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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


wtf.. type damn bloody long nw have to retype everything sianz.. SJ boyz draw with us 2-2 on tue.. everyone done their best and i wanna congrats all of u.. esp the goalscorers.. hope the indians wun hao lian nxt time lo.. smile.. den dis week sux alot man.. so many hw lei.. but stil can cope fairly lo.. dis week will be our carnival.. wa dun feel excited at all lei.. but i noe saturday gt alot of ppl..hahas.. go down and play games.. today played bball wit dex man ling and val.. i play sux lei.. cnt score like last time lei.. sianz.. but we fought back la. hahas. LOL.. den later gt complimented by some frens.. zhong se qing you.. wa kao si bei tired of hearing crap liao.. wad flirt la tok cock la and all those shit.. i am the way i am.. i like the way i am.. HAHA.. dun care la.. concentrate on my studies.. ms liao say i can do well in a math.. biut i dun tink lei.. hope can prove her rite lo.. hahas.. smile la.. and today i wanna say sorry to my class for shouting at them vulgarities.. sorry.. but can u all like pls dun shout in class or tok so loud in class.?? i hope i can earn ur respect as the discipline head.. but u all tok so loud den ask u all diam diam oso cnt shh de.. onli when scold kao bei den will shh.. i dun wan scold kao bei lei.. juz wanna be a normal dh and carry on my duties la.. though sometimes i nv carry out in class.. haiz sorry 4e3...

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