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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


the piece of paper

a company testimonial from my supervisor, after 6 months of the internship programme.

let us do a comparison between two reports, report A and report B.

report A is beautifully done, it has fulfilled whatever sections on the report format, but there is no sign of any company testimonial found in the report.

report B however, lacks of quality and content, and the thickness of the whole report is not as impressive as report A. but report B possesses that piece of paper that report A doesn't have. and that piece of paper, is the company testimonial.

who do you think will score a better grade?

the answer is none. why?

i will be the one scoring the better grade among these two reports. i have the quality, and i have the testimonial in my hands. all i have left now, is to finish up the report and get ready for the final presentation.

phew~ just received news that lean manufacturing project have been screwed up, looks like another day for completing the report is wasted...

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