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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


My stupid ankle still has not recovered yet ! I've been facing problems during bathing, especially when washing my hair with only one hand while the other grabbing onto the shower pole in case i slip and fall. But the good thing is, I do not need to do any housework as my right ankle cant be drenched ( that is due to the mopping of the floor. ).

I promise to give myself a treat to the movies once my ankle doesn't smell of the medical oil, and I wanna thank my classmates for putting up with the strong medical scent during classes. Thank you for your patience, and to friends who have to moderate their walking pace so that i could catch up with them. And lastly, thanks to those who sent me those ' get-well ' messages. I really appreciate that.

Today was a boring one, i had the television all by myself as walking was a problem for me. Fortunately there are some good programmes to keep me awake, and i did not wanna open my books and mug. Wonder if the response to the dinner gathering on Monday would be good, I haven't seen some of my good buddies for a super duper long time. I'm always out with the ATFKERS and I am feeling very guilty about it. Hopefully on national day there might be a plan going on...

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