when will this sem end ?
2 goals and 1 assist from me, however that still provide my team the 3rd place position, as we got kicked out by the year one AT students via penalties. anyway the referee's decisions was way atrocious, firstly he doesn't know how to play soccer, secondly he has no experience in refereeing, and thirdly he can't blow the whistle properly, which i think he should give blowjobs rather than blowing the whistle. i am very frustrated at all his decisions, especially when saiful scored from the kick-in and vivek did the same thing, but he disallowed the goal which could have given us the 3rd place in the last dying minutes. i know this competition gives cca points if one participated in it, but to me, it's a game of honour, pride and reputation. though saiful and his team brought glory to our class, i was still disappointed as his team did not include me.
i spent the last week staying up very late in the night to finish up the AL project, and i really put in all the effort that i can to get this project assignment completed. hopefully my teammates can really buck up and start seriously on this presentation project, cause i don't want to do this alone again, thank you for your cooperation. its down to the final project, AMP2, this group is a big one, so i don't have to worry about doing almost all of the work, cause i have 4 teammates to divide the work into.
not been doing much yesterday, except meeting teck yi for dinner at macdonald's. he's super funny though, especially when he keep ranting to me about his weight and stuffs. think i will have to start training him on his overall fitness and get him back on track like he used to during those secondary school days, which means getting back in shape ! :)
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