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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


awaken my heart, unveil my eyes

A person who is driven by his feelings to achieve great things never lasts, and that person is none other than me. Procrastination is sweet, I can never get out of that. Will someone throw a long rope and get me out of this bottomless pit? I am starting to be afraid of the darkness inside.

I hate comments/criticism/taunts that discourage me, or to re-phrase, wake my idea up. I appreciate that some of you are trying to get me up and walk on the path of righteousness and just, and please continue to do that. Although at times, I may murmur some crude words under my breath, that's just because I cannot accept the fact that I need to change. I want to change, so please continue to hammer me with the correct thoughts to change my wrong thinking. Thanks a lot. If I need a breakthrough, I would need to break my ego first. Not egg.

I admire people who are straight forward, but when I meet these kind of people for the first time, and they say things such as "Oh my god, you mean you don't use tissue to wipe your mouth? That's disgusting."

At that very instance, you would wish that she was mute. But that's human nature I guess, that's my ego. I need to break it hard and really be humble if I want a breakthrough. All the thoughts of writing my future as the best right winger in loccw. It's total bullshit.

But ahhhh, it's for entertainment purposes, so I guess it shouldn't be a problem eh?

It's getting late, I need rest to prepare for today.

Good morning and night my friends.

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