Firstly I want to thank God for bringing the internet connection back to life to my laptop when I am facing desperation in completing my project and now I am praying that I would be able to submit my file... Wait I just got news that my file has been successfully sent!!! Thank God for that =)
I know it is wrong to be late, but still it's better to attend church rather than sleeping till late afternoon, and I am proud to say that I managed to accomplish that. Had my first mission trip briefing today, and I am excited at that prospect of going overseas and doing something that will spark a change in people's lives over there. Why do I say that? Because I believe my turning point in life might be during that week spent in Yunnan. Nevertheless I would discipline myself to control my spending and raise funds for this trip. If i can get 5 or more people over there to accept Christ, then all this fund raising would be worth it. =)
Of course trainings and preparations are not to be taken for granted. I will be teamed up with Wei Qian and Kok Chye, my two brothers who have always been there for me, for game stations and other miscellaneous activities.
The road ahead will be long and lots of hurdles to get past through. But I believe in faith and perseverance would get me through everything. =) Actions speak louder than words! I will work it out through actions!

- noobthenick
- Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.
I was browsing through random blogs, and trey's latest blog caught my attention. It made me reflected quite hard, what it is like stepping out into the real world...
Honestly I can't quite adapt into this realistic world till now, still living in the world where there are always happy endings and good friends who wouldn't turn their backs on you. When I asked people around me what is actually wrong with me during the past two weeks, as I've been feeling quite crabby during that period, Yao Jun told me that I needed to stay calm and keep my cool. I need to open up my heart more to accept the things, be it good or bad, that is happening around me. This is the real world and I need to overcome this fear, to get out of my comfort zone. But I believe that God will guide me through all this slowly. I know this is shocking but sometimes prayers do help relieve my problems.
To me, friends are the most important and till today I still prioritize them as the number one, followed by parents and then the lucky girl. Someone told me this, and it's very true, and that is to be never dependent on your loved one, cause you still need your friends and people around you. If your loved one means the world to you, what happens one day if she leaves you??
One friendly note of advice: Once you finally found someone you really like and the both of you get together, never treat your friends like used condoms. This means forgetting your friends when you find yourself someone you like. It's worst than committing a crime. I seriously don't respect people of this kind. To this type of people: Do you still remember your friends around u? There should be a balance between friends and loved ones. If there is a day when you are back to your singlehood life again, please don't go to your friends straight away. You are a real pussy if you ever do that. I'm not hinting to anyone, but if you think you are, please reflect and think hard.
Common tests start after my birthday. So if you think you can do it, celebrate my 18th birthday with me! I don't think there are any plans on my birthday. =( Sad. That's why I need friends la, no choice, they will always do the planning. HAHAHA!
Wise man Joash Ong told me this before: Friends are made to be exploited. =)
Honestly I can't quite adapt into this realistic world till now, still living in the world where there are always happy endings and good friends who wouldn't turn their backs on you. When I asked people around me what is actually wrong with me during the past two weeks, as I've been feeling quite crabby during that period, Yao Jun told me that I needed to stay calm and keep my cool. I need to open up my heart more to accept the things, be it good or bad, that is happening around me. This is the real world and I need to overcome this fear, to get out of my comfort zone. But I believe that God will guide me through all this slowly. I know this is shocking but sometimes prayers do help relieve my problems.
To me, friends are the most important and till today I still prioritize them as the number one, followed by parents and then the lucky girl. Someone told me this, and it's very true, and that is to be never dependent on your loved one, cause you still need your friends and people around you. If your loved one means the world to you, what happens one day if she leaves you??
One friendly note of advice: Once you finally found someone you really like and the both of you get together, never treat your friends like used condoms. This means forgetting your friends when you find yourself someone you like. It's worst than committing a crime. I seriously don't respect people of this kind. To this type of people: Do you still remember your friends around u? There should be a balance between friends and loved ones. If there is a day when you are back to your singlehood life again, please don't go to your friends straight away. You are a real pussy if you ever do that. I'm not hinting to anyone, but if you think you are, please reflect and think hard.
Common tests start after my birthday. So if you think you can do it, celebrate my 18th birthday with me! I don't think there are any plans on my birthday. =( Sad. That's why I need friends la, no choice, they will always do the planning. HAHAHA!
Wise man Joash Ong told me this before: Friends are made to be exploited. =)

Last year my birthday was celebrated in style, with the brothers from the Talk Cock Group above. I wonder how will my birthday celebration be this year? The even more better news, I'm turning 18th, the legal age where I have to start becoming more mature and responsible. It's going to be jail time for me! No more boys' home for me!
CAD/CAM common class test is finally over! Lost a few crucial marks due to the wrong method used on this specific drawing, but at least I finally cleared the first paper. There are still four papers left and it starts right after my birthday! =( That's the saddening part, cause I'm definitely sure no one will have the time to celebrate for me, cause all will be busy mugging their papers. Siaaan.
Last weekend was super dope fun! Friday went to Zhi Yuan's house to study, on Saturday it was the same routine again until late evening where I had dinner with some of the ATFKERS and Jin Hong's cousin. She was very friendly and even sent me straight home! Sadly she accidentally drove past some random traffic, ignoring the red light, and had a 12 point deduction. =(
Sunday was even better, attended Wei Qian and Kok Chye baptism service till afternoon, where Jeronme brought us to lunch around old Marsilling road. After that, Trey and Zhi Yuan came down to woodlands to fetch Louis and me to the " Full Throttle " car-nival event. Jin Hong and his gf arrived shortly and we were drenched under the heavy rain. Settled dinner at Arnold's Chicken where Chien Ming and the rest met the ATFKERS for the first time. We left earlier cause Zhi Yuan had to fetch his brother before sending us back. =)
In the past it was always cycling, now it feels great to be the passenger! But the feeling is even better if you get your hands on that steering wheel! Damn, I can't wait to get my license man.
I am sad to announce that my name was not short-listed among the top 12 students for the Rolls-Royce overseas attachment. The reason? I was not chosen because of the first impression I gave to the lecturers. I saw names on that list, names that were definitely going in, but mine wasn't there. At that instant, I felt lost and dumb-struck, yet a sense of frustration inside me. I really put in my effort in writing that long piece of crap for the interview application, and it's hand written, just to show even more sincerity. I want to congratulate Yao Jun and Jun Long for making into the top 12 for the interview, but whether they get in or not, depends on the interviews and how they impress the lecturers. It's sad but life still has to move on, there are still other opportunities in life. It's whether I want to grab it or not...
The above mentioned is not the only problem that's making me becoming moody these few days. At the same time, friends around me like Trey told me lots of stuffs, but I shall not describe it here as I do not want to complicate things even further. Fortunately good friends like Samantha talked to me and enlightened me to get back up and continuing pursuing other goals in my life. I am going to start focusing on the things I want and it starts now!!! Did I mention that I owe huge debts right now?
Ai yo... Headaches and heartaches... I need to have faith now...
I will try to post about something cheerful say... this Sunday? Hopefully I will start on the topic: " What are friends for ? "
To stay positive, since I know I will not be going overseas for attachment, I will work hard to aim for that attachment at ST Aerospace pte ltd. Jia You! Must start my engine already, there's no time for fun and laughter. Time waits for no man...
And to Audrey: I will be changing my specs! Hopefully you would get to see the new me soon. =)
p.s: I finally saw Mandy today! She's still the same... for her height... ! LOLOL! joking.
The above mentioned is not the only problem that's making me becoming moody these few days. At the same time, friends around me like Trey told me lots of stuffs, but I shall not describe it here as I do not want to complicate things even further. Fortunately good friends like Samantha talked to me and enlightened me to get back up and continuing pursuing other goals in my life. I am going to start focusing on the things I want and it starts now!!! Did I mention that I owe huge debts right now?
Ai yo... Headaches and heartaches... I need to have faith now...
I will try to post about something cheerful say... this Sunday? Hopefully I will start on the topic: " What are friends for ? "
To stay positive, since I know I will not be going overseas for attachment, I will work hard to aim for that attachment at ST Aerospace pte ltd. Jia You! Must start my engine already, there's no time for fun and laughter. Time waits for no man...
And to Audrey: I will be changing my specs! Hopefully you would get to see the new me soon. =)
p.s: I finally saw Mandy today! She's still the same... for her height... ! LOLOL! joking.
I'm not nicholas, Guess who am I ? Shall talk crap for him, well this may not be a week for you but you gonna pull through man bro! haha! My english may not be so well written but I'll try my best hur. He sound so emo in the previous post. EH come on lahhhhhh , you are so busy this week , sure v fast it will be over want! Don't worry be happy! haha! Okay lah, better not write more ltr he gonna !@#$%^& at me for being so KPO! haha! Take care man bro!!!!!!!!
A series of unfortunate events happened recently, I shan't describe much about it. Some of my close friends should have known the situation I am in right now, moodless and helpless, in addition a sense of loneliness.
I really hope that prayers will really get me through all this period now, forget about studies and debts. I just really want to sit down and think thoroughly through what I want now in my life.
Maybe I should by getting some sleep...
I really hope that prayers will really get me through all this period now, forget about studies and debts. I just really want to sit down and think thoroughly through what I want now in my life.
Maybe I should by getting some sleep...
I'm tired to blog about what happened this weekend. But I've been out with TCG and ATFKERS. It's been such a long time since I enjoyed this much with all of them. It brings back those times during secondary school.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's my heart calling you to come back...
I am a superhuman...
I'm tired to blog about what happened this weekend. But I've been out with TCG and ATFKERS. It's been such a long time since I enjoyed this much with all of them. It brings back those times during secondary school.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's my heart calling you to come back...
I am a superhuman...
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