Most of you people have already know that i have sprained my ankle, due to my lack of aggression at the Toa Payoh soccer court. This is the actual first time in my life that i sprain my ankle, and it's not something to be worth celebrating about. Not only i am a burden to my family, i even face problems travelling to school, especially when commuters in the train doesn't want to give up their seats for me though i limped my way past them.
I even have to use my savings (for my volleyball jersey & upcoming buffet@ 4.8.08) to cab from Clementi station to campus. Fortunately these trips doesn't cost much, and there are tests this week, if not i would not even bother to come for lessons. Tomorrow it's the last day i'm attending lessons, after which i will start mugging at home for the upcoming final exams which will be around mid-August.
Oh yeah, I will never play soccer at Toa Payoh soccer court again... :)

- noobthenick
- Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.
NKT carried me down the stairs to canteen 3 today ! Haha it was weird being carried by a guy though, but trust me, he's got steady hands. Anyway i finished amp2 presentation today, Dr. Murkujhee was very impressed with it, judging from the way he kept bombing us with lots of questions. He seemed very interested with our topic, in addition we gave a solid presentation, also we answered all his questions with confidence and politeness. I seriously hope there would be another chance for me to work with this team - Yao Jun, Ze Ting, Jun Long and Nicholas Keith Tam. :)
Tomorrow i would be facing the AS final class test, 40 questions. The last duel with it, i scored 32 / 40. Can i do better this time round? Or ... ? We shall see about that.
Ok guys nights...
Tomorrow i would be facing the AS final class test, 40 questions. The last duel with it, i scored 32 / 40. Can i do better this time round? Or ... ? We shall see about that.
Ok guys nights...
finally finished my amp2 project ppt slides and i wanna praise the lord ! :) however, i barely passed my mf quiz 2 which is today, due to my arrogance and over-confidence, i got a straight zero for the first question... DAMN !
i'm currently down with flu and cough, hopefully i can get well by this week, i have already started drinking lots of water and no fried nor oily food for me. alright we have come to end on monday, tomorrow would be tuesday ! more and more stress coming up, plus the few final class tests that will be on this week. siao liao, i'm still slacking while my cliques have already started on their gpa 4 mission. sian sian sian. o k la thats all.
i'm currently down with flu and cough, hopefully i can get well by this week, i have already started drinking lots of water and no fried nor oily food for me. alright we have come to end on monday, tomorrow would be tuesday ! more and more stress coming up, plus the few final class tests that will be on this week. siao liao, i'm still slacking while my cliques have already started on their gpa 4 mission. sian sian sian. o k la thats all.
and it cost me $10.70... and those student helpers were still strolling their way in to the lecture even though they were still late. should have taken the bus rather than throwing my 10 bucks to that sickening cab fare metre. DAMN ! -.-
for your information, on this beautiful breezing saturday morning when sleeping hours could be extended, i had to earn those precious cca points by rushing down to campus to help usher those parents who are attending this forum whereby they get updates on their kids on their overall progress while adapting to life in a new polytechnic environment. do not worry parents, as a seniore' role model of aerospace technology, i assure all of you that your children will be in good hands under our module lecturers. at the same time, i understand that the ratio of girls to guys is quite shocking. if your child is a son, i promise he will not turn gay and he will find his partner during the 3 years of this course. if your child is a daughter, then you would not have to worry, she will have a wider varieties of choices in her class. :) just make sure your daughter doesn't become a two-timer. LOL
two more minutes to midnight, at the same time welcoming the arrival of sunday ! going to meet louis and those interested in coming to woodlands to study em3B math and mechanics of flight. it's going to be a calculating sunday tomorrow, with the addition of a lil AS revision with respect to the final class test next thursday.
alright guys ! what a night ! what a day ! it's time to say good bye ! ask -star - la - vista - babay !
and it cost me $10.70... and those student helpers were still strolling their way in to the lecture even though they were still late. should have taken the bus rather than throwing my 10 bucks to that sickening cab fare metre. DAMN ! -.-
for your information, on this beautiful breezing saturday morning when sleeping hours could be extended, i had to earn those precious cca points by rushing down to campus to help usher those parents who are attending this forum whereby they get updates on their kids on their overall progress while adapting to life in a new polytechnic environment. do not worry parents, as a seniore' role model of aerospace technology, i assure all of you that your children will be in good hands under our module lecturers. at the same time, i understand that the ratio of girls to guys is quite shocking. if your child is a son, i promise he will not turn gay and he will find his partner during the 3 years of this course. if your child is a daughter, then you would not have to worry, she will have a wider varieties of choices in her class. :) just make sure your daughter doesn't become a two-timer. LOL
two more minutes to midnight, at the same time welcoming the arrival of sunday ! going to meet louis and those interested in coming to woodlands to study em3B math and mechanics of flight. it's going to be a calculating sunday tomorrow, with the addition of a lil AS revision with respect to the final class test next thursday.
alright guys ! what a night ! what a day ! it's time to say good bye ! ask -star - la - vista - babay !
things that are supposed to be completed this week :
project nutzz
mf computerised test
and tadah ! missions accomplished !
up next :
as class test
math core competency test
mf quiz 2
amp2 presentation
just this few more and i'm ready for the final showdown of all the calculation papers. haha jia you !
no more stamina to blog liao, too happy after winning 2nd place for the nutz race !
project nutzz
mf computerised test
and tadah ! missions accomplished !
up next :
as class test
math core competency test
mf quiz 2
amp2 presentation
just this few more and i'm ready for the final showdown of all the calculation papers. haha jia you !
no more stamina to blog liao, too happy after winning 2nd place for the nutz race !
it was a tiring afternoon researching for facts and information for my project, it's a topic on composites. if anyone's butt is itchy and has nothing to do can help me along with my project too.
anyway stayed up quite late yesterday chatting and project-ing, that's why i was late for the meeting today afternoon. monday's gonna be a long day for me, especially when my teammates have almost completed their part of the project, and i have not yet started on it. damn !
whoa seems like xiaxue and dawn are going to have a showdown, this is just the beginning, there are lots more exciting scenes to come. damn !
how i wish i could earn quick cash by just blogging at home, but nah, i do not have etiquette english like her sia. LOL
anyway stayed up quite late yesterday chatting and project-ing, that's why i was late for the meeting today afternoon. monday's gonna be a long day for me, especially when my teammates have almost completed their part of the project, and i have not yet started on it. damn !
whoa seems like xiaxue and dawn are going to have a showdown, this is just the beginning, there are lots more exciting scenes to come. damn !
how i wish i could earn quick cash by just blogging at home, but nah, i do not have etiquette english like her sia. LOL
i'm not in the right mood to blog right now, even though i just received news from my uncle that i will be getting an advance surprise birthday present from him. is it work or other unrelated stuffs? =(
it was a relief when i cleared 2 major projects this week. just one more to go. and i pray that i will be able to make it through all this shit right now.
it was a relief when i cleared 2 major projects this week. just one more to go. and i pray that i will be able to make it through all this shit right now.
staring out into the night, trying to wait for her reply. damn i'm starting to ponder upon what junie said about me, she's not in the wrong, and i do really need to pluck up my courage and approach her right in the face ! ok i finally added her in friendster, the first step of all steps ! sent her a comment and i've been waiting for a reply till now. siaaaan. :(
just finished up my presentation slides, and i made a fool out of myself while i tried to test-drive my presentation skills in front of jun long and gang. sadly they ended up laughing all the way, damn i'm afraid that i might not understand what will i be presenting, with the addition of yeoh kiat boon's killer questions, my team is bound to stare at him wondering what to answer, hopefully we get to choreograph a dance and get him to laugh then we will definitely pass this presentation.
just get pass wed, and everything will be smooth once again. and sister ! don't be disappointed, stay strong and move forward like what i am doing right now. at least u get to argue with the person u like, me ? haix... i can only murmur to myself alone when there are times i really someone to be there for me...
just finished up my presentation slides, and i made a fool out of myself while i tried to test-drive my presentation skills in front of jun long and gang. sadly they ended up laughing all the way, damn i'm afraid that i might not understand what will i be presenting, with the addition of yeoh kiat boon's killer questions, my team is bound to stare at him wondering what to answer, hopefully we get to choreograph a dance and get him to laugh then we will definitely pass this presentation.
just get pass wed, and everything will be smooth once again. and sister ! don't be disappointed, stay strong and move forward like what i am doing right now. at least u get to argue with the person u like, me ? haix... i can only murmur to myself alone when there are times i really someone to be there for me...
watched ' fist of fury ' at home when i woke up first thing in the morning, then slept again till the evening when wilfred woke me up asking me to meet him for dinner at bukit panjang with louis and zhi yuan. crapped alot at the food court until it was late and here i am typing a post before i start racing again later. that was what i did the entire sunday, no work done, just slack and slack. oh did i mention mopping the house and washing the toilet ? i'm a mama's boy ! :)
my aching back really hurts, been having trouble sleeping in the night lately, i have to stand real straight so that i do not feel any pain. damn should have known i've warmed up before even starting to kick the ball. its just few more minutes to monday, hopefully i get to finish all the work i need to complete before tuesday. and hopefully i get to finish the AL presentation slides not by myself but as a team. :)
my aching back really hurts, been having trouble sleeping in the night lately, i have to stand real straight so that i do not feel any pain. damn should have known i've warmed up before even starting to kick the ball. its just few more minutes to monday, hopefully i get to finish all the work i need to complete before tuesday. and hopefully i get to finish the AL presentation slides not by myself but as a team. :)

when will this sem end ?
2 goals and 1 assist from me, however that still provide my team the 3rd place position, as we got kicked out by the year one AT students via penalties. anyway the referee's decisions was way atrocious, firstly he doesn't know how to play soccer, secondly he has no experience in refereeing, and thirdly he can't blow the whistle properly, which i think he should give blowjobs rather than blowing the whistle. i am very frustrated at all his decisions, especially when saiful scored from the kick-in and vivek did the same thing, but he disallowed the goal which could have given us the 3rd place in the last dying minutes. i know this competition gives cca points if one participated in it, but to me, it's a game of honour, pride and reputation. though saiful and his team brought glory to our class, i was still disappointed as his team did not include me.
i spent the last week staying up very late in the night to finish up the AL project, and i really put in all the effort that i can to get this project assignment completed. hopefully my teammates can really buck up and start seriously on this presentation project, cause i don't want to do this alone again, thank you for your cooperation. its down to the final project, AMP2, this group is a big one, so i don't have to worry about doing almost all of the work, cause i have 4 teammates to divide the work into.
not been doing much yesterday, except meeting teck yi for dinner at macdonald's. he's super funny though, especially when he keep ranting to me about his weight and stuffs. think i will have to start training him on his overall fitness and get him back on track like he used to during those secondary school days, which means getting back in shape ! :)
sister, i hope u are reading this post just like i have read yours alr. time flies, and soon year 2 would be coming to an end. don't worry about me, i'm just going through a period of project stress. one more week and i will be back to normal condition. :] talk to u soon eh...
it's already tuesday and i'm starting to countdown to number of days i have left, i mean the deadline for the AL project, not me. this module has been giving me headaches since the start of semester, and it's worst than history and social studies combined together. at least i get to learn about the history of those germans and russians but this stupid law module has so many things to tell yet i don't know what the fuck is this module's problem. i am prepared to throw away my 4.0 dream as i know i am not going to score high grades for this particular module, just a pass will do. i don't wish to repeat.
not been blogging the past few days, was stucked under the palms of this terrifying AL project. i have put every other modules under hold, and have been lagging behind lessons. but don't worry people, i will definitely bounce back and get my top form condition to gear up for the final papers. but right now, i want to complain about something, why is it that youth day we polytechnicians don't get to celebrate it? it's bad enough that we don't get to celebrate children's day already, plus our age doesn't allow us to celebrate senior citizens' day too. damn. we are just caught in the middle of nowhere. -.-
wonder what i am going to do on national day, is it going to be cycling or having a sumptous buffet?
we shall see about that. okay i will be heading back to school later for glider's workshop and volleyball !
it's already tuesday and i'm starting to countdown to number of days i have left, i mean the deadline for the AL project, not me. this module has been giving me headaches since the start of semester, and it's worst than history and social studies combined together. at least i get to learn about the history of those germans and russians but this stupid law module has so many things to tell yet i don't know what the fuck is this module's problem. i am prepared to throw away my 4.0 dream as i know i am not going to score high grades for this particular module, just a pass will do. i don't wish to repeat.
not been blogging the past few days, was stucked under the palms of this terrifying AL project. i have put every other modules under hold, and have been lagging behind lessons. but don't worry people, i will definitely bounce back and get my top form condition to gear up for the final papers. but right now, i want to complain about something, why is it that youth day we polytechnicians don't get to celebrate it? it's bad enough that we don't get to celebrate children's day already, plus our age doesn't allow us to celebrate senior citizens' day too. damn. we are just caught in the middle of nowhere. -.-
wonder what i am going to do on national day, is it going to be cycling or having a sumptous buffet?
we shall see about that. okay i will be heading back to school later for glider's workshop and volleyball !
tomorrow's going to be a very busy day. it will be first debut going to toh zhi yuan's condominium, to start and finish up all our project before the submission due next friday. i'm not going to explain what happen during the AL quiz, it was a disastrous one. especially when everyone is scoring 80 plus while i got a 58. -.-
the weather's been kinda hot lately, so people out there please don't wrap yourself so much or else you will get a heat stroke. thursday's training was fun though, my team went unbeaten all the way during match practice.
sometimes i wonder whether i should get a new pair of specs, it's just that people in ngee ann recognize me by my white specs, imagine i changed my specs, people would start to look for me in campus. heard some bad news from wilfred, i'm not sure how i should react to this. maybe everything is starting to fall apart. :( i just don't want my bro to walk into the wrong path.
just like samantha said, i wish time would go back...
the weather's been kinda hot lately, so people out there please don't wrap yourself so much or else you will get a heat stroke. thursday's training was fun though, my team went unbeaten all the way during match practice.
sometimes i wonder whether i should get a new pair of specs, it's just that people in ngee ann recognize me by my white specs, imagine i changed my specs, people would start to look for me in campus. heard some bad news from wilfred, i'm not sure how i should react to this. maybe everything is starting to fall apart. :( i just don't want my bro to walk into the wrong path.
just like samantha said, i wish time would go back...
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