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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


At least I can take a breather for now, as my CADM assignment showed optimistic improvement in progress. In the next hour, it would be both my pal Trey and Joan's birthday! I am still planning the outline programme for tomorrow. It's going to be a full day for me, so more rest is needed.

While I was traveling home from campus, I saw this accident that occurred along the expressway inside the bus. A taxi driver knocked onto the motorbike, sending the rider right out of his seat. What I saw was very gory, the man was lying there motionless, with a pool of blood beside him. At that moment, a feeling of fear arose and I began to reflect on events in the past when I was young...

Never take your life for granted, please drive safely.

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