i conquered the highest point of pulau ubin by foot!

ang wei qian and my class t1t1 in the front before the trip!
well this two pictures can actually summarise what we did during the trip to pulau ubin la. well zheng rong has more pictures than me, and hopefully he will compile them up and send it to us. Lol.
Thursday, 28th February 2008 :
i met dex qw billy ben and ivan and headed down to clarke quay, where caleb came and joined us on the way too. and we were going to club as part of a gathering. finally an outing since... i'm not sure when was our last official gathering. =( but saturday would be talk cock group's gathering at qing wen's house. he's going to celebrate his birthday if im not wrong, an early celebration. Lol. yeah ok back to the outing, now here's the bad news, the ticket holder had an stomach upset and we waited for like almost 3 hours outside the bar before she arrived and gave us the tickets. then we entered, and suddenly the bouncer told us we were not of age and had to leave the area immediately. so i think you guys should know the outcome, refunds and supper! we've got punk'd. from woodlands to clarke quay, waited for 3 hours, got fuck out, and supper over there. Lol. can't blame qing wen, but it's the ticket holder who was at fault, giving the wrong details of the club thing. in the end, not only did we not dance, ben missed his debut appearance in clubbing.
but there will be one more coming up, 11 march - zouk. don't worry i wun be going as i'm in the middle of a china trip haha! :) alright man, today i will be heading down to minds' for cip programme, after which dinner with my class and drinking session with them during the night. it's going to be a long day i suppose so i better get some sleep right now. damn! good night people. hahaha!