"Spiderman (nicholas) v.s. Dr. Octopus" in the World Cup showdown on Monday morning @ 2.30am. Since my nemesis chose Spain as the winner, I shall choose the opposition as my favorite and the score to be 2-1.
It was a tiring preparation and awesome celebrations with both brothers Choy and Chye last week on their 21st. Upcoming ones would be Eugene Teo, Yeoh Zhi Yan and Alan Lee. I need the tailor after this month to mend my holes on the pocket after that.
Air Force ranged me up this week and told me I had to attend a compass test before commencing on the interviews. Of course I am happy at this good news, but am I capable of doing the great? I need some guidance on this~
14th July, Wednesday would be the last day at Building & Construction Authority. I've yet to get a testimonial from them, should I? It's been a fulfilling 3 months with them, especially the training on the administration work.
Left wrist still recuperating, its been two months already. When can I officially train on my pull-ups? I don't wanna down PES. I need a miracle, GMH.
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