I finally reached my 502 post of the day! But this post will only be full of complaints only. There will be no post or what, just purely complaints. I just want to vent all my frustrations and fatigue out here.
Firstly, I don't know why secondary schools or Ngee Ann Polytechnic do not provide Microsoft Excel lessons or Microsoft Outlook and blah blah. Seriously, I don't know how to do this and that, and I am like a clown for the whole day today. Right now, for the past 3 weeks in my office I have been concentrating on Microsoft Office itself and reading loads of manuals. It seems that I don't have a chance to do any hands-on and worst still, my job scope is to do planning for the return of two aircrafts for the rest of the 6 months. It's going to be pure management and using of the head. But I need to learn excel, and everytime when I open my mouth and ask for help, I do not know what questions I should ask during the tutorial taught by Adelene and Christina, or even Ai Ling. Damn it, I seriously need the "How to excel in Micro Excel for idiots". Keep going like that and I might end in the AT hub cleaning those pathetic planes. Argh.
Phew! That felt good. The problem is not with my supervisor, or the excel. The problem is my attitude. But I tried to play around with it! Toggle with those bloody functions and it seems that there is bound to have errors. Crap! I had enough of this. I need to play L4D! Kill Kill and annihilate all of em'!!!

- noobthenick
- Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.
3rd day of the 3rd week, and I am rotting fast in the office at work. My supervisor is on leave for two days and though he's given me work to do, I have no idea how to the follow-up on the task itself. To be honest, I have been very slack at work since the start on Monday, but at least I took the initiative to brush up on my Excel.
Played football at Toa Payoh with my pals yesterday, and ended up with a bruise on the right knee. Okay I don't know what I am typing right now, I am feeling very exhausted from all that running til now, and I wish that sleeping hours would be more longer for me. Looking at the life Billy and Wei Qian are currently having, makes me super envy of them. Why? They get to sleep late, wake up late and get to enjoy their holidays!
What is your definition of love? Why do you love? Which do you prefer, to love or being loved? What can love do to you and your life? How do you love? These are questions that we might probably ask in our life since young. To me, love is something very powerful and at the same time, a mystery.
Do bear this in mind, love does not always mean your BGR or sex. I have friends who always relate love to sex, without actually understanding the real meaning of love. I shan't mention who but unless you understand the meaning of love, forget about the sex part. Love can be expressed towards everyone, like your family, friends and even God. There are many different forms of expressions of love, and that depends on who you are. The way you talk, your actions and your thinking can affect the way you express love. Not only that, your upbringing, the environment that you live in, influence from people around you can also affect the way you love people.
So what is love to you? There are actually two options: A) Is it a feeling? or B) Is it a form of action? Like most of you readers, A should be the "general" answer that I pick. It's true, without feelings there is no love. But may I ask use one example to illustrate this:
"It is a bright Sunday morning, you wake up feeling very good and happy, you started texting your loved one and stuffs. Suddenly you hear shouting and nagging from your mom at you asking you to do household chores! You get pissed off, and without knowing you piss your girlfriend off too."
What I am trying to say is, never use your feelings to love someone. Cause feelings change, one minute you are happy, the other minute you are feeling blue or even frustrated. If you are one who is in a relationship before, I hope you understand what this means.
So the actual answer is B. Love is form of action. But why arh?...
Okay okay I better get back to work already. I will explain why soon.
Played football at Toa Payoh with my pals yesterday, and ended up with a bruise on the right knee. Okay I don't know what I am typing right now, I am feeling very exhausted from all that running til now, and I wish that sleeping hours would be more longer for me. Looking at the life Billy and Wei Qian are currently having, makes me super envy of them. Why? They get to sleep late, wake up late and get to enjoy their holidays!
What is your definition of love? Why do you love? Which do you prefer, to love or being loved? What can love do to you and your life? How do you love? These are questions that we might probably ask in our life since young. To me, love is something very powerful and at the same time, a mystery.
Do bear this in mind, love does not always mean your BGR or sex. I have friends who always relate love to sex, without actually understanding the real meaning of love. I shan't mention who but unless you understand the meaning of love, forget about the sex part. Love can be expressed towards everyone, like your family, friends and even God. There are many different forms of expressions of love, and that depends on who you are. The way you talk, your actions and your thinking can affect the way you express love. Not only that, your upbringing, the environment that you live in, influence from people around you can also affect the way you love people.
So what is love to you? There are actually two options: A) Is it a feeling? or B) Is it a form of action? Like most of you readers, A should be the "general" answer that I pick. It's true, without feelings there is no love. But may I ask use one example to illustrate this:
"It is a bright Sunday morning, you wake up feeling very good and happy, you started texting your loved one and stuffs. Suddenly you hear shouting and nagging from your mom at you asking you to do household chores! You get pissed off, and without knowing you piss your girlfriend off too."
What I am trying to say is, never use your feelings to love someone. Cause feelings change, one minute you are happy, the other minute you are feeling blue or even frustrated. If you are one who is in a relationship before, I hope you understand what this means.
So the actual answer is B. Love is form of action. But why arh?...
Okay okay I better get back to work already. I will explain why soon.
Friday evening was the best this weekend! Yao jun, Kok chye, Billy, Wei qian and I headed down to Aljunied there to have a vegetarian feast! For those who did not joined us, it's your own loss. For a budget of $30, everyone of us got knocked out straight by the sumptuous food prepared on the table.
Often we do hear rather bad comments on having vegetarian food, I don't see what's the bad thing about it. I am sure Yao Jun should feel pleased with us, cause we were like complimenting all the way especially on the oysters and the "otah". Never underestimate the creativity of vegetarian, they can do wonders to your taste buds. Try it sometime!
Next... Moving on would be the weekends! I am starting to love my cell group and Alpha course now, cause it's a time where I really can relax with my friends and have lots of fun time away from work during the weekdays. Seriously, I prefer studying now rather than work. Heng the attachment period starts now, at least I get to go back to school on the last semester, to see some of the big changes the school has implemented.
Oh oh and and playing L4D is the best! But I have to keep my temper after yesterday, I lost it while playing because of Kok Chye and co. You see true colours of your friends when you play this game. Beware that you might lose your friends after playing this game. I think I should try it sometime with my classmates. But I doubt they have the time la.
Alright third week of internship, persevere !
Often we do hear rather bad comments on having vegetarian food, I don't see what's the bad thing about it. I am sure Yao Jun should feel pleased with us, cause we were like complimenting all the way especially on the oysters and the "otah". Never underestimate the creativity of vegetarian, they can do wonders to your taste buds. Try it sometime!
Next... Moving on would be the weekends! I am starting to love my cell group and Alpha course now, cause it's a time where I really can relax with my friends and have lots of fun time away from work during the weekdays. Seriously, I prefer studying now rather than work. Heng the attachment period starts now, at least I get to go back to school on the last semester, to see some of the big changes the school has implemented.
Oh oh and and playing L4D is the best! But I have to keep my temper after yesterday, I lost it while playing because of Kok Chye and co. You see true colours of your friends when you play this game. Beware that you might lose your friends after playing this game. I think I should try it sometime with my classmates. But I doubt they have the time la.
Alright third week of internship, persevere !
My supervisor is kinda pissed off with some problems in the company, so here I am taking the time out to blog about my life in Tiger Airways. Hello people, Noobthenick is finally back here to crap with you readers again. Oh yeah I remember mentioning that those of you who are feeling in the good mood should tagged about the good things that happen to you this week, but since there are no tags, I assume that you people, like me have also been facing struggles in your life this week.
Please feel free to rant and tag about your problems and struggles this week, so that I know that there is someone who is also in the same boat with me.
Anyway, my life here right now is very peaceful, as in I have been very obedient at work, reading manuals and finishing all the assignments given to me in a limited time. I feel that God is actually here with me, especially when it comes to lunch breaks or when I knock off from work. I would go to one corner and do a short prayer then I would meet Yao Jun and proceed home together. It's been almost two weeks, and the first few days at work was quite a torture, when my supervisor was very blunt with me in whatever I do. Every morning when I stepped into the office, I would feel very nervous and afraid while anticipating the time he would come in and make sarcastic remarks at my work. Thus, the praying session during lunch breaks or toilet breaks.
As the time passes, somehow he began to become quite good, I am not sure how to describe this, but he would offer me snacks, apply cards for me and paying for them, asked if I was interested to go to the Singapore zoo cause he's got free tickets, and the best thing of all, a free ticket to wherever my company's going at the end of my attachment. Though I could not see God, His presence was somehow with me all along during work. I am glad that there is this inner motivation that spurred me on everyday at work. But still, waking up was still a chore.
Though the pay might be pathetic, but I get to learn many meaningful quotes and tactics to keep myself from trouble in the working life. I am fortunate to have a supervisor who actually criticize you in the face, rather than bad mouthing behind my back. This way, I am able to reflect and change my mistakes, without attempting it the second time. If I still commit the same shit, then may God be with me. :)
Alright then, blog time is over. Be sure to tag either something happy or something bad.
P.S: My love topic still have not started yet. I am still in the midst of preparation.
Please feel free to rant and tag about your problems and struggles this week, so that I know that there is someone who is also in the same boat with me.
Anyway, my life here right now is very peaceful, as in I have been very obedient at work, reading manuals and finishing all the assignments given to me in a limited time. I feel that God is actually here with me, especially when it comes to lunch breaks or when I knock off from work. I would go to one corner and do a short prayer then I would meet Yao Jun and proceed home together. It's been almost two weeks, and the first few days at work was quite a torture, when my supervisor was very blunt with me in whatever I do. Every morning when I stepped into the office, I would feel very nervous and afraid while anticipating the time he would come in and make sarcastic remarks at my work. Thus, the praying session during lunch breaks or toilet breaks.
As the time passes, somehow he began to become quite good, I am not sure how to describe this, but he would offer me snacks, apply cards for me and paying for them, asked if I was interested to go to the Singapore zoo cause he's got free tickets, and the best thing of all, a free ticket to wherever my company's going at the end of my attachment. Though I could not see God, His presence was somehow with me all along during work. I am glad that there is this inner motivation that spurred me on everyday at work. But still, waking up was still a chore.
Though the pay might be pathetic, but I get to learn many meaningful quotes and tactics to keep myself from trouble in the working life. I am fortunate to have a supervisor who actually criticize you in the face, rather than bad mouthing behind my back. This way, I am able to reflect and change my mistakes, without attempting it the second time. If I still commit the same shit, then may God be with me. :)
Alright then, blog time is over. Be sure to tag either something happy or something bad.
P.S: My love topic still have not started yet. I am still in the midst of preparation.
internship started this week, and it sucked. that's all, this will be my life for the next 6 months. other than cell group gatherings on saturday, service on sunday and meet-ups on fridays. i don't see myself being useful other than work, work and work. yeah call me cheap labour, and i'm paid $400 by the way. screw this crap, who would ever thought working would be such a bore.
Back from ATFKER's chalet@2009 after 3 long days! I shan't not mention what happened during the past few days, but it's a waste for those who did not turned up. Ranging from events like midnight cycling to a widespread of sumptuous BBQ dinner, I must say it has been another successful one for me since Talk Cock Group's chalet. Oh did I mention anything the "soggy biscuit"? It's just face cream that's all, nothing else. You should have seen my classmates' faces, they all freaked out!
Starting next Monday I will officially be on my first attachment to Tiger Airways. Hope nothing goes wrong over there, especially when it comes to leaving a good impression on my supervisor, and of course the ladies over there. =D HAHA
Football tomorrow at FICO@JurongWest, don't hesitate to come down and join us. =D
Starting next Monday I will officially be on my first attachment to Tiger Airways. Hope nothing goes wrong over there, especially when it comes to leaving a good impression on my supervisor, and of course the ladies over there. =D HAHA
Football tomorrow at FICO@JurongWest, don't hesitate to come down and join us. =D
2nd March 2009, a group of abandoned kids were stuck in town after realizing they had missed the last train home. They thought by hopping on the last bus to Toa Payoh, they could actually race against time to board the last train over there. Little did they know, they ended up eating "tau huay" and "you tiao" and playing lan, because they knew it was a futile plan.
So these were the kids: Kok Chye, Wei Qian, Ivan, Samantha, Olivia, Billy, Nicholas and finally presenting the birthday lady "Sophia Ong" ! =D
Before all this happened, earlier in the morning around 9am, I attended the internship programme briefing at school. Guess again, I will be working with students from Temasek Polytechnic. And the majority are female students. Can you believe your ears and eyes?! Female students make up the numbers in their aerospace course, but here in Ngee Ann, it's vice-versa. So after the briefing it was the planning for chalet followed by a perfect rating movie "Slumdog Millionaire". Stella recommended the movie so I thought I might give it a try, not even through the first hour I started tearing. I can be very emotional when it comes to touching movies.
And finally it was Sophia's birthday celebration, though the numbers weren't that big, but it was super fun. Not because Sophia kept treating us pool and other things, which in fact a Big Thank You to you! But it's been sometime since all of us hang out like that, I'm still figuring out when was the last time we were out together like that, or maybe I might not be present there that's why I don' t know. Lol.
Yes finally she turned 19, another burden as one grows older. Don't worry, God has plans for everyone of us already. But let's not take it for granted arh, we still have to achieve what we want in our life-term goals. =D
Okay I am not sure what I am talking about. Update you guys when I get back from the chalet ba. It's going to be another fun and crappy chalet. =D
So these were the kids: Kok Chye, Wei Qian, Ivan, Samantha, Olivia, Billy, Nicholas and finally presenting the birthday lady "Sophia Ong" ! =D
Before all this happened, earlier in the morning around 9am, I attended the internship programme briefing at school. Guess again, I will be working with students from Temasek Polytechnic. And the majority are female students. Can you believe your ears and eyes?! Female students make up the numbers in their aerospace course, but here in Ngee Ann, it's vice-versa. So after the briefing it was the planning for chalet followed by a perfect rating movie "Slumdog Millionaire". Stella recommended the movie so I thought I might give it a try, not even through the first hour I started tearing. I can be very emotional when it comes to touching movies.
And finally it was Sophia's birthday celebration, though the numbers weren't that big, but it was super fun. Not because Sophia kept treating us pool and other things, which in fact a Big Thank You to you! But it's been sometime since all of us hang out like that, I'm still figuring out when was the last time we were out together like that, or maybe I might not be present there that's why I don' t know. Lol.
Yes finally she turned 19, another burden as one grows older. Don't worry, God has plans for everyone of us already. But let's not take it for granted arh, we still have to achieve what we want in our life-term goals. =D
Okay I am not sure what I am talking about. Update you guys when I get back from the chalet ba. It's going to be another fun and crappy chalet. =D
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