just spent almost 2 hours to finish up with the new blogskin to welcome the new year 2oo8. lol surprisingly i woke up at 10am today. feeling very energetic today, and mom just gave me 2oo bucks! well of course it comes with a series of conditions. firstly i have to purchase some cool jeans and the rest would be for the countdown outing. i do hope it will be just some budget outing, but a fun and memorable one. i did some suggestions at the TCG forum. so people please give some ideas there too, so that we can make arrangements and hang out and have fun during the countdown for 2oo8!
from today i am going to start following my plans, i thought for a long while and finally come up with some improvements for me to make amends to those bad points that i have.
'bomb' is what i am expecting from most of my friends, but i will use actions to prove them. its tough but i will continue to press on no matter what the outcome becomes. haha. :) press on!
ok enough with that, i am going out to shopping alone again! haha, getting used to that. as i thought to myself, the difference between poly life and secondary life. seriously i've been repeating this for countless of times, but i still have to make a point that secondary life is way better than the life i am enduring now. when we go out in a group, there is always around 10 - 13 people lo. right now, there is only like 6-8 people only? even when it comes to playing soccer, the response is getting lesser and lesser. okay okay better now think too much again. lol i go play ps2 le. take care people.
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