headed to town in the afternoon with chien ming and benjamin and went shopping straight away. i wanted to get a pair of jeans while chien ming shopped like crazy. spent over a hundred plus without hestitating. ben was just following all the while, never bought a single thing, just complained about people who owe him money and not paying him back on time. unfortunately i was also one of them. lol all that shopping is so tempting, felt like spending a bomb on many things i wanna get. however i just got 1oo plus bucks only, enough for a pair of jeans and a sweater. well lets see how things go when i go shopping at causeway point lo. check out the jeans at lp zone and snk, or even giordano. lol
suddenly felt like going out for a jog, but my left knee tells me that its either soccer tomorrow afternoon or jogging in the morning then shopping.
i can feel that something is going on with my mind, mm something bad is going to happen to me. i hope it doesnt affect my studies or my life. maybe saying a prayer might help. :) gotta head to bed. night.

- noobthenick
- Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.
i think i have to start planning for my new year's resolution. went jogging just now to release the amount of stress on my mind. rested at 515 coffeeshop and met chien ming ben and kok chye there, and i could see that they went for a heavy shopping spree. cm told me he spent around 7oo plus on clothes and stuffs. haha way to go bro. they are planning to go for a second round tomorrow and they are asking me along. well actually i dun mind but its kinda like last minute for me. at least my mom was kind enough to give me 1oo bucks to spent on jeans. i know its very ex to get a pair of jeans, so i am going to scout for cheap branded ones. of course head to department stores are having end year sales. cancelled my shopping plan today, woke up around 5 plus in the evening, and received sms from both cm and wq and a call from kok chye asking me whether i wanted to go to the wake. i decline the invitation, as i was super lethargic after all that sleep. (was that the correct word i was using) haha.
only 3 people respond to the countdown outing plan. haha not bad got improvement already, dex and qingwen has voted for east coast park. while sophia has suggested going for a drink or club.
mm why not combine the two plans together? then i can throw in another idea. having dinner at waraku restaurant. so that when those after countdown can go home, while those who are still awake and super energetic can go to a pub for a drink. sounds great! =) not many people reads my blog. guess i have to make a trip down to yahoo TCG forum. :) haha
only 3 people respond to the countdown outing plan. haha not bad got improvement already, dex and qingwen has voted for east coast park. while sophia has suggested going for a drink or club.
mm why not combine the two plans together? then i can throw in another idea. having dinner at waraku restaurant. so that when those after countdown can go home, while those who are still awake and super energetic can go to a pub for a drink. sounds great! =) not many people reads my blog. guess i have to make a trip down to yahoo TCG forum. :) haha
just spent almost 2 hours to finish up with the new blogskin to welcome the new year 2oo8. lol surprisingly i woke up at 10am today. feeling very energetic today, and mom just gave me 2oo bucks! well of course it comes with a series of conditions. firstly i have to purchase some cool jeans and the rest would be for the countdown outing. i do hope it will be just some budget outing, but a fun and memorable one. i did some suggestions at the TCG forum. so people please give some ideas there too, so that we can make arrangements and hang out and have fun during the countdown for 2oo8!
from today i am going to start following my plans, i thought for a long while and finally come up with some improvements for me to make amends to those bad points that i have.
'bomb' is what i am expecting from most of my friends, but i will use actions to prove them. its tough but i will continue to press on no matter what the outcome becomes. haha. :) press on!
ok enough with that, i am going out to shopping alone again! haha, getting used to that. as i thought to myself, the difference between poly life and secondary life. seriously i've been repeating this for countless of times, but i still have to make a point that secondary life is way better than the life i am enduring now. when we go out in a group, there is always around 10 - 13 people lo. right now, there is only like 6-8 people only? even when it comes to playing soccer, the response is getting lesser and lesser. okay okay better now think too much again. lol i go play ps2 le. take care people.
from today i am going to start following my plans, i thought for a long while and finally come up with some improvements for me to make amends to those bad points that i have.
'bomb' is what i am expecting from most of my friends, but i will use actions to prove them. its tough but i will continue to press on no matter what the outcome becomes. haha. :) press on!
ok enough with that, i am going out to shopping alone again! haha, getting used to that. as i thought to myself, the difference between poly life and secondary life. seriously i've been repeating this for countless of times, but i still have to make a point that secondary life is way better than the life i am enduring now. when we go out in a group, there is always around 10 - 13 people lo. right now, there is only like 6-8 people only? even when it comes to playing soccer, the response is getting lesser and lesser. okay okay better now think too much again. lol i go play ps2 le. take care people.
as usual i woke up late in the afternoon, i dun think i am still prepared for next week as school is starting soon. unfortunately chelsea drew with aston villa, this is getting worst for chelsea as lampard joins the injury list with terry, drogba and etc. hopefully they can start winning games when the new year starts. okay i am still behind time with all my assignments, i think i will start doing them today. and after all the outings with talk cock group members, i am officially broke :( i am left with only 1o bucks in my bank account. lol have to maintain this amount of money until feb, and that is when i will start working and making money.
been've thinking of so many things recently, and i wanna get them out of my head. but they just keep coming and coming. wanna go for a drink to drown away all these crap. i think the early half of 2oo7 was the best. but for now, it sucks. i do wanna start afresh when the coming new year arrives.
been've thinking of so many things recently, and i wanna get them out of my head. but they just keep coming and coming. wanna go for a drink to drown away all these crap. i think the early half of 2oo7 was the best. but for now, it sucks. i do wanna start afresh when the coming new year arrives.
woke up early in the morning and began to sms everyone to get themselves prepared for the church service which was today. however i accompanied dexter to retrieve victoria's shoes which evelyn forgotten to return to her. lol in the end i missed the whole session which was a disappointing one. heard it was quite exciting though :( siaan.
went out with almost half of the talk cock group people. haha shant describe any further. i am super tired right now. ok nights people. :)
went out with almost half of the talk cock group people. haha shant describe any further. i am super tired right now. ok nights people. :)
i thought to myself ' the two weeks holidays should be a time for me to chill out, head out to the movies and do many stuffs that my group and i have not done for a long time '. instead i found myself at home and staring at the television the whole day. well i watched the top 1oo mtv hits in year 2oo7, followed by mediacorp's 25 years' anniversary of tv serials. lol after that i headed to ngee ann campus alone to finish up my online assignments. great that was my day, how i wish the camp could lasted a week. today would be our group gathering, i would be meeting most of them at church this morning. mandy suggested a christmas gift exchange, so i went to purchase a gift from royal sporting house. hopefully the person who received my present would feel happy and honoured. most of them would think that ' wa i took this gift from nich, must be some cheapskate stuff knowing its from him '. well i do not blame them, i think thats the impression i leave on all of them. lol hope this gift would change my impression for the time being.
its saturday and its suppose to be a day where i would go to someone's house and watch soccer. but instead i stayed outside alone, had dinner long john silver and coffee at starbucks' coffee. wanted to call people out to chill. but turns out they were already out earlier than me. received a sms from this person, and i was shocked that this person still had the heart to wish me a merry christmas since i stayed in contact with this person lol. really a big thank to you. :) that cheered me up alot.
cant sleep now, thought of many things related to work and stuffs. i really missed my workplace, wished i could stayed there and chiong all the way. take the money and spend them on essential items and accessories. school's gonna reopen in another week's time. i guess christmas eve i will be heading out to celebrate in town, hopefully there are friends who would accompany me. :)
if not, i will ask santa out, to spent that eve with me. lol just joking only.
oh ya chelsea beat liverpool 2-0 to make it the semis of the league cup. and im super delighted.
its going to be the end of 2oo7, i hope TCG members had save 25 bucks. cause i am going to collect the money from them. lol.
* TCG - talk cock group.
thats all. ciaos.
its saturday and its suppose to be a day where i would go to someone's house and watch soccer. but instead i stayed outside alone, had dinner long john silver and coffee at starbucks' coffee. wanted to call people out to chill. but turns out they were already out earlier than me. received a sms from this person, and i was shocked that this person still had the heart to wish me a merry christmas since i stayed in contact with this person lol. really a big thank to you. :) that cheered me up alot.
cant sleep now, thought of many things related to work and stuffs. i really missed my workplace, wished i could stayed there and chiong all the way. take the money and spend them on essential items and accessories. school's gonna reopen in another week's time. i guess christmas eve i will be heading out to celebrate in town, hopefully there are friends who would accompany me. :)
if not, i will ask santa out, to spent that eve with me. lol just joking only.
oh ya chelsea beat liverpool 2-0 to make it the semis of the league cup. and im super delighted.
its going to be the end of 2oo7, i hope TCG members had save 25 bucks. cause i am going to collect the money from them. lol.
* TCG - talk cock group.
thats all. ciaos.
i am finally back from the youth camp! and i can assure to most of our talk cock group members that they will regret not going for it. cause its super fun! well fortunately for me, ivan was in my group la. the food, the games, night walk, and even doing our talent time performances was fun. except for the fact i screwed up during talent time performance and even slept during devotion time. LOL!
there will be another upcoming youth camp next year, i will be going again. of course talk cock group members must go this time, be it guys or girls. we must all go and have fun! oh yea anyway just woke up not long ago and i am super blur right now while blogging. tomorrow i will be heading down to ngee ann's library to finish all my work which i have not finish these few days while i was in camp.
seriously the camp comm rockers were really steady. cause they sacrifice their sleeping time just to ensure that we would be all in bed on time. especially there was this time when ivan me and qing wen waited for chien ming for supper. well the 3 of us got caught by them, and we were abit guilty after finding out that they were looking for us badly.
well i shant describe any further but the youth camp was fun yet tiring. looking forward to count down 2oo8 and youth camp 2oo8 plus talk cock group (TCG) chalet 2oo8!
there will be another upcoming youth camp next year, i will be going again. of course talk cock group members must go this time, be it guys or girls. we must all go and have fun! oh yea anyway just woke up not long ago and i am super blur right now while blogging. tomorrow i will be heading down to ngee ann's library to finish all my work which i have not finish these few days while i was in camp.
seriously the camp comm rockers were really steady. cause they sacrifice their sleeping time just to ensure that we would be all in bed on time. especially there was this time when ivan me and qing wen waited for chien ming for supper. well the 3 of us got caught by them, and we were abit guilty after finding out that they were looking for us badly.
well i shant describe any further but the youth camp was fun yet tiring. looking forward to count down 2oo8 and youth camp 2oo8 plus talk cock group (TCG) chalet 2oo8!
the moment gallas headed the ball into the net, i still thought ' hey do not worry, chelsea are definitely going to equalise in the second half '. but arsenal goalkeeper almunia was too good that evening, stopping shots from lampard and co. i was very nervous and excited at the same time. as chelsea began to counter-attack everytime, rosicky would be at the back and clearing all the balls. arsenal was playing with more class and style than chelsea. mm, finally a free kick in the dying minutes of the game. shevchenko shot fiercely and almunia was there again to deny chelsea the equaliser. haix full time whistle. arsenal won 1-0 to chelsea.
today i woke up late in the afternoon and was so bored at home. tomorrow youth camp. my first time in this kind of camp. haha, well hopefully it will be fun. can anyone give me some advice on how to spend this two weeks break? :( im going nuts...
today i woke up late in the afternoon and was so bored at home. tomorrow youth camp. my first time in this kind of camp. haha, well hopefully it will be fun. can anyone give me some advice on how to spend this two weeks break? :( im going nuts...
woke up and i am no more 16! haha ok i just woke up not long ago, turns out that there is one more person who slept later than me. lol haha well today i would be getting my adizero with ivan and ben. however louis asked me to play daytona with joash ong. wa lao two requests, mm can i get the shoes and then go down to meet them ? haha anyway i will decide later. tomorrow! the 4 big giants clash together in a showdown. chelsea vs arsenal and man utd vs liverpool! well for me i do hope chelsea will win the match against arsenal. they cannot settle for a draw, as the points difference would increase. so do catch the big matches tomorrow alright ? i think i might be going to kok chye's house to watch it with wei qian and billy ba. lol
one more good news! the holidays are finally here, common tests are over. but the last paper on thursday was disastrous. i can pass but i cannot get a A for it. =( haix. i just wanna get a AD for that, but it turns out that last min revision would not work. ok never mind about that. qing wen will be organising the christmas gathering for us. this gives me more time for the chalet which is next year!
i need to prepare for everything, with the help of all my committee members. haha alright!
thats all people. have a great day ahead. :)
one more good news! the holidays are finally here, common tests are over. but the last paper on thursday was disastrous. i can pass but i cannot get a A for it. =( haix. i just wanna get a AD for that, but it turns out that last min revision would not work. ok never mind about that. qing wen will be organising the christmas gathering for us. this gives me more time for the chalet which is next year!
i need to prepare for everything, with the help of all my committee members. haha alright!
thats all people. have a great day ahead. :)
o9.12.9o the best day i ever had with my group of good friends who had been with me through the ups and downs. i sincerely thank you and everybody, regardless of friendster comments, calls, smses, coming out to celebrate with me or etc, from the bottom of my heart. however this year, there was lesser people but i still enjoyed it very much. compared to last year where everyone of us headed to sentosa and played under the hot sun and ogle at hot bikini babes, this year was even better. :)
i cannot wait to turn 18 already. well next year would be a very mature year for us talk cock group members. everyone would turn 18 and finally we can do things which are beyond parental control. lol
firstly i would like to thank my friends for planning my celebration for me, i know its tough on you guys. but really i am touched by all the things u done. :) hope the friendship between me and all of you last. alright!
today was a disaster for me, remember yesterday night i reached home around 2 plus, i slept and woke up around 10.14am. great, my first common test starts at 11am. fortunately my dad sent me to school like finally. but he was also tired too i can understand that. thanks dad :) took the paper with ease but of course, do not underestimate the power of careless mistakes. they can kill you without you knowing it. damn! i just hate it when people finishes their papers early and walk out discussing the questions without giving a fuck to people like me who are still checking through our papers. -.- inconsiderate cuntcrackers. never mind. wait for the results to come back, i am sure i will beat everyone down. =) evil grin *
i cannot wait to turn 18 already. well next year would be a very mature year for us talk cock group members. everyone would turn 18 and finally we can do things which are beyond parental control. lol
firstly i would like to thank my friends for planning my celebration for me, i know its tough on you guys. but really i am touched by all the things u done. :) hope the friendship between me and all of you last. alright!
today was a disaster for me, remember yesterday night i reached home around 2 plus, i slept and woke up around 10.14am. great, my first common test starts at 11am. fortunately my dad sent me to school like finally. but he was also tired too i can understand that. thanks dad :) took the paper with ease but of course, do not underestimate the power of careless mistakes. they can kill you without you knowing it. damn! i just hate it when people finishes their papers early and walk out discussing the questions without giving a fuck to people like me who are still checking through our papers. -.- inconsiderate cuntcrackers. never mind. wait for the results to come back, i am sure i will beat everyone down. =) evil grin *
birthday boy debut in his skyhawk!
o9.12.9o the day that everyone will remember.
okay firstly i would like to thank friends and family who gave me their wishes. yes i have turned officially 17 today, but the unfortunate thing is that i have common tests tomorrow. so its very hard to multi-task on both my birthday celebration and common tests. this feeling is very hard to describe when you have brothers and friends to celebrate with you, for me i just simply love it. during my primary school days i would celebrate my birthdays with my parents, my primary school mates did not bother to celebrate for me, and thats a sad thing.
secondary one was the beginning of everything. it started from birthday wishes from friends. during secondary 2 ivan and joash treated me to a restaurant after gyming session that day, and it surprised me. haha very touched by what they did of course. during secondary 3 all i can think of is the treat that mandy gave me for the class chalet, but it turns out that the class chalet became our talk cock group chalet that time. finally last year, this time, mandy organised the sentosa trip for ben and my birthdays. that was the second time she celebrated for me, and this yeari received kinda like 2 huge presents, one was by mandy and her boyfriend, joel. they bought this cake for benjamin and me which was a shocker during chalet 2oo7. yup i almost teared during that moment the cake came out and everyone sang the usual birthday song for the both of us. and today, my group of brothers specially took the time out to celebrate with me even though tomorrow would be our common tests. seriously thanks for everything, words cant describe those feelings that are deep down inside me.
on this day i have 3 birthday wishes, i will try not to be greedy. here it goes, the first one is i wish that this talk cock group will keep in contact till the day we have started earning our first bucket of gold, attend each of our brothers and sisters weddings. haha cant imagine joash finally getting married! just a friendly joke :) second wish would be me finding a suitable partner for me to settle down, if not i would go gaga-googoo over those girls in ngee ann everyday. third wish is to... i have not think of one yet. maybe tonight i will have the answer. haha!
it is finally 4 in the afternoon, i am still deciding what clothes to wear for my birthday outing! very stress, but i am still very excited :)
i am counting down the minutes to midnight, yes in just less than 2o minutes its going to be my birthday! no doubt about it, i am going to turn steady 17, say goodbye to my sweet 16. i have already received birthday from some friends. touched touched. haha
supposedly going to meet ivan at tekong to play soccer with some of alvin's friends. but i failed to meet him as i was super tired. lol managed to meet him at night with qing wen chien ming yu jie and billy. chien ming was planning dinner at hotel royal tomorrow for my birthday. thats so sweet of him. lol okay i better go study now le, later might be heading down to kok chye's house for soccer match. 10 minutes left...
supposedly going to meet ivan at tekong to play soccer with some of alvin's friends. but i failed to meet him as i was super tired. lol managed to meet him at night with qing wen chien ming yu jie and billy. chien ming was planning dinner at hotel royal tomorrow for my birthday. thats so sweet of him. lol okay i better go study now le, later might be heading down to kok chye's house for soccer match. 10 minutes left...
this week has been quite a happening one for me. cats presentation, birthdays and preparation for my common tests has made me very tired and also making my schedule very tight. guess i have a bad time management. recently our chalet 2007 has ended last week, and yesterday was benjamin's birthday! haha organised the celebration of course with the help of my friends too, and i hope that everyone had fun yesterday. must thank mandy too for helping out with the present for benjamin, lots of contribution from her :)
last thursday was my cats presentation, i had to act the role of superman, of course grabbing everyone's attention straight away when i actually forgot to zip my pants up during the presentation. alright, that was super embarrassing that day. but the good news was my lecturer gave us 8/10 for the overall presentation and that made my day. of course after the presentation i went home and slack before heading down to marina alone to meet wq and the rest.
today is saturday already and here i am typing a new post. sunday would be my birthday! like finally, 09/12/90. many predicted that armageddon would come and wipe out woodlands. and are expected to stay at home and not to come out. lol that was talk cock group's suggestion lol. wa lao if it goes on like that i will be super emo de lei. alright just joking la, actually got the heart can le la :)
monday would be the start of my common test, hopefully i can pass the whole god damn thing and chill during the two weeks of holidays. i wanna top the class again. hopefully. alright just joking again! :)
last thursday was my cats presentation, i had to act the role of superman, of course grabbing everyone's attention straight away when i actually forgot to zip my pants up during the presentation. alright, that was super embarrassing that day. but the good news was my lecturer gave us 8/10 for the overall presentation and that made my day. of course after the presentation i went home and slack before heading down to marina alone to meet wq and the rest.
today is saturday already and here i am typing a new post. sunday would be my birthday! like finally, 09/12/90. many predicted that armageddon would come and wipe out woodlands. and are expected to stay at home and not to come out. lol that was talk cock group's suggestion lol. wa lao if it goes on like that i will be super emo de lei. alright just joking la, actually got the heart can le la :)
monday would be the start of my common test, hopefully i can pass the whole god damn thing and chill during the two weeks of holidays. i wanna top the class again. hopefully. alright just joking again! :)
the moment that cake came out i was loss for words. everyone standing together and singing the birthday song for me and benjamin, of course there was birthday bash after that, but i was super touched. then chien ming told me that mandy was the one who suggested the idea with her boyfriend. wa lao for 3 consecutive years le lo, during sec 3 she treat me to our 4e3 class chalet. during last year she organise the sentosa trip for my birthday and ben's too. this year is this surprise. really i am touched and my two birthday wish - that our group would always be together, these are friends which i cannot bear to separate. the second one would be be more mature and faithful in a relationship. the final wish i have already made, but i do not want to say it out, if not it would not come true.
as for the 3 days 2 nights at the chalet, i think i did not enjoy enough, cause i was lazy to bowl with the guys and girls, ending up sleeping all the way till 3 in the morning. super siaaan, why must i sleep? lol. haha hope the others also had fuun during our chalet. its our third chalet for the third time. hopefully there will be more of this again. esp next year, during march.
coming back from the chalet really piss me off, because of the work and tests that are coming my way, noob shit. -.-
as for the 3 days 2 nights at the chalet, i think i did not enjoy enough, cause i was lazy to bowl with the guys and girls, ending up sleeping all the way till 3 in the morning. super siaaan, why must i sleep? lol. haha hope the others also had fuun during our chalet. its our third chalet for the third time. hopefully there will be more of this again. esp next year, during march.
coming back from the chalet really piss me off, because of the work and tests that are coming my way, noob shit. -.-
how great is it to have someone by your side, loving you and cherishing every moment right? well fuck it okay, it is really getting on my nerves. i am sorry people due to the mood i am in, i went to meet up my IS group up for our project discussion and it turned out to be a lovey-dovey chat session. i was there trying to rack my fucking brains out to think of something to finish up the assignment while my group members were discussing ways of wooing a girl and how to touch her heart and stuffs. well just stop fucking thinking these kind of stuffs, wanna chase go straight to the point. dun beat around the bush, it really irritates me and to that girl too. it is suppose to be a group discussion not a counseling room where you get to talk your stupid girl problems and then find solutions to it. here i am trying to salvage our project situation when they still do not know how important is this module to them. fortunately another group member came and together the 2 of us managed to complete the whole thing. everything before 7pm, if not i think i will listen to those crap till sunrise. damn fuck.
met wei qian ben louis and qing wen, mood felt abit better already, cause talking crap with them is more easier. lol, we chatted about the possibilities of situations that will happen during the chalet. laughed alot. well tomorrow is the test, i need to score for that. better go sleep now, waking up later to study. ciaos. :)
met wei qian ben louis and qing wen, mood felt abit better already, cause talking crap with them is more easier. lol, we chatted about the possibilities of situations that will happen during the chalet. laughed alot. well tomorrow is the test, i need to score for that. better go sleep now, waking up later to study. ciaos. :)
adaptation to my current soccer shoes is a must because i need to perform during the chalet. imagine over 2o plus people at the soccer court watching me playing and if i made a mistake, no doubt they would not remember it. lol so tomorrow after my revision i shall practice and practice until i finally get hold of my soccer shoes. yes it is almost 5 in the morning, so do not...
sorry about the internet disconnection, okay as i was saying, do not feel surprise to see me blogging at such a early time. i went for supper with the guys, before that i was watching soccer with billy and wei qian at chien ming's house. i feel so tired right now, i could even sleep for the whole day. but no, i cannot. i have to head to ngee ann's library later in the afternoon to do my revision. turns out that studying at home is quite difficult. lol another reason is that the school's connection is much faster so it makes studying there more easier.
to all talk cock group members, please get well fast if you are feeling super unwell. i do not want you people to miss out all the fun that is going to happen there. its true that few of you guys here read my posts. but i just hope you people will take care of your health during the next week. l :)
time really flies. my birthday in two weeks time. haha 09-12-1990
sorry about the internet disconnection, okay as i was saying, do not feel surprise to see me blogging at such a early time. i went for supper with the guys, before that i was watching soccer with billy and wei qian at chien ming's house. i feel so tired right now, i could even sleep for the whole day. but no, i cannot. i have to head to ngee ann's library later in the afternoon to do my revision. turns out that studying at home is quite difficult. lol another reason is that the school's connection is much faster so it makes studying there more easier.
to all talk cock group members, please get well fast if you are feeling super unwell. i do not want you people to miss out all the fun that is going to happen there. its true that few of you guys here read my posts. but i just hope you people will take care of your health during the next week. l :)
time really flies. my birthday in two weeks time. haha 09-12-1990
now im in the library watching gundam 00. supposedly i have to do my e-learning, but it seems that my lecturer forgotten to reset the assignment for me to do. okay i really need to set my focus straight, fortunately tomorrow i can relax abit. though i have to prepared for my presentation. its on next thurs! i am getting more pissed off, i hate project works. next friday would be our talk cock group chalet. i hope it would be super fun for me and all of us. cannot wait for it. wonder who that shan shan is in my tagger. must be one of those pranksters again -.-
library should be a place where we do finish up all assignments and revise for our upcoming examinations. however wq louis and i spent the whole day slacking in the library downloading skins to modify our cs game. damn i dun think i have the mood to finish up my work too. as day passes by, the arrival of our 3rd official chalet is just next week, friday the 30th. i am trying hard to squeeze everything in my head for next week's class test and online test. for both fat and ammp test respectively. one good thing i can post about is i am starting to save money! been scrimping these few days, and there is improvement. lol later in the morning me and wq will be heading to joash house for soccer! england vs croatia. a match where it decides the fate of england's qualification to the next round of the euro championship. its very weird, russia and croatia both losing to weaker teams, opening the chances of england to qualify. england should not be complacent about it, they should feel ashamed actually, but i dun wanna say any further. let the match decide their fate. :) okay i should head for the bed now. night
great. i had met almost all my objectives for today. finish math tutorial 3, tutorial 4 for engineering mechanic. and studied fundamentals of aerospace. felt very proud to have completed them, i think i will be heading down to the library tomorrow again, but i will focus more on my studies. been playing too much computer games at the library. hope i can complete my e-learning by this week, along side with e-quiz from engineering mechanic too. its getting stress cause tomorrow is wednesday, stupid practical, seriously i hate doing it. and for chapter 4 for electrical tech i have been expected to do one more project work again. -.- damn it, i am getting sick of my project mates and work. well i prefer independent work though i want to try being a team player. but with lousy team mates you will naturally want to hold the whole game by yourself. thursday i am going to get crap from my lecturer again.
by this week i must complete many things. especially the fat class test next tuesday. i must really score for it if not very hard to catch up after the common test. wa seriously its work i've been typing about and not one single happy event posted. guess poly life also has its disadvantages too. so people dun envy us too much too, cherish what you have now in your secondary school life, do not complain so much as if it is the end of the world. you guys just have not taste the life of hell here in campus.
by this week i must complete many things. especially the fat class test next tuesday. i must really score for it if not very hard to catch up after the common test. wa seriously its work i've been typing about and not one single happy event posted. guess poly life also has its disadvantages too. so people dun envy us too much too, cherish what you have now in your secondary school life, do not complain so much as if it is the end of the world. you guys just have not taste the life of hell here in campus.
i try to type out a short post before i finish up some studying. well i hope i had a good head start today. had attentive ears during lessons, okay only a few parts of the lessons i managed to pay attention. the rest of the time i was daydreaming, lol about things to buy, my own lesson plan. i was supposed to start saving for a new pair of sport shoes. i failed to do so as i spent alot on eating. damn i am such a pig, headed to the library after lessons and did my math tutorials, almost finished except some parts i got stucked. went for dinner with louis wq ben and sharity and had fun crapping with them. they made my day :) lol alright reached home and did some engineering mechanics tutorials and great, i am stucked at the 2nd question. wonder if my classmates know how to solve them. think i will consult them tomorrow. haha
guess this semester's gpa would be a sucky one but i ensure my classmates and the people out there including me, i will not disappoint myself during year2. and lecturers said year 1 students have no difficulty scoring for their GPAs, i doubt that. try my best okay?
slept the whole day before the start of a new week. due to playing non-stop soccer in the morning under the hot blazing sun. got a few sun burnts and with my debut appearance with the new soccer shoes. i was playing like crap, could not adapt to it. damn. the friction under my soles were burning hot. had blisters too. oh my too much complaining will give me more and more strands of white hair.
surprisingly my number of readers haven slightly decreasing over the past few months. but im proud to say that i have a few loyal readers who have been tagging here and enjoying these fabulous articles of mine. so people spread words around to make this blog known. :) haha
hope to see you guys tomorrow. this is just the beginning of stress, i will start to feel it during wed. saddening.
guess this semester's gpa would be a sucky one but i ensure my classmates and the people out there including me, i will not disappoint myself during year2. and lecturers said year 1 students have no difficulty scoring for their GPAs, i doubt that. try my best okay?
slept the whole day before the start of a new week. due to playing non-stop soccer in the morning under the hot blazing sun. got a few sun burnts and with my debut appearance with the new soccer shoes. i was playing like crap, could not adapt to it. damn. the friction under my soles were burning hot. had blisters too. oh my too much complaining will give me more and more strands of white hair.
surprisingly my number of readers haven slightly decreasing over the past few months. but im proud to say that i have a few loyal readers who have been tagging here and enjoying these fabulous articles of mine. so people spread words around to make this blog known. :) haha
hope to see you guys tomorrow. this is just the beginning of stress, i will start to feel it during wed. saddening.
once in a lifetime, means there is no second chance. guys, if you happened to see someone who might be your lifetime partner, do not hestitate, please go up to her and ask her number for goodness' sake. do not feel afraid, do not end up like me and ivan. LOL. we wasted our chances yesterday cause we were hestitating.
good morning people today i am going to test my new shoes on the parade square and hopefully with this new pair of shoes and i get to play my best again. its been some time since i played soccer in school, after last time incident, we were not able to play again due to our indisciplinary actions.
but like prisoners, everyone deserves a second chance you know. so today i am not going to court trouble today. just clean the soccer court and thrash my opponents into the bin. sounds very arrogant but i am not. i am just the fastest player among everyone. (just joking people, do not feel offended)
time is ticking away and im here blogging about my life. everyone out there is doing something meaningful and i still do not know what i should do. classmates are pressurizing me everytime they got high marks for their quizzes or tests. feels different from last semester, cause i felt more relaxed despite the fact that i got good results and classmates getting higher than me. do i need to be the best to feel happy? this is one question i always ponder on. looks like i've been thinking too much again.
the third chalet is coming again, this time would it be better? more exciting? more memories? more arguements?. well we will see about that. but honestly i do hope there might be arguements and stuffs cause that is wad makes the chalet interesting la. but with the prospect of inviting more people to our chalet might change the fact that some of us guys have to restrict ourselves to some topics that might be sensitive to some people. but one the unfortunate things is that after the chalet, is exams time for those studying in ngee ann.
starting from next week i think i will be mugging in the library til the day before the chalet, so as to prepare myself for the upcoming common tests, and enjoy myself without giving a hoot to studies for that particular 3 days 2 nights. :)
good morning people today i am going to test my new shoes on the parade square and hopefully with this new pair of shoes and i get to play my best again. its been some time since i played soccer in school, after last time incident, we were not able to play again due to our indisciplinary actions.
but like prisoners, everyone deserves a second chance you know. so today i am not going to court trouble today. just clean the soccer court and thrash my opponents into the bin. sounds very arrogant but i am not. i am just the fastest player among everyone. (just joking people, do not feel offended)
time is ticking away and im here blogging about my life. everyone out there is doing something meaningful and i still do not know what i should do. classmates are pressurizing me everytime they got high marks for their quizzes or tests. feels different from last semester, cause i felt more relaxed despite the fact that i got good results and classmates getting higher than me. do i need to be the best to feel happy? this is one question i always ponder on. looks like i've been thinking too much again.
the third chalet is coming again, this time would it be better? more exciting? more memories? more arguements?. well we will see about that. but honestly i do hope there might be arguements and stuffs cause that is wad makes the chalet interesting la. but with the prospect of inviting more people to our chalet might change the fact that some of us guys have to restrict ourselves to some topics that might be sensitive to some people. but one the unfortunate things is that after the chalet, is exams time for those studying in ngee ann.
starting from next week i think i will be mugging in the library til the day before the chalet, so as to prepare myself for the upcoming common tests, and enjoy myself without giving a hoot to studies for that particular 3 days 2 nights. :)
saturday was suppose to be a day for me to study my notes and prepare myself for next monday's test. but i woke up late at 5pm and ivan called me few times. i was suppose to meet him to shop at queenstown la. yup so we met at 6 and headed to our destination. had katong laksa and the both of us saw this two girls walking past us and trust me, they were sisters! wa lao both also super hot la. one cute and the other beautiful. imagine me and ivan being their parents' in-laws. LOL power
got a pair of shoes and went to meet wq and gang lo for dinner at 515 again.
think thats about it for today lo. :)
got a pair of shoes and went to meet wq and gang lo for dinner at 515 again.
think thats about it for today lo. :)
woke up im still sixteen! stuck on my bed preparing to be late for sport and wellness today. damn however with my lightning pace and quick spidey sense i managed to reached the sports complex on time. haha phew lucky me. then followed by cats lesson where i almost got a zero for my assessment la, fortunately the lecturer was kind hearted enough sia. and i learnt one meaningful thing today. reflections are something that you ponder on and write down your feelings of something you do. not recording what you have done like a tape recorder. lol
headed to library to finish up my self test 1c and 2. everything done before the arrival of the competition. thinking of the matches that i played with my team on tue, i felt very happy and honoured to play with my course peeps. its the first time i get to play with them captain ball except for louis (got played before). and trust me the 2nd match on tues was a shocker la! think those opponents also scare of us alr after we beat them with my shocker goal during the last 12 secs of the game. honestly i do not think we won by luck, though the opponents had their practice before playing against us. i think we won because we were agressive and with the ' never-say-die ' spirit, it was impossible not qualifying for the quarter finals. that match was the best i have ever played. :)
today we played and finally won the 4th spot. our at seniors kicked us out at the semis and trust me they are too good. they do not practice, they have the experience. we were thrashed by them totally. but i think this should be a lesson learnt, cause winning is not eveything, we must enjoy the process too. but the first 3 places belongs to our at courses la. haha very proud of them and my team! wq was also there to support us! haha he gave me encouragement and i improved myself as a player too. thanks. this is the first time playing with them, i hope to get more chances playing with them again. :) haha hope there is soccer. LOL
headed to library to finish up my self test 1c and 2. everything done before the arrival of the competition. thinking of the matches that i played with my team on tue, i felt very happy and honoured to play with my course peeps. its the first time i get to play with them captain ball except for louis (got played before). and trust me the 2nd match on tues was a shocker la! think those opponents also scare of us alr after we beat them with my shocker goal during the last 12 secs of the game. honestly i do not think we won by luck, though the opponents had their practice before playing against us. i think we won because we were agressive and with the ' never-say-die ' spirit, it was impossible not qualifying for the quarter finals. that match was the best i have ever played. :)
today we played and finally won the 4th spot. our at seniors kicked us out at the semis and trust me they are too good. they do not practice, they have the experience. we were thrashed by them totally. but i think this should be a lesson learnt, cause winning is not eveything, we must enjoy the process too. but the first 3 places belongs to our at courses la. haha very proud of them and my team! wq was also there to support us! haha he gave me encouragement and i improved myself as a player too. thanks. this is the first time playing with them, i hope to get more chances playing with them again. :) haha hope there is soccer. LOL
okay here it goes sister! :)
today woke up in the early morning to study my ammp test. tiger should know what time i was studying la. haha lol wad a shocker man. then head to school super early and prepared myself for the test. and i can say that the test was a stupid one. all the things i studied did not came out la. siaaan. after that presentation! i came in lecturer called out my name and i gave a thorough lecture to the class. phew i was super delighted, cause i managed to get the class' attention la. a big thank you to those listening ears. of course with a lil entertainment does the trick. hee
okay! today soccer training after lessons, turns out that the coach sucks big time and i could play better than the coach. BOMB! lol became unbeated for many times until it was time that we should go home and so we lost the game intentionally. :)
i dunno lei these few days like kinda emo, maybe its due to the workload and the arrival of the chalet that is giving me the headaches. lol i really cant wait for the chalet la, but the thought of the common tests is really a stunner. damn! its been super happening during this week. sports camp, cpt ball competition, relay run, wow! so many things yet so lil time.
argh. cant we just have 3o hrs per day ?
today woke up in the early morning to study my ammp test. tiger should know what time i was studying la. haha lol wad a shocker man. then head to school super early and prepared myself for the test. and i can say that the test was a stupid one. all the things i studied did not came out la. siaaan. after that presentation! i came in lecturer called out my name and i gave a thorough lecture to the class. phew i was super delighted, cause i managed to get the class' attention la. a big thank you to those listening ears. of course with a lil entertainment does the trick. hee
okay! today soccer training after lessons, turns out that the coach sucks big time and i could play better than the coach. BOMB! lol became unbeated for many times until it was time that we should go home and so we lost the game intentionally. :)
i dunno lei these few days like kinda emo, maybe its due to the workload and the arrival of the chalet that is giving me the headaches. lol i really cant wait for the chalet la, but the thought of the common tests is really a stunner. damn! its been super happening during this week. sports camp, cpt ball competition, relay run, wow! so many things yet so lil time.
argh. cant we just have 3o hrs per day ?
' okay class thats all for today's math lesson. enjoy your day tml. ' that was the best sentence said by my lecturer since 3pm. hahahaha and yup tml would be deepavali! a day where many indians celebrate their 'new year' if im not wrong. but i was thinking, why the lunar new year lasted for 15 days, hari raya lasted for at least 2 mths while deepavali lasts for only a day? well dun think so much liao also la. headache.
after lessons i went to atc (aerospace technology club) to help out with a project, and yea im fixing a glider along with my teammates too. there's this godness in at yr 2 and she is super duper hot! given her figure and everything else, it was a total screamer la. haha me and tiger were looking until our eyes 'pop' out sia! okay joking only. haha
during the night i met my pals for soccer at the vista park, in the end we played in a carpark la. haha til 11 plus then me wq cm yu jie ivan boon chye had supper at 515 lo. now i just reached home and im blogging now. gay shit! haha
tomorrow i will be heading down to yishun to have my hair cut with wq and cm will be accompanying us too. cool sia. long time also nv go out liao i mean just the 3 of us. haha
i think i have been enjoying too much sia, time to study if not next week cfm die lo. have to study alot of tests for next week. siaaaaaan
after lessons i went to atc (aerospace technology club) to help out with a project, and yea im fixing a glider along with my teammates too. there's this godness in at yr 2 and she is super duper hot! given her figure and everything else, it was a total screamer la. haha me and tiger were looking until our eyes 'pop' out sia! okay joking only. haha
during the night i met my pals for soccer at the vista park, in the end we played in a carpark la. haha til 11 plus then me wq cm yu jie ivan boon chye had supper at 515 lo. now i just reached home and im blogging now. gay shit! haha
tomorrow i will be heading down to yishun to have my hair cut with wq and cm will be accompanying us too. cool sia. long time also nv go out liao i mean just the 3 of us. haha
i think i have been enjoying too much sia, time to study if not next week cfm die lo. have to study alot of tests for next week. siaaaaaan
today was the award ceremony, and i got two certificates. yea crap there's no cash! initially i assumed there was no money to be received but after the ceremony i heard that they will cash in the money via giro lo. phew lucky me. but the refreshments werent a disappointment la! the food was super delicious. so ppl! you must do well to enjoy these kind of priviledges hahahaha. okay im being super guai lan! alright! sian next week quiz for FAT and engineering mechanics! im gamed for it! math quiz was today and it was super easy. 5% into my pocket. haha im super determined that i will get AD for it. :)
tml after school will attending atc, after that soccer in the night. boon chye called to organise. long time also nv see him liao. haha it will a so called gathering for us guys before we meet up on deepavali lo. im beginning to blog everyday liao. cool huh? well must practice my communication skills. sports camp recruitment is on this friday. nervous ? nah. im going to know many girls!
tml after school will attending atc, after that soccer in the night. boon chye called to organise. long time also nv see him liao. haha it will a so called gathering for us guys before we meet up on deepavali lo. im beginning to blog everyday liao. cool huh? well must practice my communication skills. sports camp recruitment is on this friday. nervous ? nah. im going to know many girls!
remember remember the 5th of november. today was pretty alright in campus, nothing much happened, just that the workload increased a lil. damn i should be preparing for tomorrow, yup its the big day tml! im getting my prize presentation at lecture 38! so guys if you happen to by pass there, do come and support me! lol! joking. haha k k i finished my math tutorials. and im good okay! oh shit. i forgot to study my math quiz. okay okay after this i better go study le. wa liao need to score full marks for it cause i wanna ad for this module.
wad am i talking about right now?! i should focusing on this week's activities! deepavali, soccer, and shopping! haha thats wad im planning to do this week. :) hahahahaha
wad am i talking about right now?! i should focusing on this week's activities! deepavali, soccer, and shopping! haha thats wad im planning to do this week. :) hahahahaha
during the evening, me wq billy joash louis dex qw sui xiong alvin went cycling from woodlands to choa chu kang to try out their prawn noodles. but BUT! by the time we reached there the stall closed la. siaaan. okay okay in the end we had 'zi char' lo haha, ate alot sia and we were super full. headed to bukit panjang and played arcade for awhile lo. haha then walked around before heading home. it was drizzling a lil but still some managed to reach home safely. i sure hoped wq had reached home le ba. mmm cause he's staying at sembawang and the last one to reach home lo.
alright the menu for tml! hand up overseas form, hand up cats assignment, finish up math revision! tts all for tml. haha! alright then. i go sleep le. nights ppl!
alright the menu for tml! hand up overseas form, hand up cats assignment, finish up math revision! tts all for tml. haha! alright then. i go sleep le. nights ppl!
watched ' v for vendetta' and ' flashpoint ' on my laptop yesterday. these two movies are super cool la. saturday was kinda okay for me. i did my work in the early morning, then prepared myself to go to marina to shopping lo. haha alone! walked around see girls and i took my own sweet time.
you see, im a kind of person who likes to shop alone, cause i dun like ppl waiting for me while i shop. lol bought boxers, school bag, and a piece of shirt lo. met ivan for dinner during the night haha talked alot sia, some crap and girl stuffs. damn! haha
headed to joash house for soccer match. a very dramatic match between arsenal and man utd. esp during the last dying mins of the game. hahaha joash and i were so ecstatic that arsenal got the equaliser sia! wq billy and ivan stunned lo. hahaha wa super funny la. dex came too, but he left due to his mom. stayed at his house til 3am then went home. super tired...
today i will cycling with the grp again. well not a big grp, just a few. but that will do, i need to hit my target trips by this month. hahaha.
you see, im a kind of person who likes to shop alone, cause i dun like ppl waiting for me while i shop. lol bought boxers, school bag, and a piece of shirt lo. met ivan for dinner during the night haha talked alot sia, some crap and girl stuffs. damn! haha
headed to joash house for soccer match. a very dramatic match between arsenal and man utd. esp during the last dying mins of the game. hahaha joash and i were so ecstatic that arsenal got the equaliser sia! wq billy and ivan stunned lo. hahaha wa super funny la. dex came too, but he left due to his mom. stayed at his house til 3am then went home. super tired...
today i will cycling with the grp again. well not a big grp, just a few. but that will do, i need to hit my target trips by this month. hahaha.
tonight's the big game that everyone is waiting for. thats right - arsenal vs man utd! haha so i better finish up all my homework before i get to enjoy tml and tonight lo. haha sian sian now in the midst of doing nothing. wanna go shopping but i dunno wad to buy lei. haha go shopping alone also sian ma. wa lan boring life sia damnit!
finally the month has come-november. it is surprising, that the time during life in ngee ann passes so quickly that a blink of an eye. we have reached november alr. wow i read samantha's blog, and true enough, i do miss 4e3 la. those crappy times in class, haha thinking back of those stupid i did with my friends certainly brought a smile to my face. :) well right now, im able to get along with my classmates, though some i might not talk often, there's still time! so dun worry la. hahaha
today i had my sports and wellness lesson, finally talked to someone of the opposite sex. she is super hot man! we were doing this circuit training and she was behind me. okay the story goes like this...
her partner was this gay. my partner was qing wen. haha heng sia. qing wen passed the ball superbly and i hit it with style. turn ended. now it was her turn. that stupid gay threw the ball as if he forgotten to have his breakfast in the morning and of course, she missed the ball. then that gay turned around and blocked qing wen's view. qw asked for him to siam, instead the gay still stood in his way! damn! never seen this kind of super guai lan gay la. oh man then i told her that we switched partners. she agreed. but the whistle blew la. damn! tts the end of our s&w lessons.
noobshit!!! argh! im beginning to like sports and wellness. heee
headed for cats class. and left my shoebag at the sports complex. -.- ran all the way back to retrieve it la. super sian sia! reached the class late and sweating la. wa liao fortunately my lecturer was kind enough to close one eye. haha and yea he's gay la. admit it. LOL and he praise my first assignment! im so honoured la. damn ! gogo spiderman!
stayed til 5pm then headed for a briefing. i wanna Laos for community service overseas trip! aaahhhhh imagine going there with my group of bros! =) haha its gg to be so fun! power. but the spaces are limited la. so i have faster submit the form if not i cfm eat shit! LOL! gonna hand up the form the first thing tml. power power.
so many things yet so lil time. next tue would be my prize presentation! hopefully i have fans to cheer for me. haha and friday i would having my first sports camp recruitment! hope i get in and know many ppl. esp peeps of the opp gender. wahahahahaa
today i had my sports and wellness lesson, finally talked to someone of the opposite sex. she is super hot man! we were doing this circuit training and she was behind me. okay the story goes like this...
her partner was this gay. my partner was qing wen. haha heng sia. qing wen passed the ball superbly and i hit it with style. turn ended. now it was her turn. that stupid gay threw the ball as if he forgotten to have his breakfast in the morning and of course, she missed the ball. then that gay turned around and blocked qing wen's view. qw asked for him to siam, instead the gay still stood in his way! damn! never seen this kind of super guai lan gay la. oh man then i told her that we switched partners. she agreed. but the whistle blew la. damn! tts the end of our s&w lessons.
noobshit!!! argh! im beginning to like sports and wellness. heee
headed for cats class. and left my shoebag at the sports complex. -.- ran all the way back to retrieve it la. super sian sia! reached the class late and sweating la. wa liao fortunately my lecturer was kind enough to close one eye. haha and yea he's gay la. admit it. LOL and he praise my first assignment! im so honoured la. damn ! gogo spiderman!
stayed til 5pm then headed for a briefing. i wanna Laos for community service overseas trip! aaahhhhh imagine going there with my group of bros! =) haha its gg to be so fun! power. but the spaces are limited la. so i have faster submit the form if not i cfm eat shit! LOL! gonna hand up the form the first thing tml. power power.
so many things yet so lil time. next tue would be my prize presentation! hopefully i have fans to cheer for me. haha and friday i would having my first sports camp recruitment! hope i get in and know many ppl. esp peeps of the opp gender. wahahahahaa
hello people. long time also never come back here to update la. haha due to someone's request i shall post one! haha okay last week was kinda stress for me cause i had to finish up this project work which is super tough and i screwed it badly for the last question. -.- hopefully can pass lo.
then came today, had this ammp online test and was caught cheating by my lecturer. noob sia i just dun like him. keeps mumbling to himself when im actually sitting in the front row! and i cant hear a damn thing! wth. -.- he took my name down and if im not wrong i assume he's gonna fail me for that. siaaan
things went quite okay today. the main goals i have for tml - study ete, engineering mechanics, and write a reflection for my cats. thats what i must do for tml. must plan everything swee swee before i get to enjoy on weekends. hahaha will be heading out with louis and joash again. this time i think to lavender, bugis. im going shopping! like finally, i need my school bag and jeans! ahh. haha alright man! i finished my math le. tml is going to be so fun cause im getting off at 3pm! hahaha
sports camp! here i come!
then came today, had this ammp online test and was caught cheating by my lecturer. noob sia i just dun like him. keeps mumbling to himself when im actually sitting in the front row! and i cant hear a damn thing! wth. -.- he took my name down and if im not wrong i assume he's gonna fail me for that. siaaan
things went quite okay today. the main goals i have for tml - study ete, engineering mechanics, and write a reflection for my cats. thats what i must do for tml. must plan everything swee swee before i get to enjoy on weekends. hahaha will be heading out with louis and joash again. this time i think to lavender, bugis. im going shopping! like finally, i need my school bag and jeans! ahh. haha alright man! i finished my math le. tml is going to be so fun cause im getting off at 3pm! hahaha
sports camp! here i come!
wright brothers. a380.concorde. neil armstrong. history of the aerospace. and you know what? it totally sucks and a waste of my time. lol
been've staying up late these days in campus doing research and finishing up my project ' aero '. a name that i came up with. cause i can feel the stress while doing this proj. one of the toughest i have ever face sia. lol. took my salary yesterday - 561 bucks =). i will be back in carrier next year de. :)
wa liao kinda moodless blogging now lei. ivan phua ask me to go sign up for xanga sia LOL. wait la when i free then will do de. haha sian. k la i think thats all le. night.
its all over. i think so.....
been've staying up late these days in campus doing research and finishing up my project ' aero '. a name that i came up with. cause i can feel the stress while doing this proj. one of the toughest i have ever face sia. lol. took my salary yesterday - 561 bucks =). i will be back in carrier next year de. :)
wa liao kinda moodless blogging now lei. ivan phua ask me to go sign up for xanga sia LOL. wait la when i free then will do de. haha sian. k la i think thats all le. night.
its all over. i think so.....
i got the monday blues again. things werent the way i expected. was late as usual for school, and my stupid lecturer is paid to talk to himself. i was trying to hear his voice from the back of the class, well not mentioning understanding what was he saying. -.-
went to SIM for lunch with classmates. then it was the same old routine til 4pm. slacked with wq ben and qw til 7pm and headed home.
im starting school at 12 pm tml. aint tt cool and here is something more cooler. im starting practical this friday and my group would be the first to do the welding practical ! super cool :)
kok chye and samantha gave me encouraging words tt boost my morale. think what i have done was wrong. therefore a change of tactics and formation would be required. hopefully i can wake up early tml and start on my project in campus tml. =)
nights peeps ciaos.
so stay 17 each time. you'll get one year older :)
i got the monday blues again. things werent the way i expected. was late as usual for school, and my stupid lecturer is paid to talk to himself. i was trying to hear his voice from the back of the class, well not mentioning understanding what was he saying. -.-
went to SIM for lunch with classmates. then it was the same old routine til 4pm. slacked with wq ben and qw til 7pm and headed home.
im starting school at 12 pm tml. aint tt cool and here is something more cooler. im starting practical this friday and my group would be the first to do the welding practical ! super cool :)
kok chye and samantha gave me encouraging words tt boost my morale. think what i have done was wrong. therefore a change of tactics and formation would be required. hopefully i can wake up early tml and start on my project in campus tml. =)
nights peeps ciaos.
so stay 17 each time. you'll get one year older :)
if you are a rugby fan and you support england, well im sorry to say that the south africans have won the world cup this early morning. 6-15 was the score between the two countries. and trust me you would regret if you miss watching it. cause its super exciting and breath- taking as england and south africa gave everything in the field. me kok wq sophia and billy were the only ones in vista point watching the match lo.
woke up at 4pm today and it was super shiok cause i get to sleep all the way at this time lo :)
supposedly going to shop at marina square alone la. but the merseyside derby starts at 7.4opm so slack at home then after went to joash house. homework i will do it tml lo. as for the bday card, i think i know what to write le la. haha i think im getting her a bday cake for her. a small one. hope everything goes well on her bday, just dun wanna be a embarassment in front of her. imagine she asks her frens to acc her i cfm siao liao lo. she told me a fren would be acc her la so thats still acceptable. lol sian la. i must focus and persevere!
you are my heroine...
woke up at 4pm today and it was super shiok cause i get to sleep all the way at this time lo :)
supposedly going to shop at marina square alone la. but the merseyside derby starts at 7.4opm so slack at home then after went to joash house. homework i will do it tml lo. as for the bday card, i think i know what to write le la. haha i think im getting her a bday cake for her. a small one. hope everything goes well on her bday, just dun wanna be a embarassment in front of her. imagine she asks her frens to acc her i cfm siao liao lo. she told me a fren would be acc her la so thats still acceptable. lol sian la. i must focus and persevere!
you are my heroine...
today late for practical lesson but i saw sharity and her class below my block while running to class. haha lol things are getting way off track when i heard from her that she was not prepared to get a boyfriend. =( i was moodless for that period of time. gave attitude to people who smsed me. kinda sian diao. then my friend told me, no matter what happens, i need to persevere. ben billy xiong kok all encourage me. haha yup! i fell down, but i will pick myself up and work harder! mmm seriously she is the type of girl im looking for. a man utd fan. a cross-country runner which means she is a athlete. wow and not mentioning she is tall but english-speaking. haha i dun mind speaking english =) but i hope she can feel my sincerity as her birthday is arriving on monday. and i have alr bought a card and a small present for her. hope she like it =) man im blogging all about her. yea she makes me go crazy over her. damn ! im not desperate but i think the power of love is starting to react again. i tot everything was going to be over until she came into my life. but the big question is. will she like someone like me? man i will just take my chances. my friend, yao jun asked whether i was serious about chasing her. yes is the answer. =) argh. sometimes when she nv reply, i will be moodless de. and when she does, it brings life back into me. lol weird i know but thats the power of love. hahaha friends told me i will change target again if i fail to chase her. but hey just let nature takes it course. haha i just known her for 2 weeks only. haha dun worry i wun rush things too fast. =) like what she told me. patience is a virtue. =) haha tml shopping !
first week of school and it has been a very tiring one. haha and guess wad? i got to know someone too during the hols :) she's a nice girl and i hope to know her more. serious! okay okay i shall summarise everything. lessons as usual and this time merging with other classes which is sucky -.-
cats lessons was fun. wq was right. he predicted that my class would be taught by the gay teacher. haha he was super funny la. always crapping with his stories. lol i think i will be having fun during this time in cats. hopefully i can maintain my grades for this semester. :)
she's just the girl im looking for =)=)
cats lessons was fun. wq was right. he predicted that my class would be taught by the gay teacher. haha he was super funny la. always crapping with his stories. lol i think i will be having fun during this time in cats. hopefully i can maintain my grades for this semester. :)
she's just the girl im looking for =)=)
hello people! im back again ! haha well many things to talk about but shant shoot them all in here of course. if not you will doze off while reading it. hahaha school's gonna start soon and i am not still ready lei haix. all my stationaries and books all haven buy yet lei. wa liao and a new school bag! i need to get one. i really do need haha cause mine's kinda spoilt liao.
cant wait for the chalet to arrive. haha just less then two months only. needa prepare many things! mmm everyone is also anticipating the arrival of the chalet days. all the fun and crap we will be having there :)
tomorrow then blog ba. now super tired le. okay nights peeps
cant wait for the chalet to arrive. haha just less then two months only. needa prepare many things! mmm everyone is also anticipating the arrival of the chalet days. all the fun and crap we will be having there :)
tomorrow then blog ba. now super tired le. okay nights peeps
leaving the workplace is really saddening but i gotta move on and prepare myself for the next semester of the life in campus. haix just reached home so blog abit lo. recently feeling down these few days but luckily got louis wq and joash to crap with which makes me lighter la. haha well tomorrow might be heading down to campus to get my school books with them, follow by a movie ' resident evil:extinction ' in the night. coool. :)
it seems my sister samantha neo doesnt want to update her damn blog. damn ! haha smsed mandy ytd. haha its been a while since i chatted with her, okay okay its been a super long time la! oh yea i went to pierce my ear with wq at cwp too. haha wq got a second hole on his left while i got mine on the right. hahaha people say that if i pierce on the right, its gay. if i do it on the left is boy. so by having two holes on both sides respectively its gayboy! hahaha okay lame. just kinda bored thats all. called her and chatted with her before going to sleep.
where is our group gathering?!?! the only thing i know is that i've been hanging out with qw wei liang joash louis wq dex thats all. haha okay some are busy with their o lvls. others busy with ??? . lol
haix...=( sian la.
it seems my sister samantha neo doesnt want to update her damn blog. damn ! haha smsed mandy ytd. haha its been a while since i chatted with her, okay okay its been a super long time la! oh yea i went to pierce my ear with wq at cwp too. haha wq got a second hole on his left while i got mine on the right. hahaha people say that if i pierce on the right, its gay. if i do it on the left is boy. so by having two holes on both sides respectively its gayboy! hahaha okay lame. just kinda bored thats all. called her and chatted with her before going to sleep.
where is our group gathering?!?! the only thing i know is that i've been hanging out with qw wei liang joash louis wq dex thats all. haha okay some are busy with their o lvls. others busy with ??? . lol
haix...=( sian la.
its been a few days since i last appear in blogger. haha well working in tuas has been a wonderful experience for me. i got friends there to crap with everyday, knowing different people from different parts of china, faces which are unusual and very funny, and last of all attractive aunties. :):):) okay joking only la. just two who seemed to get my attention every time when i work. haha thats the side - effects after working there lo. :)
i just received my 2nd pay ytd during lunch break. haha well its 894.5 dollars. cool eh? working at carrier is super fun la, but sometimes very bored and tiring. but this second pay would be used to cover my thailand trip expenses. haha oh ya there might be a back-up plan if the thailand trip were to fail. hahaha. imagine those frustrated faces if the plan backfires. haha i think that wouldnt happen la. :)
this 2 month holidays has passed super fast. haha soon some of my bros would be facing their biggest test of this year. yup the o lvls. i just wished they would all do well for the damn papers and get over it quickly and come to ngee ann to find us. hahaha like that it would be one happy gathering. haha :)
later i will be heading to cleon's house and slack there with a whole grp of ppl. haha it was his birthday ytd but i was busy working. lol shall make it up today ma. haha its better to be late than never. soccer tml ! and oh oh ! did i mention one thing? joash just ask all of us to acc him to plaza singapura to visit his good old friend. only those working at carrier would know who she is. hahaha :) imagine the look on joash face if he reads this LOL! haha
okay guys im gg to sleep soon. :) too tired later then go to cleon house. haha see ya then.
i just received my 2nd pay ytd during lunch break. haha well its 894.5 dollars. cool eh? working at carrier is super fun la, but sometimes very bored and tiring. but this second pay would be used to cover my thailand trip expenses. haha oh ya there might be a back-up plan if the thailand trip were to fail. hahaha. imagine those frustrated faces if the plan backfires. haha i think that wouldnt happen la. :)
this 2 month holidays has passed super fast. haha soon some of my bros would be facing their biggest test of this year. yup the o lvls. i just wished they would all do well for the damn papers and get over it quickly and come to ngee ann to find us. hahaha like that it would be one happy gathering. haha :)
later i will be heading to cleon's house and slack there with a whole grp of ppl. haha it was his birthday ytd but i was busy working. lol shall make it up today ma. haha its better to be late than never. soccer tml ! and oh oh ! did i mention one thing? joash just ask all of us to acc him to plaza singapura to visit his good old friend. only those working at carrier would know who she is. hahaha :) imagine the look on joash face if he reads this LOL! haha
okay guys im gg to sleep soon. :) too tired later then go to cleon house. haha see ya then.
just woke up a few minutes ago and here i am staring at the com with blurry vision. supposedly there is soccer at chr at 3pm. and im still blogging! hahaha imagine if wq sees this he's gonna screw me liao. wa liao ytd went down to eat pizza hut with wq and joash ! omg ! the meal was cheesy and it really knock me out flat. end up baking at home again. LOL!
alright! i have alr made around 800 plus for my second pay le. haha okay okay the guys are calling me liao i gotta zao liao ! bye! =)
alright! i have alr made around 800 plus for my second pay le. haha okay okay the guys are calling me liao i gotta zao liao ! bye! =)
came home and stepped on something hard. and i fcuking realize that it was my bro's specs. chao cheeee byeeee. and there goes my hard-earned two days' salary kan ni na eh. -.- initially when i stepped on it the specs was just twisted badly and i could bring it to the optician to have it fixed but when my mom showed me the specs it was broken in half! and i knew who the culprit was. my dad. wa lao and now i have to pay for the full sum. chao cheeee byeeee fcuk!
cumon i have already planned well for the use of the money, now that the lost of 1oo dollars gone means i have to re-organized the whole usage of my salary. wtf. siannn la thought i could come online to post something nice and super funny during those working days at carrier. but noww......... fcuk it la cheee byeeee. damn -.- mood all spoilt and lost over this kind of crap.
cumon i have already planned well for the use of the money, now that the lost of 1oo dollars gone means i have to re-organized the whole usage of my salary. wtf. siannn la thought i could come online to post something nice and super funny during those working days at carrier. but noww......... fcuk it la cheee byeeee. damn -.- mood all spoilt and lost over this kind of crap.
wa liao finally the first pay of the month! 529.5! haha but the next pay would be even thrilling. might go up to 7oo plus if i chiong ot and ot and ot. had so much fun during this time in carrier. the people, the crap that we came up during breaktimes. haha being super punctual for work. LOL! well did not had much life during this holidays. but hey there's something i wanna say. there is this woman in the work place that i find attractive, yea she's old but definitely attractive to me i must say. well thats my side effects after working for weeks in carrier. LOL!
my friendster views has been deterioating drastically, looks like everyone is busy with their own hoildays. haha cant wait for the next gathering le. hahaa i still rmb we said we would meet up during the sept holidays on last june. haha there will be one...
money money money, always money! in a rich's man world!
my friendster views has been deterioating drastically, looks like everyone is busy with their own hoildays. haha cant wait for the next gathering le. hahaa i still rmb we said we would meet up during the sept holidays on last june. haha there will be one...
money money money, always money! in a rich's man world!
woke up early in the morning, rushed down to carrier factory with joash qw wq and xiong. had breakfast there and after the next thing, WE SKIPPED WORK!!! haha headed back to wq house and slacked awhile before playing arcade at yishun. haha sui xiong did not came with us, he persevered on with his work. haha! okay yesterday's work was really tough i really did not have the mood to work today. and this thur would be wq's birthday so we will be taking off too. and what was the reason we gave? - there would be two upcoming events in ngee ann polytechnic and the four of us would be excused on that day. HAHA!
earned about 6oo dollars already. which is halfway through my targeted amount for the thai trip. i think beside earning this amount of money, saving helps to raise funds for the trip too yea. haha this week i hope to reach the amount to 9oo dollars. so that the following two weeks i can earn for my leisure and savings for the bank.
well have to go sleep le. haha night! take care everyone.
earned about 6oo dollars already. which is halfway through my targeted amount for the thai trip. i think beside earning this amount of money, saving helps to raise funds for the trip too yea. haha this week i hope to reach the amount to 9oo dollars. so that the following two weeks i can earn for my leisure and savings for the bank.
well have to go sleep le. haha night! take care everyone.
im on high of 75! 660.5 dollars into my pocket for this weeek! sweeee sweeeee :)
okay okay these weeks of holidays i could say there is no much of enjoyment for me, esp today cause i got posted to other station during work. and it was horrible la =( i had to bend and pop all the rivets into the air cooler. haix sui xiong took over ben's place, wei liang did the starting of the air cooler. wa liao the 3 of us super sway la, hopefully i will be back at my old station. i swear i will work super harder at station 8 now. i wun slack le if not i will be posted to station 1 again. that is super tiring and back-aching.
okay okay took half day ytd and went down to pool and arcade at ang mo kio with dex qw wei liang sui xiong joash ben. haha long time also nv go out as a small group liao. then had thai and chalet meeting during the night. haha cant wait to book those tics and get my ass on the plane now to thailand!!! =)
samsung z3, when are u coming to papa?! im waiting for you, i will pick you up after the day i will be leaving my ipod video. heee.
okay okay these weeks of holidays i could say there is no much of enjoyment for me, esp today cause i got posted to other station during work. and it was horrible la =( i had to bend and pop all the rivets into the air cooler. haix sui xiong took over ben's place, wei liang did the starting of the air cooler. wa liao the 3 of us super sway la, hopefully i will be back at my old station. i swear i will work super harder at station 8 now. i wun slack le if not i will be posted to station 1 again. that is super tiring and back-aching.
okay okay took half day ytd and went down to pool and arcade at ang mo kio with dex qw wei liang sui xiong joash ben. haha long time also nv go out as a small group liao. then had thai and chalet meeting during the night. haha cant wait to book those tics and get my ass on the plane now to thailand!!! =)
samsung z3, when are u coming to papa?! im waiting for you, i will pick you up after the day i will be leaving my ipod video. heee.
okay back to normal life. working this 1 whole week is sure torture for me, but i need to cool down la, if not very easy to fall sick! haha. wa liao sian la. super tired now , but im having about 4oo plus in my pocket liao . hahahaahaahahahaha. song bo!!!!
okay back to normal life. working this 1 whole week is sure torture for me, but i need to cool down la, if not very easy to fall sick! haha. wa liao sian la. super tired now , but im having about 4oo plus in my pocket liao . hahahaahaahahahaha. song bo!!!!
back here to blog. okay okay about the camera hp. i think i can take away the idea, haha but the idea of getting the samsung z3 still goes on. working in the first half of the day was terrible, i kept dozing off while drilling the screws. ended up i needed some coffee to perk me up.
overtime was abit better of course felt more energetic to continue on cause of the extra cash im gg to earn. but i cant spend! cause the almost half the money i earned would be going to thailand fund! damn !
still got what else to post? oh ya. i wanna play soccer this week! haha its a must, after last week performance i am very impressed with myself. i will continue to kick better and outshine all soccer players! haha okay okay that was just a joke. LOL !
overtime was abit better of course felt more energetic to continue on cause of the extra cash im gg to earn. but i cant spend! cause the almost half the money i earned would be going to thailand fund! damn !
still got what else to post? oh ya. i wanna play soccer this week! haha its a must, after last week performance i am very impressed with myself. i will continue to kick better and outshine all soccer players! haha okay okay that was just a joke. LOL !
fourth day at work was super boring. i was expecting overtime from my supervisor, but the most guilty thing is my colleague got scolded like hell from my supervisor cause of me. =( in the end the whole air cooler unit got rejected. okay im so dead, just found out i did the same thing for the other two units too. but tml they will found out la, okay okay dun sack me please please =/ haixx...
this week is going to be another long week for me, given all the workload piling up on me. haha and i have to spend carefully cause my mom told me that my allowance would be used from my salary! wtf! like that how to save for thai trip? wa liao, i wanna use my salary to get the samsung yp-z5! must change a new mp3 la cause my ipod too big la. mmm, and get a camera hp so that i got more pics when i go to thailand with my bros next yr ! aha =)
mmm. think tts all im gonna post le. take care guys.
this week is going to be another long week for me, given all the workload piling up on me. haha and i have to spend carefully cause my mom told me that my allowance would be used from my salary! wtf! like that how to save for thai trip? wa liao, i wanna use my salary to get the samsung yp-z5! must change a new mp3 la cause my ipod too big la. mmm, and get a camera hp so that i got more pics when i go to thailand with my bros next yr ! aha =)
mmm. think tts all im gonna post le. take care guys.
first day at work with wq and joash was fairly okay, except for the fact i slashed my knuckle while drilling the screws. wa liao the metal blades were located below my hand. damn ! the supervisor also la, brief me on the stuffs and then forgot to pass me the gloves and the incident happened la. haha. yup im currently working part-time with the company carrier. im one of the crew there already. and those china, india and m'sia workers are super friendly and they very di siao sia. well think thats how they relieve their work stress. mmm.
me wq and joash are the senior among the 8 new crew members. ben is the 2nd senior, qw wei liang sui xiong and louis are to start their first debut appearance next monday. well the more ppl the more trouble actually, in terms of getting a place in the bus when reporting to work and going back home. lol
in just 3 days i can easily earn ard 2oo bucks liao. and i will be getting my uniform next week ! haha super cool! haha must bring a bag on monday. overall i can cope with the working environment there, and it is easy to fall sick if you dun drink enough water, then falling sick means not being able to work and earn those easy money sia. haha. but its fun working esp when you have friends there. it builds up the bonds too. well joash alwasy crap there la, tt helps me alot, cause i can laugh while working damn !~
cant wait for thailand trip and chalet! i can smell the bbq pit and those thai girls! bird's nest! steady la. save save save spend spend spend. ! alright!!!!!
me wq and joash are the senior among the 8 new crew members. ben is the 2nd senior, qw wei liang sui xiong and louis are to start their first debut appearance next monday. well the more ppl the more trouble actually, in terms of getting a place in the bus when reporting to work and going back home. lol
in just 3 days i can easily earn ard 2oo bucks liao. and i will be getting my uniform next week ! haha super cool! haha must bring a bag on monday. overall i can cope with the working environment there, and it is easy to fall sick if you dun drink enough water, then falling sick means not being able to work and earn those easy money sia. haha. but its fun working esp when you have friends there. it builds up the bonds too. well joash alwasy crap there la, tt helps me alot, cause i can laugh while working damn !~
cant wait for thailand trip and chalet! i can smell the bbq pit and those thai girls! bird's nest! steady la. save save save spend spend spend. ! alright!!!!!
okay went for interview with louis wq and joash at a factory, carrier. its a aircon factory where it is not air-conditioned. LOL ! but the good news is me wq joash got in! steady got brothers to acc me sia. louis' acceptance would be known this friday. haha cause he cant work this week due to a holiday trip he has planned.
another good brother of mine who celebrated his birthday by playing soccer with us. im so happy and touched that almost everyone turned up ! well we will cele for him officially some other day ba. haha though i treated him a lil for dinner, but got sincerity okay! haha steady la cm treated him one drumstick! haha after that chatted til about 2 plus in the morning before heading home. well we were planning for a trip to thailand. hopefully i can go there....
another good brother of mine who celebrated his birthday by playing soccer with us. im so happy and touched that almost everyone turned up ! well we will cele for him officially some other day ba. haha though i treated him a lil for dinner, but got sincerity okay! haha steady la cm treated him one drumstick! haha after that chatted til about 2 plus in the morning before heading home. well we were planning for a trip to thailand. hopefully i can go there....
suppose to meet my brothers at vista point at 9am. turned out that i could not really wake up at that time, cause the night before i was at ivan's house rushing up his folio. even at school me billy and wq had to help him finalise and touch up his folio before submitting it. end up me and wq did not meet any teachers or even see our juniors at all. LOL ! but we were glad that he finished up his folio. =) i believed he will do it and score a b3 and above !
at night i went for a gathering with chr peeps which also includes almost all my brothers la. sophia yi wen and tina. haha actually sophia also one of us too la. mmm had dinner at makan sutra which was located beside esplanade. not long after cm came to join us too, and chatted beside the singapore river there for ard 2 hours plus. haha then it was home sweet home. hope everyone did enjoyed themselves! haha =)
hopefully our group can organise one group gathering for all brothers and sisters la. haha if not it will be super bored. mmm. must organise!
ivan's birthday is coming liao. this is the moment worth waiting for. birthday bash!!! haha
after that would be wq birthday. haha monday would be ivan's birthday.
suppose to meet my brothers at vista point at 9am. turned out that i could not really wake up at that time, cause the night before i was at ivan's house rushing up his folio. even at school me billy and wq had to help him finalise and touch up his folio before submitting it. end up me and wq did not meet any teachers or even see our juniors at all. LOL ! but we were glad that he finished up his folio. =) i believed he will do it and score a b3 and above !
at night i went for a gathering with chr peeps which also includes almost all my brothers la. sophia yi wen and tina. haha actually sophia also one of us too la. mmm had dinner at makan sutra which was located beside esplanade. not long after cm came to join us too, and chatted beside the singapore river there for ard 2 hours plus. haha then it was home sweet home. hope everyone did enjoyed themselves! haha =)
hopefully our group can organise one group gathering for all brothers and sisters la. haha if not it will be super bored. mmm. must organise!
ivan's birthday is coming liao. this is the moment worth waiting for. birthday bash!!! haha
after that would be wq birthday. haha monday would be ivan's birthday.
after thursday morning chat at 515 kopitiam, i slept til about 1pm in the afternoon and mom shouted to wake me up. damn~ but i was shocked that sophia missed her chem and poa prelims. and i thought to myself, partly our fault cause we chatted til 5 am in the morning. then made her overslept sia. sian sian really have to apologize...
been thinking about the ideas i have to draw for ivan. oh well turns out i did draw 2 ideas in the end. organise a soccer gathering during evening. and almost everyone turned up. haha wei liang dex kok chye joash sui xiong ben wq leong billy turned up. haha was kinda touched la. LOL there were some minor and major injuries during the games and surprisingly there were no challengers nor next teams to play with us. saddening...
headed to rest at 888 after playing. mmm had dinner and chatted about lots of things. then me billy and wq chiong to ivan house and did some touch up on his dnt before we went home. he still haven complete his dnt but i will try to reach school early and help him out before the submission deadline closes. me and wq will go back and help out. plus billy. haha
tml would be my brother birthday and i mean biological de. haha and teachers' day celebration! haha going back to school with our group and crash the school. haha LOL ! its been quite a while since we see the students. and the loving teachers. damn~!
been thinking about the ideas i have to draw for ivan. oh well turns out i did draw 2 ideas in the end. organise a soccer gathering during evening. and almost everyone turned up. haha wei liang dex kok chye joash sui xiong ben wq leong billy turned up. haha was kinda touched la. LOL there were some minor and major injuries during the games and surprisingly there were no challengers nor next teams to play with us. saddening...
headed to rest at 888 after playing. mmm had dinner and chatted about lots of things. then me billy and wq chiong to ivan house and did some touch up on his dnt before we went home. he still haven complete his dnt but i will try to reach school early and help him out before the submission deadline closes. me and wq will go back and help out. plus billy. haha
tml would be my brother birthday and i mean biological de. haha and teachers' day celebration! haha going back to school with our group and crash the school. haha LOL ! its been quite a while since we see the students. and the loving teachers. damn~!
headed down to woodlands checkpoint with qw wq billy louis xiong sophia kok chye. went there to window shop, eat, arcade, and pool there til about 6 plus before going home. after that we went to catch a movie during at night. ' dead silence ' yea it was kinda crap luh. it was not scary at all la, well except for the sound effects damn!~ to all the peeps out there : do not waste your money on that movie.
it was already 11 plus and me sophia wq louis billy kok sharity went to 515 to eat and chat luh. wq billy louis left and jeronme came and joined us too. chatted til about 5am before going home. haha i still haven drew ivan's ideas, but i have already finished 2 ideas before going to rest, which was a stupid thing to do. cause i wokep up at 1 plus, and mom was nagging about latching the door the next time if i got home after 12 am again. sian... but it was a good chat after all, talk about many things la. haha. lol
well today i think i will go to ivan's house and finish up his dnt. i must really help him man. dunno whether i will go there alone. tml would be teachers' day! haha some of the cool ex-chrians including me would be heading back to chr and find our teachers! haha, long time nv see them liao. haha i believe tml would be a fun day. oh yea prelims are officially over today! haha if im not wrong. im trying to organise a soccer gathering tonight, but eh due to the heavy rain in just now, we will see about that luh. haha okay la. see you guys at night!
it was already 11 plus and me sophia wq louis billy kok sharity went to 515 to eat and chat luh. wq billy louis left and jeronme came and joined us too. chatted til about 5am before going home. haha i still haven drew ivan's ideas, but i have already finished 2 ideas before going to rest, which was a stupid thing to do. cause i wokep up at 1 plus, and mom was nagging about latching the door the next time if i got home after 12 am again. sian... but it was a good chat after all, talk about many things la. haha. lol
well today i think i will go to ivan's house and finish up his dnt. i must really help him man. dunno whether i will go there alone. tml would be teachers' day! haha some of the cool ex-chrians including me would be heading back to chr and find our teachers! haha, long time nv see them liao. haha i believe tml would be a fun day. oh yea prelims are officially over today! haha if im not wrong. im trying to organise a soccer gathering tonight, but eh due to the heavy rain in just now, we will see about that luh. haha okay la. see you guys at night!
boring boring boring! spent the whole day rotting at home, while some of our group members are still mugging on their books as their exam period is not over yet. then played soccer in the night at tekong with peeps who are having their holidays now. haha then slacked at 888 before reaching home. wa my post today si bei short. never mind tml going out with some of my brothers to woodlands checkpoint to window shop. haha tata people
woke up in the early afternoon and did the usual household chores at home before slacking in front of the laptop. its been going on like that since the holidays started. boring. slacked til about 5 plus before heading back to school to meet kok chye sophia and pastor joseph, we were going to marcus aunt's funeral. met cm and ivan too as we about to leave the school. i saw joan too haha long time also never see her liao.
took us 1 hour plus before reaching our destination and we paid our respects and attended a service held by pastor you. it was in hokkien version, haha it was quite funny but very meaningful la. chatted with the peeps until 9 plus before proceeding to 888 to meet joash billy. but in the end we went to 515 for supper instead. and met kai hong's mum with her friend. treated us supper and then chatted till 2 plus before heading home.
kinda moodless blogging today. something is whirling around my mind. i had this dream about me and her getting back together. and we went shopping for ultraman stuffs! but there was this part where she actually fainted suddenly and could not woke up regardless of nudging her and shouting for her to wake up. and then i got up from bed.
i still cant let go of our past... damn i still like her.
took us 1 hour plus before reaching our destination and we paid our respects and attended a service held by pastor you. it was in hokkien version, haha it was quite funny but very meaningful la. chatted with the peeps until 9 plus before proceeding to 888 to meet joash billy. but in the end we went to 515 for supper instead. and met kai hong's mum with her friend. treated us supper and then chatted till 2 plus before heading home.
kinda moodless blogging today. something is whirling around my mind. i had this dream about me and her getting back together. and we went shopping for ultraman stuffs! but there was this part where she actually fainted suddenly and could not woke up regardless of nudging her and shouting for her to wake up. and then i got up from bed.
i still cant let go of our past... damn i still like her.
i was browsing at my previous comments and testimonials. and i thought back of the past. during those times in christ church again :) reading all of them brought a smile to my face cause of those times i had with my friends sisters and brothers. those memories are really hard to forget and they never will be. if i have my children i will them many stories of my life in christ church secondary school. :)
although i typed it before but i feel like typing again. memories that are hard to forget la. i still remember during sec 2 me wq ivan were like the best of friends la. doing everything together and sleeping together! i've been to mount kinabalu with louis and the friendship between us were unforgetable. rajesh left chr to america, and that was really saddening. i still remember going to his house to study for our mid year exams and we did stupid things like going to his dad cupboard and search for things la. haha and during deepavali our 2e1 gang went to rajesh house to eat breakfast and played soccer, followed which we proceeded to aravin house for round 2 before going to play catching at a multi-storey carpark. haha cool!
oh oh and national day 2e1 had this performance beside vista point for our guest of honour mr maliki. haha i still remember after that afternoon we were given a 4 hour break before our final performance. me ben wq louis teck meng went to samuel house and caught a movie. haha i think they should know what movie it is ba. haha cheeky boys of 2e1. LOL
detention for a month was also fun especially with 2e1! for some reason me louis wq houelong ben manfred i think were caught for some stupid stuffs. but it was funny la. haha
wa liao sec 2 life already so fun-filled. imagine the life i was going to have when i will promoted in sec 3...
although i typed it before but i feel like typing again. memories that are hard to forget la. i still remember during sec 2 me wq ivan were like the best of friends la. doing everything together and sleeping together! i've been to mount kinabalu with louis and the friendship between us were unforgetable. rajesh left chr to america, and that was really saddening. i still remember going to his house to study for our mid year exams and we did stupid things like going to his dad cupboard and search for things la. haha and during deepavali our 2e1 gang went to rajesh house to eat breakfast and played soccer, followed which we proceeded to aravin house for round 2 before going to play catching at a multi-storey carpark. haha cool!
oh oh and national day 2e1 had this performance beside vista point for our guest of honour mr maliki. haha i still remember after that afternoon we were given a 4 hour break before our final performance. me ben wq louis teck meng went to samuel house and caught a movie. haha i think they should know what movie it is ba. haha cheeky boys of 2e1. LOL
detention for a month was also fun especially with 2e1! for some reason me louis wq houelong ben manfred i think were caught for some stupid stuffs. but it was funny la. haha
wa liao sec 2 life already so fun-filled. imagine the life i was going to have when i will promoted in sec 3...
wahaha! hello people and crappers! i have just changed my blogskin! i have not been posting these few days and i apologize for any inconvenience caused.
many things happened this week. first start on friday, i had thermofluid paper on that day and i am dead sure im gonna score for that paper man. for aerospace materials and processes i think pass can le ba. haha engineering math and the rest are a piece of cake to me. okay okay cannot be too proud le. later must prove with results!
then on friday night qing wen called and told me it was dexter's birthday! haha
so i went out to celebrate his birthday with the rest of the guys. ben wei liang sui xiong wei qian billy qing wen. yeap the seven of us! haha it was another enjoyable moment, of course we got screened by the police twice in a row during that night. catched a movie and then headed to ben's house for a drink and chatted until 6 plus in the morning, before heading home and throwing myself on the bed. haha
second up! saturday, it was during afternoon when ivan called and asked me to help him out with his dnt la. haha, so i headed there in the afternoon half-dead half awake. LOL it was very tiring la. stayed there til evening before meeting joash for dinner at 888 haha. then went back to his house again and caught the liverpool clash with sunderland where the final score was 2-0. kinda fortunate for liverpool. after that watched chelsea first half before proceeding to the next destination. cm house, then watched the second half there. haha before going back home.
billy and yu jie's bikes were stolen at around civic centre. damn! must find those culprits. -.-
activities for next week - go back to chr on teachers' day. soccer match second leg. training. look for manufacturing jobs.
many things happened this week. first start on friday, i had thermofluid paper on that day and i am dead sure im gonna score for that paper man. for aerospace materials and processes i think pass can le ba. haha engineering math and the rest are a piece of cake to me. okay okay cannot be too proud le. later must prove with results!
then on friday night qing wen called and told me it was dexter's birthday! haha
so i went out to celebrate his birthday with the rest of the guys. ben wei liang sui xiong wei qian billy qing wen. yeap the seven of us! haha it was another enjoyable moment, of course we got screened by the police twice in a row during that night. catched a movie and then headed to ben's house for a drink and chatted until 6 plus in the morning, before heading home and throwing myself on the bed. haha
second up! saturday, it was during afternoon when ivan called and asked me to help him out with his dnt la. haha, so i headed there in the afternoon half-dead half awake. LOL it was very tiring la. stayed there til evening before meeting joash for dinner at 888 haha. then went back to his house again and caught the liverpool clash with sunderland where the final score was 2-0. kinda fortunate for liverpool. after that watched chelsea first half before proceeding to the next destination. cm house, then watched the second half there. haha before going back home.
billy and yu jie's bikes were stolen at around civic centre. damn! must find those culprits. -.-
activities for next week - go back to chr on teachers' day. soccer match second leg. training. look for manufacturing jobs.
my stupid blogskin has a damn problem, gonna change on during the holidays! and today was stupid for me! over confidence will always be one's downfall. i was too confident of my paper, i was browsing through the exam paper and i was smiling all the way as the questions were all like so easy to me. okay then i waited for the time to come to start the paper.
as i was taking the choices for the mcq my mind suddenly went blank! i was like ' oh shit ' and kept doing the paper la. after that i reached section b and some questions were so easy that i could not answer it. and i lost around 10 marks for that section. section c was the worst, i read one of the qn wrongly! 12 mm was the number i put in my calculation. however 10 mm was the correct number. wat the fuck!!! and there goes my 6 marks. there were some graph questions where i plot the points wrongly and labelling were all wrong! wrong wrong wrong!!! nothing was going smoothly for me in the last half hour. i was editing all my spelling mistakes! wa liao, no mood sia. =(
tomorrow i must hit top form! thermofluid i cannot afford to lag behind. i must score at a AD for it. if not this 2 months holidays sure not happy de. sian la!
as i was taking the choices for the mcq my mind suddenly went blank! i was like ' oh shit ' and kept doing the paper la. after that i reached section b and some questions were so easy that i could not answer it. and i lost around 10 marks for that section. section c was the worst, i read one of the qn wrongly! 12 mm was the number i put in my calculation. however 10 mm was the correct number. wat the fuck!!! and there goes my 6 marks. there were some graph questions where i plot the points wrongly and labelling were all wrong! wrong wrong wrong!!! nothing was going smoothly for me in the last half hour. i was editing all my spelling mistakes! wa liao, no mood sia. =(
tomorrow i must hit top form! thermofluid i cannot afford to lag behind. i must score at a AD for it. if not this 2 months holidays sure not happy de. sian la!
the score was 7-1 and we lost the match to some stupid team. we were very unlucky, the pitch was muddy and hard to kick the ball. but the opposing team played as if they were on dry ground. and no doubts about it, they were all aged 2o plus, has been to national service, so it was not surprising that they could play under such field conditions. damn!~ but the scoreline shows that our team did not play hard enough. there will be a second leg coming up and rest assured i will get my form back like how i played in my team ' winters '.
this week is a very tough week for me, after blogging i must go back and mug on my books which my exams are on thursday and friday. i feel the stress piling up on me, headed back to campus to help tiger and trey out with their thermofluid. and i dunno whether i should go back tml again. saw sharity with her classmates mugging in the library too. stayed there till 8 plus before heading back home for dinner.
seems like my knowledge in thermofluid has rust a lil bit, but i will try to understand the whole thing again. wow spent the whole day on chpt 6 revising that piece of formula. but i understand it after doing some questions which were quite fcuked up. but that will worked.
cant wait for the exams to finish and then job seeking! haha earn money is my priority and i might be going back to the kiddy ride job to help out until i find another good-paying job. i wanna work in the manufacturing side. haha
this week is a very tough week for me, after blogging i must go back and mug on my books which my exams are on thursday and friday. i feel the stress piling up on me, headed back to campus to help tiger and trey out with their thermofluid. and i dunno whether i should go back tml again. saw sharity with her classmates mugging in the library too. stayed there till 8 plus before heading back home for dinner.
seems like my knowledge in thermofluid has rust a lil bit, but i will try to understand the whole thing again. wow spent the whole day on chpt 6 revising that piece of formula. but i understand it after doing some questions which were quite fcuked up. but that will worked.
cant wait for the exams to finish and then job seeking! haha earn money is my priority and i might be going back to the kiddy ride job to help out until i find another good-paying job. i wanna work in the manufacturing side. haha
today was fairly okay. it was the last workshop on the topic ' the power of sex '. it was quite sad cause it lasted for only 7 weeks lo. hope that there will be more workshops lo in the near future. it was a total learning experience for me and i had found answers to some questions which i have been asking myself.
this week has been quite a busy week for me and my bros as the math paper was on friday. fortunately i took the paper with confidence and i had no worries scoring well for the paper. =) what is important now is the two papers that is going to be on next week. that will be terror for me. the pressure is on me as i have been topping the class for thermofluid.
tml i would be having a soccer match with a unknown team in yishun. haha must win sia if not very xia sway man. mmm how i wish my team winters was still playing la. haix sadly we have already separated on our own ways liao. haix... but i will play to my best de la!!! haha dun worry! i wun let my team down. =)
this week has been quite a busy week for me and my bros as the math paper was on friday. fortunately i took the paper with confidence and i had no worries scoring well for the paper. =) what is important now is the two papers that is going to be on next week. that will be terror for me. the pressure is on me as i have been topping the class for thermofluid.
tml i would be having a soccer match with a unknown team in yishun. haha must win sia if not very xia sway man. mmm how i wish my team winters was still playing la. haix sadly we have already separated on our own ways liao. haix... but i will play to my best de la!!! haha dun worry! i wun let my team down. =)
no matter what happens, i must respect her decision. as long she is happy, i am happy too. haha alright back to studying time, today went to the library at around 7.45pm at woodlands library and good gracious i had only 1 hour plus to complete the math paper before the closure of the library. tml i would be heading there early to do some revision before going to pick meiting up from school. she is having her exams tml and im sure she would be able to get a good grade for her paper. haha, she has been spending time doing her revision over the weekends and even missed the fireworks of the national day parade. haix but fortunately leong has recorded the fireworks. i might be able to get the video from him and show her. :)
after this week would be very tough for me liao, as the two papers next week would be a terrorizing one. however after the exam period there is no rest for me still, i have to start looking for a job in the manufacturing service sector as the pay there is high and i need the money for my bagpacking trip with the gang at the end of the year. haha LOL i must save sia. haha mmm and also for shopping! long time never shop to reward myself liao.
i wanna watch the movie ' secret ' heard from some jay fans that it is a good movie and ' rush hour 3 ' of course!
oh great! my friendster profile has gotten a virus and shoot i dun wanna change a new acc if not i have no comments. i mean all the comments i received from the past are very valuable to me la.
from sec 2 to now de lei. cant expect me to let go all of them. haix stupid effing friendster. -.-
no matter what happens spidey will always be here... =) or there
after this week would be very tough for me liao, as the two papers next week would be a terrorizing one. however after the exam period there is no rest for me still, i have to start looking for a job in the manufacturing service sector as the pay there is high and i need the money for my bagpacking trip with the gang at the end of the year. haha LOL i must save sia. haha mmm and also for shopping! long time never shop to reward myself liao.
i wanna watch the movie ' secret ' heard from some jay fans that it is a good movie and ' rush hour 3 ' of course!
oh great! my friendster profile has gotten a virus and shoot i dun wanna change a new acc if not i have no comments. i mean all the comments i received from the past are very valuable to me la.
from sec 2 to now de lei. cant expect me to let go all of them. haix stupid effing friendster. -.-
no matter what happens spidey will always be here... =) or there
hi guys today i went to library and study my engineering math, and chatted with her via sms. i dunno what to post now. my head is in a mess, hope i can concentrate on the final exams. wondering what i am missing now, mmm wq says there is a soccer match this sunday with an unknown team. well not in the mood for that now, hopefully i can go to church and listen to the last topic. hope there will be some answers to some questions that i am seeking for.
benja ask me to go houe long house and have a few sips, well im not sure whether i wanna go there but, i just wanna wash away my unhappiness. mmm, things i did in the past were way horrible, terrible and vegetable. haix now this is the time to stand up against the dark forces, the time for me to overcome my fear. there is no room for mercy, focus on my main goal.
to that someone who wanna posed as me. you know what? you are a sore loser and you suck when it comes to posing as me. and never say anything that discriminate her. i swear i will slash you when i see you. trust me.
benja ask me to go houe long house and have a few sips, well im not sure whether i wanna go there but, i just wanna wash away my unhappiness. mmm, things i did in the past were way horrible, terrible and vegetable. haix now this is the time to stand up against the dark forces, the time for me to overcome my fear. there is no room for mercy, focus on my main goal.
to that someone who wanna posed as me. you know what? you are a sore loser and you suck when it comes to posing as me. and never say anything that discriminate her. i swear i will slash you when i see you. trust me.
yesterday went for the workshop at church, then down to paya lebar at night to have dinner with cm's dad and the gang. haha, then headed down to houe long house for a drink and chatted till 2 plus in the morning. haha, head was spinning but i was not drunk. drives away all the sorrow in me.
today woke up in the morning and went to school, haha before that i went to vista point to have tea to refresh my mind and stomach. haha met pastor joseph there having breakfast with his kids, lol then went to school and play abit of soccer. haha cant believe i scored 3 goals. one own goal and two goals that kept the hopes of winning alive for my team. hee and i dedicated my two goals to mei ting! steady de. not the own goal of course. then helped krishna to move those heavy stuffs, and our rewards were jerseys! haha the next time we go to cycle we will not need to worry le. haha got the free jerseys.
just realize i got a few competitors, haha okay i anyhow talk liao. gtg er bye bye!! =)
today woke up in the morning and went to school, haha before that i went to vista point to have tea to refresh my mind and stomach. haha met pastor joseph there having breakfast with his kids, lol then went to school and play abit of soccer. haha cant believe i scored 3 goals. one own goal and two goals that kept the hopes of winning alive for my team. hee and i dedicated my two goals to mei ting! steady de. not the own goal of course. then helped krishna to move those heavy stuffs, and our rewards were jerseys! haha the next time we go to cycle we will not need to worry le. haha got the free jerseys.
just realize i got a few competitors, haha okay i anyhow talk liao. gtg er bye bye!! =)
yesterday was singapore's birthday, and trust me it was super funn cycling to marina bay there. haha alright!~ me wq billy joash dexter leong and louis set off ard 5 plus from 888 to bukit timah where we had our dinner there first. yup just the 7 of us but still very noisy and fuun. haha after that it was already 7pm liao, wq said if we wanna catch the fireworks at marina bay we still had 1okm away from our destination. so wq said we must chiong 1km 5 min, at that time dexter was cycling with his gt, and we thought it was impossible to cycle there on time. but surprisingly we did, and it was below expectation! haha supposedly we were supposed to reach there around 45 mins, but we did it in 39 mins! haha its all because of our discipline. haha and i must really praise dex la, he improved alot from last time. haha the way he choing with gt really like siao la. haha
after we reached marina there, we watched the fireworks shooting up into the sky and it was simply magnificent! haha steady la and then we took pictures there to show that we have completed the mission for our cycling club and it was the second successful trip once again. although i almost freaked out during one incident during the trip, it was alright though no one got hurt, well maybe la, which was on the way back home, joash and leong was singing loudly until two dogs appeared and chased. then we all panicked la! billy was like very shocked and i was at the last -.- suddenly two cars came by and the dogs went back to their area liao. phew must really thank the drivers.
then we reached joash house ard 1 plus and chatted til 3 plus then we got home. haha long time also nv chat with leong and dex liao. haha LOL alright!~ looking forward to the next trip. =)
after we reached marina there, we watched the fireworks shooting up into the sky and it was simply magnificent! haha steady la and then we took pictures there to show that we have completed the mission for our cycling club and it was the second successful trip once again. although i almost freaked out during one incident during the trip, it was alright though no one got hurt, well maybe la, which was on the way back home, joash and leong was singing loudly until two dogs appeared and chased. then we all panicked la! billy was like very shocked and i was at the last -.- suddenly two cars came by and the dogs went back to their area liao. phew must really thank the drivers.
then we reached joash house ard 1 plus and chatted til 3 plus then we got home. haha long time also nv chat with leong and dex liao. haha LOL alright!~ looking forward to the next trip. =)
alright i just finished my compro practical test la, and the mcq was kinda disappointing. i got 49/75 for it. but the practical questions were totally easy :) as i practice like siao the day before the exam. haha so no worries for that. and im left with 3 modules! haha must chiong arh!
okay headed to the library to play cs after the exam. then watched some futsal videos, and i asked ivan they all whether wanna play soccer ma, and they agreed. so just now we went to play soccer at tekong park there ard 8 plus. haha wei liang cleon and xiong were there too, and so long nv see wei liang liao. plus boon chye too, haha those times sia. okay back to soccer, i did not played like myself, instead i played for glory and cause my own team countless defeats. :( i must work harder! haha
okay i believe tml we guys will be cycling to marina bay to catch the fireworks during night time, and its gonna be spectacular! haha, first time we will be cycling down on national day! hee :)
okay im going to sleep now le, nights ppl.
okay headed to the library to play cs after the exam. then watched some futsal videos, and i asked ivan they all whether wanna play soccer ma, and they agreed. so just now we went to play soccer at tekong park there ard 8 plus. haha wei liang cleon and xiong were there too, and so long nv see wei liang liao. plus boon chye too, haha those times sia. okay back to soccer, i did not played like myself, instead i played for glory and cause my own team countless defeats. :( i must work harder! haha
okay i believe tml we guys will be cycling to marina bay to catch the fireworks during night time, and its gonna be spectacular! haha, first time we will be cycling down on national day! hee :)
okay im going to sleep now le, nights ppl.
today was entertaining!~ reached school around 11.55am to prepare for lessons and headed for lunch after 12.3opm, went back to slack during math lessons and then revision during thermofluid. time passes very fast and me tiger trey headed to library to study after that, mmm something happened to trey and i hope he gets over it quickly. if not he will not concentrate well on his exams. seems like my class are starting to chiong their studies liao, wow tough tough, haha. left campus at 5.23pm.
reached home and finished my math tutorials, as tml i need to stay in school until very late for lessons so i need my mp3 with me again haha, to accompany me home if no one wanna stay until night falls. haha gyming on wed so if anyone is interested can join me :)
wow thermofluid and amp just two weeks away, i can afford to relax one more day. haha during national day and friday. miss her so much. damn!~
reached home and finished my math tutorials, as tml i need to stay in school until very late for lessons so i need my mp3 with me again haha, to accompany me home if no one wanna stay until night falls. haha gyming on wed so if anyone is interested can join me :)
wow thermofluid and amp just two weeks away, i can afford to relax one more day. haha during national day and friday. miss her so much. damn!~
just went to cm's house to catch the community shield match. its man utd vs chelsea, and guess what the game was super boring la, between two good teams and luckily we were crapping like hell la to keep ourselves entertained. soon wq kok chye and sophia met us and had supper with us, then we went home. :)
alright!~ monday today, im gg to school to study my compro mcq first, after which i will practise some questions to prepare myself for the practical. haha, mmm, and my compro project haven finish yet!~ siao liao la, must finish before national day, as that day i will be cycling with the group haha.
life in poly is getting more interesting. i just wish my class got more girls. oh man please help me. just add more colours to my class and this aerospace course. :)
alright!~ monday today, im gg to school to study my compro mcq first, after which i will practise some questions to prepare myself for the practical. haha, mmm, and my compro project haven finish yet!~ siao liao la, must finish before national day, as that day i will be cycling with the group haha.
life in poly is getting more interesting. i just wish my class got more girls. oh man please help me. just add more colours to my class and this aerospace course. :)
yesterday celebrated billy's birthday with the gang. in the afternoon i met the gang and we went to church to attend the workshop before going to tampinese to have our dinner there. surprisingly samantha turned up too, haha asked her along too. thanks for coming samantha! :) had funn during the buffet, haha eat and eat and eat non-stop. overall the day was funn.
today woke up in the morning and played soccer in school, slept around 3.3opm like that. was training cs and doing my project.
i feeling very lonely, i miss her. :(
today woke up in the morning and played soccer in school, slept around 3.3opm like that. was training cs and doing my project.
i feeling very lonely, i miss her. :(
okay firstly... there is something i wanna declare:
i was late for school again for the fifth time this week, damn! keep this up and i confirm cannot take my exam on wed. oh ya i must go for make-up compro lessons this week, well hopefully there is if not im going to be so dead la. haha reached school and helped tiger and trey with their mol, fortunately all of us managed to finish up everything la. haha, then tiger wanted to have breakfast, and he suggested roti prata at canteen 3, cause i got emphasize on the roti prata la. haha, okay so me trey and tiger ordered total of 2 cheese 2 egg and 1 plain prata. haha, guess wad, tiger trey and me had problems finishing up the pratas~ haha it looked as if we got owed by few pieces of pratas! haha, damn 1 egg prata is enough to owe us liao, let alone the cheese prata or the plain prata. alright~! but its worth it, cause its budget, bloated and beri song! :)
haha after school i went to find wei qian, he told me there was a fire in one of a van and imagine if the firemen did not arrive in time, i dunno what will happen to wei qian, as he was having his test near the scene of the incident. haha LOL, went home after that, wq wanted to have his hair cut and so we travelled to sophia's house where he got tortured by sophia la. haha, then cm came along and the 3 of us had lunch after wq had his haircut. haha its absolutely free for him!
in the evening i went to gym alone, but when i reached the 969 bus stop, i saw joash and the gang there, haha, damn!~ i did not know they were there la. but its okay la, at least i got accompany ma, cant expect me to go there alone de. very sian ma, haha crapped with ivan la, for so long also nv talk with him liao. talked about our stuffs la. haha, i believe tml will be a very fun day, cause almost all the guys will gather to cock ! haha alright! played soccer after gym lesson, and billy birthday! haha he will be dead tml i guess, after our birthday bash!!!
better watch out arh billy loo. hee hee hee
i was late for school again for the fifth time this week, damn! keep this up and i confirm cannot take my exam on wed. oh ya i must go for make-up compro lessons this week, well hopefully there is if not im going to be so dead la. haha reached school and helped tiger and trey with their mol, fortunately all of us managed to finish up everything la. haha, then tiger wanted to have breakfast, and he suggested roti prata at canteen 3, cause i got emphasize on the roti prata la. haha, okay so me trey and tiger ordered total of 2 cheese 2 egg and 1 plain prata. haha, guess wad, tiger trey and me had problems finishing up the pratas~ haha it looked as if we got owed by few pieces of pratas! haha, damn 1 egg prata is enough to owe us liao, let alone the cheese prata or the plain prata. alright~! but its worth it, cause its budget, bloated and beri song! :)
haha after school i went to find wei qian, he told me there was a fire in one of a van and imagine if the firemen did not arrive in time, i dunno what will happen to wei qian, as he was having his test near the scene of the incident. haha LOL, went home after that, wq wanted to have his hair cut and so we travelled to sophia's house where he got tortured by sophia la. haha, then cm came along and the 3 of us had lunch after wq had his haircut. haha its absolutely free for him!
in the evening i went to gym alone, but when i reached the 969 bus stop, i saw joash and the gang there, haha, damn!~ i did not know they were there la. but its okay la, at least i got accompany ma, cant expect me to go there alone de. very sian ma, haha crapped with ivan la, for so long also nv talk with him liao. talked about our stuffs la. haha, i believe tml will be a very fun day, cause almost all the guys will gather to cock ! haha alright! played soccer after gym lesson, and billy birthday! haha he will be dead tml i guess, after our birthday bash!!!
better watch out arh billy loo. hee hee hee
today was a short day in school, supposedly wanted to go for compro make-up but in the end it was cancelled because i was late and yao jun still had to wait for me. damn~ must apologize to him man. anyway the two of us was slacking there and talking lo about girls and stuffs, haha then jun long came along and met us too. we all sat there and crap again lo. haha then i headed for lunch alone and sui xiong came to accompany me at canteen 3. we were already late for our IS lessons and qing wen met us too and had his lunch, we 3 were already late for our IS lesson. haha fortunately ms ng temper was good today and she even talked to us nicely and took our attendance la. lol weird. anyway i got a c+ grade for my IS module. damn~ could have been better.
after school i went to the library with qw and i finished up my iac assignment which i was suppose to hand in last week, damn! but nevertheless i still did it and handed it up via email. haha hardworking is the essence to score well in my exams, but right now im still slacking around still day-dreaming. haha oh ya anyone got this song by avril lavigne called ' daydream '?
if yes please send it to me, i want it desperately, been looking for it all over the net trying to download. haha opps. damn!~
went to the gym alone during the evening and hell yea there alot of ppl using the machines and weights and stuffs. had to wait for a long time before i can finally use it sia. haha trained until 9 plus before leaving the place to find wq they all, mmm had dinner liao then went home le lo. haha today im feeling abit better liao. haha, feeling lighter inside myself, and i feel like playing soccer now. ! right now~!
after school i went to the library with qw and i finished up my iac assignment which i was suppose to hand in last week, damn! but nevertheless i still did it and handed it up via email. haha hardworking is the essence to score well in my exams, but right now im still slacking around still day-dreaming. haha oh ya anyone got this song by avril lavigne called ' daydream '?
if yes please send it to me, i want it desperately, been looking for it all over the net trying to download. haha opps. damn!~
went to the gym alone during the evening and hell yea there alot of ppl using the machines and weights and stuffs. had to wait for a long time before i can finally use it sia. haha trained until 9 plus before leaving the place to find wq they all, mmm had dinner liao then went home le lo. haha today im feeling abit better liao. haha, feeling lighter inside myself, and i feel like playing soccer now. ! right now~!
im beginning to get used to poly life liao, haha like today i woke up late again! damn!~ haha took my own sweet time to travel to ngee ann again, then met tiger and gang at library again. haha crapped as usual la. wa liao we even played cs during the last hour before our autocad exam starts. haha, was playing halfway when this stunning and gorgeous girl walked past us and i got shot dead immediately while playing cs. damn!~ then this player in the game whom i dunno told me not to use that pretty girl as an excuse after being shot in the game. haha lol funny sia.
finally exam time! all of us were like panicking once we reached the computer lab la, haha last minute revision and memorisation. when i got my paper i was like ' thank god man '. cause the standard of the paper was not that of a threat, while the standard of trey and tiger's papers were like' shit~! '. haha helped them by editing their first question. haha fortunately i memorised the all the components hard la, and i did not need to draw extra stuffs. haha, soon time was up and we handed up our work and scripts. haha we quickly headed down to library and chiong cs again! haha but this time was not that lucky le, me trey tiger and tzr got thrashed by a grp of guys la, damn!~ i think they are good la, in terms of coordination. haha though we managed to fight back, it was time for dinner! haha :) saw trey's older sister today for the first time. haha honestly she is kinda good looking man, and trey seems to look older than her. LOL haha
i promised myself i would go to gym and train. haha in the end i got home ard 8 plus la, haha, sophia asked me to go dinner with the guys. nah i think i eat at home better. haha, tml going to campus again sia. haha, make up compro lesson with tan kim lan! haha hopefully another miracle happens :) pray pray! haha LOL. i think i have to finish up my iac and hand up tml. who knows i might go to gym tml. but i cant guarantee that as i have to hand up my compro project this sun. damn~!
i am one
i am one
but i am one
i cant do everything
but i can do something
what i can do
i ought to do
and what i ought to do by the grace of God~~!!
finally exam time! all of us were like panicking once we reached the computer lab la, haha last minute revision and memorisation. when i got my paper i was like ' thank god man '. cause the standard of the paper was not that of a threat, while the standard of trey and tiger's papers were like' shit~! '. haha helped them by editing their first question. haha fortunately i memorised the all the components hard la, and i did not need to draw extra stuffs. haha, soon time was up and we handed up our work and scripts. haha we quickly headed down to library and chiong cs again! haha but this time was not that lucky le, me trey tiger and tzr got thrashed by a grp of guys la, damn!~ i think they are good la, in terms of coordination. haha though we managed to fight back, it was time for dinner! haha :) saw trey's older sister today for the first time. haha honestly she is kinda good looking man, and trey seems to look older than her. LOL haha
i promised myself i would go to gym and train. haha in the end i got home ard 8 plus la, haha, sophia asked me to go dinner with the guys. nah i think i eat at home better. haha, tml going to campus again sia. haha, make up compro lesson with tan kim lan! haha hopefully another miracle happens :) pray pray! haha LOL. i think i have to finish up my iac and hand up tml. who knows i might go to gym tml. but i cant guarantee that as i have to hand up my compro project this sun. damn~!
i am one
i am one
but i am one
i cant do everything
but i can do something
what i can do
i ought to do
and what i ought to do by the grace of God~~!!
today woke up late as usual at 11pm. took my time as the next lesson starts at 1pm. haha bathed and prepared myself, and at the same time had my breakfast at home la. i was lazy to walk to school so i took a bus instead. haha crapped with tiger trey and the gang during lecture and compro lessons. went to canteen 3 and had my lunch alone while we were given a 5 mins break from the lecture. i just realized that the roti prata at canteen 3 is super delicious! damn! crispy and very nice! haha i think better than jalan kayu liao. headed back to lecture hall and told trey they all about the roti prata i had, its so hard to describe the taste and the portion was big la! haha wanna use autocad draw out the prata also hard sia. LOL then they burst laughing. funny:)
after school me tiger yao jun and the gang went to library to revise on our autocad as tml would be our autocad exam la. i think im prepared for it la. discussed many things with them about autocad man. understand abit liao. haha still not sure about the first angle and third angle projection. haha alright!~ haha shit.
to some people when i wanna talk about things, they think its funny. mind you to me it isnt funny at all. i feel kinda pissed off, like just now i wanted to throw the whole bowl at his face but i control my temper la. i also have a limit to my patience. fcuk it. -.-
after school me tiger yao jun and the gang went to library to revise on our autocad as tml would be our autocad exam la. i think im prepared for it la. discussed many things with them about autocad man. understand abit liao. haha still not sure about the first angle and third angle projection. haha alright!~ haha shit.
to some people when i wanna talk about things, they think its funny. mind you to me it isnt funny at all. i feel kinda pissed off, like just now i wanted to throw the whole bowl at his face but i control my temper la. i also have a limit to my patience. fcuk it. -.-
today was fairly a good day for me cause i skipped my amp lessons and headed straight for math lesson at 1pm. haha, kinda bored during the math lessons so i taught my friend tiger sim the method to understand matrices lo. turned out that i too understand alot while teaching him. sooner or later im going to discuss with my classmates on the modules thermofluid and amp. haha, been talking alot to trey and tiger lately about relationships and girls. haha cause they also got girlfriends so they will understand my situation. haha
stayed up the whole day in campus just to study the methods for autocad and learning how to draw them with my laptop. turns out im still not quite sure of my first and third angle orthographic. haha this saturday would be billy's birthday! haha turning 17th in just a few more days la! have to save so that we can go sakura and i can pay for the chalet fund.
i did not went to the gym today but i will head down on wed alone, provided there are ppl who wanna join me, meanwhile these few days i would like to be alone for awhile. cause there are somethings tt i have received and being critcised for. so i wanna reflect on myself and hopefully change myself. its hard but i will try...
stayed up the whole day in campus just to study the methods for autocad and learning how to draw them with my laptop. turns out im still not quite sure of my first and third angle orthographic. haha this saturday would be billy's birthday! haha turning 17th in just a few more days la! have to save so that we can go sakura and i can pay for the chalet fund.
i did not went to the gym today but i will head down on wed alone, provided there are ppl who wanna join me, meanwhile these few days i would like to be alone for awhile. cause there are somethings tt i have received and being critcised for. so i wanna reflect on myself and hopefully change myself. its hard but i will try...
it was a beautiful sunday morning, then all of a sudden rain came pouring down heavily and i started playing soccer with them in the parade square at christ church secondary school. it was super fun yet freezing while playing under the rain. haha, after that i went up to the hall and started playing soccer takraw with wq ben joash and then leong kiat. haha it was overall a fun day for me luh, i guess so...
i kept thinking of her ytd night, even dreamt about her too. well it was a bad dream of course, but its all over le between me and her. it takes time, yea it takes time...
next week is billy birthday le, i guess next week i will have to cut off all activities and cooped myself at home, as the final exams are coming near. and recently things happened, and i feel pissed off. just fcuk off man. -.-
oh great i forgot to do my iac again, i kept thinking of too many things, things that are non-relevant to me yet they keep occupying my head. haix hope things go smoothly for me.
alright!~ i must cheer up !~ im alone now all by myself. i need someone or something to spur me on in my 3 years in ngee ann and in everything i do. :)
i kept thinking of her ytd night, even dreamt about her too. well it was a bad dream of course, but its all over le between me and her. it takes time, yea it takes time...
next week is billy birthday le, i guess next week i will have to cut off all activities and cooped myself at home, as the final exams are coming near. and recently things happened, and i feel pissed off. just fcuk off man. -.-
oh great i forgot to do my iac again, i kept thinking of too many things, things that are non-relevant to me yet they keep occupying my head. haix hope things go smoothly for me.
alright!~ i must cheer up !~ im alone now all by myself. i need someone or something to spur me on in my 3 years in ngee ann and in everything i do. :)
hello everybody!~ hows life?!~ well everyone knows i've been down these few days lately
but all that have been solved cause i got brothers and even church members to lighten up
my spirit. although i know it takes time to heal everything and i know its hard for her too.
but i hope that i have learnt something out from our relationship, and meiting will learn something from it too. :)
last week i have to apologize for not posting anything, i assure i will bring you the latest gossips and many events that happened cause right now, i do not have the mood to type a wonderful post for you guys to read, i just wanna let you guys im alright, and i wanna thank pastor joseph la, he talked to me about my broken relationship and i feel so light after hearing what he had said to me. thanks. :)
but all that have been solved cause i got brothers and even church members to lighten up
my spirit. although i know it takes time to heal everything and i know its hard for her too.
but i hope that i have learnt something out from our relationship, and meiting will learn something from it too. :)
last week i have to apologize for not posting anything, i assure i will bring you the latest gossips and many events that happened cause right now, i do not have the mood to type a wonderful post for you guys to read, i just wanna let you guys im alright, and i wanna thank pastor joseph la, he talked to me about my broken relationship and i feel so light after hearing what he had said to me. thanks. :)
okay i enjoyed myself in campus like for today only lo, haha reached school early and
met qw at the library to do out presentation and draft up all our powerpoint slides. then
went for lesson, turned out that our lecturer wanted us to do the presentation next week
since sui xiong is not back in singapore. haha, and guess wad? me billy and wq saw him
today at causeway point, he must be tired after the long trip to indonesia.
saw louis after lesson and its been a long time since i saw him already, time flies huh, lol
fortunately most of us guys get to study in ngee ann, imagine everyone of us separates into
various polytechnics. life is going to be tough for me, haha, cause i cant socialise well and
i dun mix with alot of people in campus. went to library with louis and wq to search for ppl
to play cs and we played till evening la LOL i met 3 guys on lan and they totally were
hackers lo, they kept owning me like 43-60? i was so fcuk up la, 3 guys against me sia.
reached woodlands ard 8 plus, me and wq went to find billly and again i went to catch
harry potter. LOL seriously retarded, but i was explaining to wq about the story as he had
little knowledge about harry potter, i hope he understands the whole show lo. haha its nice
compared to the goblet of fire. tomorrow would be a better day for me, i will be having
lessons til evening due to make up compro lesson, LOL sian man, wanna go gym after that
and workout! haha
met qw at the library to do out presentation and draft up all our powerpoint slides. then
went for lesson, turned out that our lecturer wanted us to do the presentation next week
since sui xiong is not back in singapore. haha, and guess wad? me billy and wq saw him
today at causeway point, he must be tired after the long trip to indonesia.
saw louis after lesson and its been a long time since i saw him already, time flies huh, lol
fortunately most of us guys get to study in ngee ann, imagine everyone of us separates into
various polytechnics. life is going to be tough for me, haha, cause i cant socialise well and
i dun mix with alot of people in campus. went to library with louis and wq to search for ppl
to play cs and we played till evening la LOL i met 3 guys on lan and they totally were
hackers lo, they kept owning me like 43-60? i was so fcuk up la, 3 guys against me sia.
reached woodlands ard 8 plus, me and wq went to find billly and again i went to catch
harry potter. LOL seriously retarded, but i was explaining to wq about the story as he had
little knowledge about harry potter, i hope he understands the whole show lo. haha its nice
compared to the goblet of fire. tomorrow would be a better day for me, i will be having
lessons til evening due to make up compro lesson, LOL sian man, wanna go gym after that
and workout! haha
hi there just wanna post something tts all. today i was for my lesson but my teacher
still took my attendance :) which is something good for me, well today i went to catch
harry potter and the order of pheonix, and i finally understand why the book is better
than the movie, cause the book has more facts than the movie, oh well but i think the
movie is good lo, however not as good as transformers. that movie is much more cooler
haha. oh yea just wanna blog out my anniversary with laopo. nothing much happened
we just went to catch a movie then had dinner at blk 515. then wq and the gang saw me
there and too joined me tgt for dinner, haha then we chatted til 11 plus before sending her
i studied for this particularly test and i was stunned by the test paper. there were two
questions, one which was done in class so i fairly memorised it while the other i had to
think for quite a while, but still i managed to finish the whole paper. im having a stupid
presentation tml and guess what im short with a project-mate, sui xiong, he had to fly
back to indonesia to attend his grandma funeral. sorry about that. so im left with qw and
indian ladies. wtf -.- i dun quite like the two of them, esp 1 of them, the sight of them irks
me. well this is my blog im happy to type what i like. lol let them see la.
tml im gg to catch harry potter again with billy, and i have 3 coupons for the movie. haha
i think tts all for today. haha yawn... night
still took my attendance :) which is something good for me, well today i went to catch
harry potter and the order of pheonix, and i finally understand why the book is better
than the movie, cause the book has more facts than the movie, oh well but i think the
movie is good lo, however not as good as transformers. that movie is much more cooler
haha. oh yea just wanna blog out my anniversary with laopo. nothing much happened
we just went to catch a movie then had dinner at blk 515. then wq and the gang saw me
there and too joined me tgt for dinner, haha then we chatted til 11 plus before sending her
i studied for this particularly test and i was stunned by the test paper. there were two
questions, one which was done in class so i fairly memorised it while the other i had to
think for quite a while, but still i managed to finish the whole paper. im having a stupid
presentation tml and guess what im short with a project-mate, sui xiong, he had to fly
back to indonesia to attend his grandma funeral. sorry about that. so im left with qw and
indian ladies. wtf -.- i dun quite like the two of them, esp 1 of them, the sight of them irks
me. well this is my blog im happy to type what i like. lol let them see la.
tml im gg to catch harry potter again with billy, and i have 3 coupons for the movie. haha
i think tts all for today. haha yawn... night
im right back in the water, i tot i was free like a bird, in the end i back on track to
the endless road. i will be damn busy these few days until thur and sat i will free la,
can enjoy again, until tues which is my final exam part 1, comprogramming, written test
somemore lo, haix.
nothing else le, night.
the endless road. i will be damn busy these few days until thur and sat i will free la,
can enjoy again, until tues which is my final exam part 1, comprogramming, written test
somemore lo, haix.
nothing else le, night.
not seeing my kakis for the whole day seems uneasy, lol joash went for church camp!
it means trouble for his campmates! haha okay just joking only la, went to my grandma
house for dinner and it turns out my uncle surprise us by with his birthday cake. lol surprise
it was my favourite - blueberry cake! we celebrated for him with wine and alcohol and beer
cool drank alot though but i control my limit, haha then went to meet the cm they all at 888
to chat lo, haha
okay today i wanna discuss about my favourite taste-blueberry. why blueberry? cause i
would go to joash house to buy this packet of biscuit which is blueberry flavour and i would not
fail to go there everytime. then i got addicted to it, then that time at 888 sophia brought this
blueberry cheesecake which was so delicious that the cake melted in my mouth la. haha simply perfect-to! haha, then the addiction got even worst when i started buying blueberry milk tea and blueberry milkshake and smoothies in campus. and today my uncle brought a blueberry
cake for his birthday la, super cool and i finish almost half the cake as my family could not
finish the whole thing. haha
something happened while i was walking home with cm and sophia, cm told me that the chalet
might be canceled due to some ppl in our grp who might not be interested. haix, cumon guys
and girls, its just 5o dollars, ask yourself, is it really hard to fork out 5o bucks, or you do not
have the heart to go? if you really have the heart to go, you will definitely find ways to raise
the money and not complaining about how expensive it is lo, haix i mean this kind of chalet
gathering seldom come by and not participating in it really is disappointing.
think about it people... haix
it means trouble for his campmates! haha okay just joking only la, went to my grandma
house for dinner and it turns out my uncle surprise us by with his birthday cake. lol surprise
it was my favourite - blueberry cake! we celebrated for him with wine and alcohol and beer
cool drank alot though but i control my limit, haha then went to meet the cm they all at 888
to chat lo, haha
okay today i wanna discuss about my favourite taste-blueberry. why blueberry? cause i
would go to joash house to buy this packet of biscuit which is blueberry flavour and i would not
fail to go there everytime. then i got addicted to it, then that time at 888 sophia brought this
blueberry cheesecake which was so delicious that the cake melted in my mouth la. haha simply perfect-to! haha, then the addiction got even worst when i started buying blueberry milk tea and blueberry milkshake and smoothies in campus. and today my uncle brought a blueberry
cake for his birthday la, super cool and i finish almost half the cake as my family could not
finish the whole thing. haha
something happened while i was walking home with cm and sophia, cm told me that the chalet
might be canceled due to some ppl in our grp who might not be interested. haix, cumon guys
and girls, its just 5o dollars, ask yourself, is it really hard to fork out 5o bucks, or you do not
have the heart to go? if you really have the heart to go, you will definitely find ways to raise
the money and not complaining about how expensive it is lo, haix i mean this kind of chalet
gathering seldom come by and not participating in it really is disappointing.
think about it people... haix
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