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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


If only a shooting star appeared right in front of me, I would make a wish - that I can go back to my primary school days. No, I need a time machine, not shooting stars...

I could still remember those days when I was still close with my brothers, playing playstation together and doing all kinds of silly things. Hide-and-seek, sleeping together in the same bed room though we had our own rooms.

Today, the situation in my family has taken a 180-degree turn. My relationship with my mom and dad are normal. But the relationship between my brothers and parents have worsened and are already at a critical point where severe of ties might be possible, especially the second one.

Pray together with me, there's nothing I can do already. My second brother is super hopeless, only God can save him. Something happened today at home, thankfully there were no police reports, or getting my mom arrested. If she was, I think I would have whacked him upside down and inside out. How can he do such a thing? Where is the importance of filial piety?

What's happening to my family?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please send your personal prayer request to Yvonne. Let us pray for you :)