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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


My supervisor is kinda pissed off with some problems in the company, so here I am taking the time out to blog about my life in Tiger Airways. Hello people, Noobthenick is finally back here to crap with you readers again. Oh yeah I remember mentioning that those of you who are feeling in the good mood should tagged about the good things that happen to you this week, but since there are no tags, I assume that you people, like me have also been facing struggles in your life this week.

Please feel free to rant and tag about your problems and struggles this week, so that I know that there is someone who is also in the same boat with me.

Anyway, my life here right now is very peaceful, as in I have been very obedient at work, reading manuals and finishing all the assignments given to me in a limited time. I feel that God is actually here with me, especially when it comes to lunch breaks or when I knock off from work. I would go to one corner and do a short prayer then I would meet Yao Jun and proceed home together. It's been almost two weeks, and the first few days at work was quite a torture, when my supervisor was very blunt with me in whatever I do. Every morning when I stepped into the office, I would feel very nervous and afraid while anticipating the time he would come in and make sarcastic remarks at my work. Thus, the praying session during lunch breaks or toilet breaks.

As the time passes, somehow he began to become quite good, I am not sure how to describe this, but he would offer me snacks, apply cards for me and paying for them, asked if I was interested to go to the Singapore zoo cause he's got free tickets, and the best thing of all, a free ticket to wherever my company's going at the end of my attachment. Though I could not see God, His presence was somehow with me all along during work. I am glad that there is this inner motivation that spurred me on everyday at work. But still, waking up was still a chore.

Though the pay might be pathetic, but I get to learn many meaningful quotes and tactics to keep myself from trouble in the working life. I am fortunate to have a supervisor who actually criticize you in the face, rather than bad mouthing behind my back. This way, I am able to reflect and change my mistakes, without attempting it the second time. If I still commit the same shit, then may God be with me. :)

Alright then, blog time is over. Be sure to tag either something happy or something bad.

P.S: My love topic still have not started yet. I am still in the midst of preparation.

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