate project works. next friday would be our talk cock group chalet. i hope it would be super fun for me and all of us. cannot wait for it. wonder who that shan shan is in my tagger. must be one of those pranksters again -.-
library should be a place where we do finish up all assignments and revise for our upcoming examinations. however wq louis and i spent the whole day slacking in the library downloading skins to modify our cs game. damn i dun think i have the mood to finish up my work too. as day passes by, the arrival of our 3rd official chalet is just next week, friday the 30th. i am trying hard to squeeze everything in my head for next week's class test and online test. for both fat and ammp test respectively. one good thing i can post about is i am starting to save money! been scrimping these few days, and there is improvement. lol later in the morning me and wq will be heading to joash house for soccer! england vs croatia. a match where it decides the fate of england's qualification to the next round of the euro championship. its very weird, russia and croatia both losing to weaker teams, opening the chances of england to qualify. england should not be complacent about it, they should feel ashamed actually, but i dun wanna say any further. let the match decide their fate. :) okay i should head for the bed now. night
great. i had met almost all my objectives for today. finish math tutorial 3, tutorial 4 for engineering mechanic. and studied fundamentals of aerospace. felt very proud to have completed them, i think i will be heading down to the library tomorrow again, but i will focus more on my studies. been playing too much computer games at the library. hope i can complete my e-learning by this week, along side with e-quiz from engineering mechanic too. its getting stress cause tomorrow is wednesday, stupid practical, seriously i hate doing it. and for chapter 4 for electrical tech i have been expected to do one more project work again. -.- damn it, i am getting sick of my project mates and work. well i prefer independent work though i want to try being a team player. but with lousy team mates you will naturally want to hold the whole game by yourself. thursday i am going to get crap from my lecturer again.
by this week i must complete many things. especially the fat class test next tuesday. i must really score for it if not very hard to catch up after the common test. wa seriously its work i've been typing about and not one single happy event posted. guess poly life also has its disadvantages too. so people dun envy us too much too, cherish what you have now in your secondary school life, do not complain so much as if it is the end of the world. you guys just have not taste the life of hell here in campus.
by this week i must complete many things. especially the fat class test next tuesday. i must really score for it if not very hard to catch up after the common test. wa seriously its work i've been typing about and not one single happy event posted. guess poly life also has its disadvantages too. so people dun envy us too much too, cherish what you have now in your secondary school life, do not complain so much as if it is the end of the world. you guys just have not taste the life of hell here in campus.
i try to type out a short post before i finish up some studying. well i hope i had a good head start today. had attentive ears during lessons, okay only a few parts of the lessons i managed to pay attention. the rest of the time i was daydreaming, lol about things to buy, my own lesson plan. i was supposed to start saving for a new pair of sport shoes. i failed to do so as i spent alot on eating. damn i am such a pig, headed to the library after lessons and did my math tutorials, almost finished except some parts i got stucked. went for dinner with louis wq ben and sharity and had fun crapping with them. they made my day :) lol alright reached home and did some engineering mechanics tutorials and great, i am stucked at the 2nd question. wonder if my classmates know how to solve them. think i will consult them tomorrow. haha
guess this semester's gpa would be a sucky one but i ensure my classmates and the people out there including me, i will not disappoint myself during year2. and lecturers said year 1 students have no difficulty scoring for their GPAs, i doubt that. try my best okay?
slept the whole day before the start of a new week. due to playing non-stop soccer in the morning under the hot blazing sun. got a few sun burnts and with my debut appearance with the new soccer shoes. i was playing like crap, could not adapt to it. damn. the friction under my soles were burning hot. had blisters too. oh my too much complaining will give me more and more strands of white hair.
surprisingly my number of readers haven slightly decreasing over the past few months. but im proud to say that i have a few loyal readers who have been tagging here and enjoying these fabulous articles of mine. so people spread words around to make this blog known. :) haha
hope to see you guys tomorrow. this is just the beginning of stress, i will start to feel it during wed. saddening.
guess this semester's gpa would be a sucky one but i ensure my classmates and the people out there including me, i will not disappoint myself during year2. and lecturers said year 1 students have no difficulty scoring for their GPAs, i doubt that. try my best okay?
slept the whole day before the start of a new week. due to playing non-stop soccer in the morning under the hot blazing sun. got a few sun burnts and with my debut appearance with the new soccer shoes. i was playing like crap, could not adapt to it. damn. the friction under my soles were burning hot. had blisters too. oh my too much complaining will give me more and more strands of white hair.
surprisingly my number of readers haven slightly decreasing over the past few months. but im proud to say that i have a few loyal readers who have been tagging here and enjoying these fabulous articles of mine. so people spread words around to make this blog known. :) haha
hope to see you guys tomorrow. this is just the beginning of stress, i will start to feel it during wed. saddening.
once in a lifetime, means there is no second chance. guys, if you happened to see someone who might be your lifetime partner, do not hestitate, please go up to her and ask her number for goodness' sake. do not feel afraid, do not end up like me and ivan. LOL. we wasted our chances yesterday cause we were hestitating.
good morning people today i am going to test my new shoes on the parade square and hopefully with this new pair of shoes and i get to play my best again. its been some time since i played soccer in school, after last time incident, we were not able to play again due to our indisciplinary actions.
but like prisoners, everyone deserves a second chance you know. so today i am not going to court trouble today. just clean the soccer court and thrash my opponents into the bin. sounds very arrogant but i am not. i am just the fastest player among everyone. (just joking people, do not feel offended)
time is ticking away and im here blogging about my life. everyone out there is doing something meaningful and i still do not know what i should do. classmates are pressurizing me everytime they got high marks for their quizzes or tests. feels different from last semester, cause i felt more relaxed despite the fact that i got good results and classmates getting higher than me. do i need to be the best to feel happy? this is one question i always ponder on. looks like i've been thinking too much again.
the third chalet is coming again, this time would it be better? more exciting? more memories? more arguements?. well we will see about that. but honestly i do hope there might be arguements and stuffs cause that is wad makes the chalet interesting la. but with the prospect of inviting more people to our chalet might change the fact that some of us guys have to restrict ourselves to some topics that might be sensitive to some people. but one the unfortunate things is that after the chalet, is exams time for those studying in ngee ann.
starting from next week i think i will be mugging in the library til the day before the chalet, so as to prepare myself for the upcoming common tests, and enjoy myself without giving a hoot to studies for that particular 3 days 2 nights. :)
good morning people today i am going to test my new shoes on the parade square and hopefully with this new pair of shoes and i get to play my best again. its been some time since i played soccer in school, after last time incident, we were not able to play again due to our indisciplinary actions.
but like prisoners, everyone deserves a second chance you know. so today i am not going to court trouble today. just clean the soccer court and thrash my opponents into the bin. sounds very arrogant but i am not. i am just the fastest player among everyone. (just joking people, do not feel offended)
time is ticking away and im here blogging about my life. everyone out there is doing something meaningful and i still do not know what i should do. classmates are pressurizing me everytime they got high marks for their quizzes or tests. feels different from last semester, cause i felt more relaxed despite the fact that i got good results and classmates getting higher than me. do i need to be the best to feel happy? this is one question i always ponder on. looks like i've been thinking too much again.
the third chalet is coming again, this time would it be better? more exciting? more memories? more arguements?. well we will see about that. but honestly i do hope there might be arguements and stuffs cause that is wad makes the chalet interesting la. but with the prospect of inviting more people to our chalet might change the fact that some of us guys have to restrict ourselves to some topics that might be sensitive to some people. but one the unfortunate things is that after the chalet, is exams time for those studying in ngee ann.
starting from next week i think i will be mugging in the library til the day before the chalet, so as to prepare myself for the upcoming common tests, and enjoy myself without giving a hoot to studies for that particular 3 days 2 nights. :)
saturday was suppose to be a day for me to study my notes and prepare myself for next monday's test. but i woke up late at 5pm and ivan called me few times. i was suppose to meet him to shop at queenstown la. yup so we met at 6 and headed to our destination. had katong laksa and the both of us saw this two girls walking past us and trust me, they were sisters! wa lao both also super hot la. one cute and the other beautiful. imagine me and ivan being their parents' in-laws. LOL power
got a pair of shoes and went to meet wq and gang lo for dinner at 515 again.
think thats about it for today lo. :)
got a pair of shoes and went to meet wq and gang lo for dinner at 515 again.
think thats about it for today lo. :)
woke up im still sixteen! stuck on my bed preparing to be late for sport and wellness today. damn however with my lightning pace and quick spidey sense i managed to reached the sports complex on time. haha phew lucky me. then followed by cats lesson where i almost got a zero for my assessment la, fortunately the lecturer was kind hearted enough sia. and i learnt one meaningful thing today. reflections are something that you ponder on and write down your feelings of something you do. not recording what you have done like a tape recorder. lol
headed to library to finish up my self test 1c and 2. everything done before the arrival of the competition. thinking of the matches that i played with my team on tue, i felt very happy and honoured to play with my course peeps. its the first time i get to play with them captain ball except for louis (got played before). and trust me the 2nd match on tues was a shocker la! think those opponents also scare of us alr after we beat them with my shocker goal during the last 12 secs of the game. honestly i do not think we won by luck, though the opponents had their practice before playing against us. i think we won because we were agressive and with the ' never-say-die ' spirit, it was impossible not qualifying for the quarter finals. that match was the best i have ever played. :)
today we played and finally won the 4th spot. our at seniors kicked us out at the semis and trust me they are too good. they do not practice, they have the experience. we were thrashed by them totally. but i think this should be a lesson learnt, cause winning is not eveything, we must enjoy the process too. but the first 3 places belongs to our at courses la. haha very proud of them and my team! wq was also there to support us! haha he gave me encouragement and i improved myself as a player too. thanks. this is the first time playing with them, i hope to get more chances playing with them again. :) haha hope there is soccer. LOL
headed to library to finish up my self test 1c and 2. everything done before the arrival of the competition. thinking of the matches that i played with my team on tue, i felt very happy and honoured to play with my course peeps. its the first time i get to play with them captain ball except for louis (got played before). and trust me the 2nd match on tues was a shocker la! think those opponents also scare of us alr after we beat them with my shocker goal during the last 12 secs of the game. honestly i do not think we won by luck, though the opponents had their practice before playing against us. i think we won because we were agressive and with the ' never-say-die ' spirit, it was impossible not qualifying for the quarter finals. that match was the best i have ever played. :)
today we played and finally won the 4th spot. our at seniors kicked us out at the semis and trust me they are too good. they do not practice, they have the experience. we were thrashed by them totally. but i think this should be a lesson learnt, cause winning is not eveything, we must enjoy the process too. but the first 3 places belongs to our at courses la. haha very proud of them and my team! wq was also there to support us! haha he gave me encouragement and i improved myself as a player too. thanks. this is the first time playing with them, i hope to get more chances playing with them again. :) haha hope there is soccer. LOL
okay here it goes sister! :)
today woke up in the early morning to study my ammp test. tiger should know what time i was studying la. haha lol wad a shocker man. then head to school super early and prepared myself for the test. and i can say that the test was a stupid one. all the things i studied did not came out la. siaaan. after that presentation! i came in lecturer called out my name and i gave a thorough lecture to the class. phew i was super delighted, cause i managed to get the class' attention la. a big thank you to those listening ears. of course with a lil entertainment does the trick. hee
okay! today soccer training after lessons, turns out that the coach sucks big time and i could play better than the coach. BOMB! lol became unbeated for many times until it was time that we should go home and so we lost the game intentionally. :)
i dunno lei these few days like kinda emo, maybe its due to the workload and the arrival of the chalet that is giving me the headaches. lol i really cant wait for the chalet la, but the thought of the common tests is really a stunner. damn! its been super happening during this week. sports camp, cpt ball competition, relay run, wow! so many things yet so lil time.
argh. cant we just have 3o hrs per day ?
today woke up in the early morning to study my ammp test. tiger should know what time i was studying la. haha lol wad a shocker man. then head to school super early and prepared myself for the test. and i can say that the test was a stupid one. all the things i studied did not came out la. siaaan. after that presentation! i came in lecturer called out my name and i gave a thorough lecture to the class. phew i was super delighted, cause i managed to get the class' attention la. a big thank you to those listening ears. of course with a lil entertainment does the trick. hee
okay! today soccer training after lessons, turns out that the coach sucks big time and i could play better than the coach. BOMB! lol became unbeated for many times until it was time that we should go home and so we lost the game intentionally. :)
i dunno lei these few days like kinda emo, maybe its due to the workload and the arrival of the chalet that is giving me the headaches. lol i really cant wait for the chalet la, but the thought of the common tests is really a stunner. damn! its been super happening during this week. sports camp, cpt ball competition, relay run, wow! so many things yet so lil time.
argh. cant we just have 3o hrs per day ?
' okay class thats all for today's math lesson. enjoy your day tml. ' that was the best sentence said by my lecturer since 3pm. hahahaha and yup tml would be deepavali! a day where many indians celebrate their 'new year' if im not wrong. but i was thinking, why the lunar new year lasted for 15 days, hari raya lasted for at least 2 mths while deepavali lasts for only a day? well dun think so much liao also la. headache.
after lessons i went to atc (aerospace technology club) to help out with a project, and yea im fixing a glider along with my teammates too. there's this godness in at yr 2 and she is super duper hot! given her figure and everything else, it was a total screamer la. haha me and tiger were looking until our eyes 'pop' out sia! okay joking only. haha
during the night i met my pals for soccer at the vista park, in the end we played in a carpark la. haha til 11 plus then me wq cm yu jie ivan boon chye had supper at 515 lo. now i just reached home and im blogging now. gay shit! haha
tomorrow i will be heading down to yishun to have my hair cut with wq and cm will be accompanying us too. cool sia. long time also nv go out liao i mean just the 3 of us. haha
i think i have been enjoying too much sia, time to study if not next week cfm die lo. have to study alot of tests for next week. siaaaaaan
after lessons i went to atc (aerospace technology club) to help out with a project, and yea im fixing a glider along with my teammates too. there's this godness in at yr 2 and she is super duper hot! given her figure and everything else, it was a total screamer la. haha me and tiger were looking until our eyes 'pop' out sia! okay joking only. haha
during the night i met my pals for soccer at the vista park, in the end we played in a carpark la. haha til 11 plus then me wq cm yu jie ivan boon chye had supper at 515 lo. now i just reached home and im blogging now. gay shit! haha
tomorrow i will be heading down to yishun to have my hair cut with wq and cm will be accompanying us too. cool sia. long time also nv go out liao i mean just the 3 of us. haha
i think i have been enjoying too much sia, time to study if not next week cfm die lo. have to study alot of tests for next week. siaaaaaan
today was the award ceremony, and i got two certificates. yea crap there's no cash! initially i assumed there was no money to be received but after the ceremony i heard that they will cash in the money via giro lo. phew lucky me. but the refreshments werent a disappointment la! the food was super delicious. so ppl! you must do well to enjoy these kind of priviledges hahahaha. okay im being super guai lan! alright! sian next week quiz for FAT and engineering mechanics! im gamed for it! math quiz was today and it was super easy. 5% into my pocket. haha im super determined that i will get AD for it. :)
tml after school will attending atc, after that soccer in the night. boon chye called to organise. long time also nv see him liao. haha it will a so called gathering for us guys before we meet up on deepavali lo. im beginning to blog everyday liao. cool huh? well must practice my communication skills. sports camp recruitment is on this friday. nervous ? nah. im going to know many girls!
tml after school will attending atc, after that soccer in the night. boon chye called to organise. long time also nv see him liao. haha it will a so called gathering for us guys before we meet up on deepavali lo. im beginning to blog everyday liao. cool huh? well must practice my communication skills. sports camp recruitment is on this friday. nervous ? nah. im going to know many girls!
remember remember the 5th of november. today was pretty alright in campus, nothing much happened, just that the workload increased a lil. damn i should be preparing for tomorrow, yup its the big day tml! im getting my prize presentation at lecture 38! so guys if you happen to by pass there, do come and support me! lol! joking. haha k k i finished my math tutorials. and im good okay! oh shit. i forgot to study my math quiz. okay okay after this i better go study le. wa liao need to score full marks for it cause i wanna ad for this module.
wad am i talking about right now?! i should focusing on this week's activities! deepavali, soccer, and shopping! haha thats wad im planning to do this week. :) hahahahaha
wad am i talking about right now?! i should focusing on this week's activities! deepavali, soccer, and shopping! haha thats wad im planning to do this week. :) hahahahaha
during the evening, me wq billy joash louis dex qw sui xiong alvin went cycling from woodlands to choa chu kang to try out their prawn noodles. but BUT! by the time we reached there the stall closed la. siaaan. okay okay in the end we had 'zi char' lo haha, ate alot sia and we were super full. headed to bukit panjang and played arcade for awhile lo. haha then walked around before heading home. it was drizzling a lil but still some managed to reach home safely. i sure hoped wq had reached home le ba. mmm cause he's staying at sembawang and the last one to reach home lo.
alright the menu for tml! hand up overseas form, hand up cats assignment, finish up math revision! tts all for tml. haha! alright then. i go sleep le. nights ppl!
alright the menu for tml! hand up overseas form, hand up cats assignment, finish up math revision! tts all for tml. haha! alright then. i go sleep le. nights ppl!
watched ' v for vendetta' and ' flashpoint ' on my laptop yesterday. these two movies are super cool la. saturday was kinda okay for me. i did my work in the early morning, then prepared myself to go to marina to shopping lo. haha alone! walked around see girls and i took my own sweet time.
you see, im a kind of person who likes to shop alone, cause i dun like ppl waiting for me while i shop. lol bought boxers, school bag, and a piece of shirt lo. met ivan for dinner during the night haha talked alot sia, some crap and girl stuffs. damn! haha
headed to joash house for soccer match. a very dramatic match between arsenal and man utd. esp during the last dying mins of the game. hahaha joash and i were so ecstatic that arsenal got the equaliser sia! wq billy and ivan stunned lo. hahaha wa super funny la. dex came too, but he left due to his mom. stayed at his house til 3am then went home. super tired...
today i will cycling with the grp again. well not a big grp, just a few. but that will do, i need to hit my target trips by this month. hahaha.
you see, im a kind of person who likes to shop alone, cause i dun like ppl waiting for me while i shop. lol bought boxers, school bag, and a piece of shirt lo. met ivan for dinner during the night haha talked alot sia, some crap and girl stuffs. damn! haha
headed to joash house for soccer match. a very dramatic match between arsenal and man utd. esp during the last dying mins of the game. hahaha joash and i were so ecstatic that arsenal got the equaliser sia! wq billy and ivan stunned lo. hahaha wa super funny la. dex came too, but he left due to his mom. stayed at his house til 3am then went home. super tired...
today i will cycling with the grp again. well not a big grp, just a few. but that will do, i need to hit my target trips by this month. hahaha.
tonight's the big game that everyone is waiting for. thats right - arsenal vs man utd! haha so i better finish up all my homework before i get to enjoy tml and tonight lo. haha sian sian now in the midst of doing nothing. wanna go shopping but i dunno wad to buy lei. haha go shopping alone also sian ma. wa lan boring life sia damnit!
finally the month has come-november. it is surprising, that the time during life in ngee ann passes so quickly that a blink of an eye. we have reached november alr. wow i read samantha's blog, and true enough, i do miss 4e3 la. those crappy times in class, haha thinking back of those stupid i did with my friends certainly brought a smile to my face. :) well right now, im able to get along with my classmates, though some i might not talk often, there's still time! so dun worry la. hahaha
today i had my sports and wellness lesson, finally talked to someone of the opposite sex. she is super hot man! we were doing this circuit training and she was behind me. okay the story goes like this...
her partner was this gay. my partner was qing wen. haha heng sia. qing wen passed the ball superbly and i hit it with style. turn ended. now it was her turn. that stupid gay threw the ball as if he forgotten to have his breakfast in the morning and of course, she missed the ball. then that gay turned around and blocked qing wen's view. qw asked for him to siam, instead the gay still stood in his way! damn! never seen this kind of super guai lan gay la. oh man then i told her that we switched partners. she agreed. but the whistle blew la. damn! tts the end of our s&w lessons.
noobshit!!! argh! im beginning to like sports and wellness. heee
headed for cats class. and left my shoebag at the sports complex. -.- ran all the way back to retrieve it la. super sian sia! reached the class late and sweating la. wa liao fortunately my lecturer was kind enough to close one eye. haha and yea he's gay la. admit it. LOL and he praise my first assignment! im so honoured la. damn ! gogo spiderman!
stayed til 5pm then headed for a briefing. i wanna Laos for community service overseas trip! aaahhhhh imagine going there with my group of bros! =) haha its gg to be so fun! power. but the spaces are limited la. so i have faster submit the form if not i cfm eat shit! LOL! gonna hand up the form the first thing tml. power power.
so many things yet so lil time. next tue would be my prize presentation! hopefully i have fans to cheer for me. haha and friday i would having my first sports camp recruitment! hope i get in and know many ppl. esp peeps of the opp gender. wahahahahaa
today i had my sports and wellness lesson, finally talked to someone of the opposite sex. she is super hot man! we were doing this circuit training and she was behind me. okay the story goes like this...
her partner was this gay. my partner was qing wen. haha heng sia. qing wen passed the ball superbly and i hit it with style. turn ended. now it was her turn. that stupid gay threw the ball as if he forgotten to have his breakfast in the morning and of course, she missed the ball. then that gay turned around and blocked qing wen's view. qw asked for him to siam, instead the gay still stood in his way! damn! never seen this kind of super guai lan gay la. oh man then i told her that we switched partners. she agreed. but the whistle blew la. damn! tts the end of our s&w lessons.
noobshit!!! argh! im beginning to like sports and wellness. heee
headed for cats class. and left my shoebag at the sports complex. -.- ran all the way back to retrieve it la. super sian sia! reached the class late and sweating la. wa liao fortunately my lecturer was kind enough to close one eye. haha and yea he's gay la. admit it. LOL and he praise my first assignment! im so honoured la. damn ! gogo spiderman!
stayed til 5pm then headed for a briefing. i wanna Laos for community service overseas trip! aaahhhhh imagine going there with my group of bros! =) haha its gg to be so fun! power. but the spaces are limited la. so i have faster submit the form if not i cfm eat shit! LOL! gonna hand up the form the first thing tml. power power.
so many things yet so lil time. next tue would be my prize presentation! hopefully i have fans to cheer for me. haha and friday i would having my first sports camp recruitment! hope i get in and know many ppl. esp peeps of the opp gender. wahahahahaa
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