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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


Back To Square One!

What's up readers out there? I'm finally going back for lessons, and during this particular period, Wei Qian smsed me saying that the weather at Genting was darn cold, plus it's their first day there. I was supposedly heading there with them, but the thought of lessons really stressed me out.

True enough, the first day of school was kinda torturing. First lesson already being bombarded by the lecturer who at the same time, is my advisor! Damn! Whats more, our dimissal time is real crap, 5pm! I still have not complain about our break time...

CAD/CAM is a 6 credit module and I am struggling with it right now. LOL

Ok la, think I will stop here ba. Continue tomorrow ba. I damn tired bodoh.

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