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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


alright i just finished my compro practical test la, and the mcq was kinda disappointing. i got 49/75 for it. but the practical questions were totally easy :) as i practice like siao the day before the exam. haha so no worries for that. and im left with 3 modules! haha must chiong arh!

okay headed to the library to play cs after the exam. then watched some futsal videos, and i asked ivan they all whether wanna play soccer ma, and they agreed. so just now we went to play soccer at tekong park there ard 8 plus. haha wei liang cleon and xiong were there too, and so long nv see wei liang liao. plus boon chye too, haha those times sia. okay back to soccer, i did not played like myself, instead i played for glory and cause my own team countless defeats. :( i must work harder! haha


okay i believe tml we guys will be cycling to marina bay to catch the fireworks during night time, and its gonna be spectacular! haha, first time we will be cycling down on national day! hee :)
okay im going to sleep now le, nights ppl.

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