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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


It's the 600th post!

God is good! Whoosh! Ignite! Boomz! Ignite! Boomz! Ignite Ho Seh Bo!

These were the rants during the amazing four days three nights camp @ Diary Farm Adventure Center. The Ignite Youth Camp 2009 was indeed a success, thanks to the entire camp committee who made it happen, but the campers were the ones who made the camp PERFECT. (:

This camp gave me another insight to God's purpose for me, which was to reach out to these fellow campers and teach them about God's word and knowledge. I was guilty enough to admit that throughout my walk with Him, I procrastinated about reading the bible and when students actually approached me wanting to know more about God, I couldn't share the word with confidence. But I still thank Him for this camp, and the direction He has brought me back to focus on.

Indeed there were many loop-holes and break downs in communication during the planning and execution of games, but it was a reminder from God that the games were secondary, but these people were the priority of this camp. And true enough, many lives were saved by the grace of God during the camp! Amen! The presence of God was so strong in during the night sessions that I could feel it moving throughout the place and hearts of everyone.

After so many years of good results and grades, I actually neglected a lot of people around me, maybe that's the reason why I have very little friends to hang around or talk to. And it's because of such pathetic competition that has led us to politics surfacing in classes or disputes among friendships. But I still thank God for all this, because friends will come and go, but God you will never let go. Someday the world will end, but your word never dies and you will reign in the kingdom of heaven.

I love everything about the camp, the bunks, the people, the food, the games and the cheers from each of the teams. Of course I love the sessions too! Because lives were saved every night, and through this camp, God opened up their hearts, so that they may lead the lives with full of confidence, to step out from that emptiness or fear that has been living inside them for years.

Today, many out there refuse to accept or know God. Because they fear, they fear that their weaknesses in them will be exposed, they fear that if they accept God, the world will persecute them and reject them. The journey with God isn't a bed of roses, there will be many downs rather than ups, but God will bring you through everything, and you will witness His power and glory, so that you may be testimonies to those who have yet to open up their spiritual eyes and ears to Him.

Next year's camp would be even better! (:


Your GameMaster

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