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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


So Much To Say

1. Sprain my left wrist
2. Led worship during youth service
3. ATFKER class gathering
4. Shopping
5. Good food
6. Bible lessons
7. YA cell group
8. Edward's birthday party

There are so much things to say, yet very little time to type them out in detail. So many spiritual messages and information are inside my head now, and I am taking time to digest them all. It has been a wonderful week for me. The good news is I have not been falling for my personal temptation for 3 weeks already! If you are reading, I hope you can keep me in your prayers quietly.

I want to share a verse that has been running through my head for a long time:

"Do to others what you don't want people to do unto you."

It is the simplest things you do that molds a godly character within you. They may be small and insignificant in the eyes of the world, but in God's eyes, they are significant. A simple thing that I want to discipline is my punctuality, not only in the workplace, but also in church and random gatherings.

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