whoa whoa today went out to have another group gathering with the guys and ladies to celebrate cm and adam' s belated birthday =). well i mean i woke up at 3 pm again which set another record for myself for waking up at this time la. wthhh. prepared myself and met wq and we went bugis to meet the guys la. firstly we discussed whether we should like catch a movie or something but unfortunately due to some money problems we ended up playing pool, as we think that it is more cheaper in a sense that all of us can share money to play pool. its much cheaper than catching a movie i guess...
before playing pool me ben and wq went to meet louis and tgt the 4 of us went shopping, me and wq bought a ear ring of the same design la. haha. then treat ben louis and wq fruit juices. coool... after that went to play pool alr...
we ended ard 7 plus and we proceeded to the restaurant and we had our dinner there lo after which leong and ivan came to join us too for dinner. but sadly wei liang and cleon did not join us for dinner...
man i keep wondering whether things would go right for me... well certainly not as well as michael scoffield trying to save his brother from foxriver. mmm. i shouldnt think too much afterall...

- noobthenick
- Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.
i just had a fuun day today! wahahaha well well start off the day waking up late again. haha. wq kept giving me lots of missed calls and i kept rejecting it for a hour until joash called and i picked it up. LOL sorry la wq. quickly mop the whole house and prepared myself to meet joash at the control station. on the way i met sui xiong who was sending his bro to school and aloysius who was gg to work...
finally we met up and together we both board the bus while wq was still taking his own sweet time to walk from his home to the 969 bus stop. joash called wq telling him that he had onli about 2 mins to reach the bus stop and board the 969 bus that we were inside and wq ran like 1 km plus before he finally he boarded the bus hahahahaha. he was sweating like mad la. lol part 1 of the journey. during the bus journey we were talking lots of men's stuffs...heeeeeeee
after we reached the destination the 3 of us walked to the khatib's swimming complex and crapped alot along the way. soon the skies began to darken and we were starting to worry that if we paid 5o cents to go in and it suddenly rains, the lifeguards would not allow us to swim. nevertheless we were willing to risk our lives and swim if there was rain. we entered the complex and wq was talking abt his childhood memories of how he learnt swimming with joash at the baby pool lo. lol then after that we keep debating whether we should rent the locker and finally we found out we did not have coins on us. so we did not rent the locker... -.-
notice that when we reached the swimming complex we kept wasting alot of time talking alot and debating and walking around lo. so the 3 of us got changed and wanted to jump into the pool when suddenly 'BOOM! SSSSSSSSSSSSS...' it RAINED SO HEAVILY and me, wq, joash stood there motionlessly staring at the pool. we were unable to swim due to the heavy rain and so we just chatted lo haha. chatted about an hour plus b4 the rain got abit lighter and we were about to jumped in when ' BEEP BEEP BEEEP! ' goes the whistle... the lifeguard warned us that unless the rain stopped, we were not allow to swim. in the end we were back to our chatting place and played arm wrestling. and crapped lo.
finally the rain stopped and we jumped into the pool and shout for joy like small kids sia. haha. and i went for 3 laps of training and then went to taught wq how to thread in the deep pool. if we did not waste time that time we would still be able to swim for about half an hour b4 the rain came. lol p.s : joash looks sexy when he swims... hahahahahahahahahahaha
we headed down khatib for lunch after swiiming b4 gg to gym to train our hand muscles. i ate ban mian pancakes and fries. like me, wq and joash ate quite alot la. and we were dead full. so we decided not to go gym anymore. haha. we walked to yishun gym and we rent the table tennis table la. haha we set up the nets and got the the two bats. as we were about to start... joash asked ' where's the pingpong ball ? ' i looked at wq and we laughed!!! lol all the preparations set up but no pingpong ball!!! haha wad a joke man. but we managed to get the balls and started playing. but its really interesting playing man haha i did some smacks with the ball. haa and we had lots of shit and crap while playing table tennis.
it was indeed a fuuuun day today. and a tiring one too... lol
finally we met up and together we both board the bus while wq was still taking his own sweet time to walk from his home to the 969 bus stop. joash called wq telling him that he had onli about 2 mins to reach the bus stop and board the 969 bus that we were inside and wq ran like 1 km plus before he finally he boarded the bus hahahahaha. he was sweating like mad la. lol part 1 of the journey. during the bus journey we were talking lots of men's stuffs...heeeeeeee
after we reached the destination the 3 of us walked to the khatib's swimming complex and crapped alot along the way. soon the skies began to darken and we were starting to worry that if we paid 5o cents to go in and it suddenly rains, the lifeguards would not allow us to swim. nevertheless we were willing to risk our lives and swim if there was rain. we entered the complex and wq was talking abt his childhood memories of how he learnt swimming with joash at the baby pool lo. lol then after that we keep debating whether we should rent the locker and finally we found out we did not have coins on us. so we did not rent the locker... -.-
notice that when we reached the swimming complex we kept wasting alot of time talking alot and debating and walking around lo. so the 3 of us got changed and wanted to jump into the pool when suddenly 'BOOM! SSSSSSSSSSSSS...' it RAINED SO HEAVILY and me, wq, joash stood there motionlessly staring at the pool. we were unable to swim due to the heavy rain and so we just chatted lo haha. chatted about an hour plus b4 the rain got abit lighter and we were about to jumped in when ' BEEP BEEP BEEEP! ' goes the whistle... the lifeguard warned us that unless the rain stopped, we were not allow to swim. in the end we were back to our chatting place and played arm wrestling. and crapped lo.
finally the rain stopped and we jumped into the pool and shout for joy like small kids sia. haha. and i went for 3 laps of training and then went to taught wq how to thread in the deep pool. if we did not waste time that time we would still be able to swim for about half an hour b4 the rain came. lol p.s : joash looks sexy when he swims... hahahahahahahahahahaha
we headed down khatib for lunch after swiiming b4 gg to gym to train our hand muscles. i ate ban mian pancakes and fries. like me, wq and joash ate quite alot la. and we were dead full. so we decided not to go gym anymore. haha. we walked to yishun gym and we rent the table tennis table la. haha we set up the nets and got the the two bats. as we were about to start... joash asked ' where's the pingpong ball ? ' i looked at wq and we laughed!!! lol all the preparations set up but no pingpong ball!!! haha wad a joke man. but we managed to get the balls and started playing. but its really interesting playing man haha i did some smacks with the ball. haa and we had lots of shit and crap while playing table tennis.
it was indeed a fuuuun day today. and a tiring one too... lol
wow must really thank ivan and wq for their links and music. without them my com would be a very bored one. haha. watched the first 4 epidsodes of the first season of prison break la. im getting obsess with the tv serial. haha currently on chpt 5 now. today's mandy birthday! haha later will be gg down to vista kitchen to cele hers, cm, adam, and wei liang birthdays! haha wow so many march babies celebrating tgt. haha. well this sunday might be gg out with her. no intentions just wanna ask her out for dinner lo. haha. k la thats all lo. nth much to post anyway...
wahaha im so happy that i have just received the thinkpad t60 from my dad. haha finally my appeal had been approved haha. i also wanna thank those who have been talking to me and giving me advices and those cheer-up messages. thanks. i will not think too much ba. i guess i have to start all over again i wanna try and know her as a fren lo. haha then i will have more confidence trying to woo her back. but right now i wanna customize my laptop until it has all the programs that i want. haha. k la went to play soccer in the morning for abt like 45 mins and we went to vista kitchen to have our lunch lo. im gg to wq house le. haha to install some programs from him. kk gtg byeeeeee.
23 march o7 - she broke up with me in the afternoon while i was on my way to my workplace to get my pay. i had many conflicts with her since that day i just kept it in my heart not wanting to say it out. in the end i argued with her again on the bus and i believed i must have made her cried so badly that she asked for a break up. and i agreed.
so wad are exactly the problems that caused such a shocking break-up to end my relationship between me and her? well of course both parties must share the responsibilities in a relationship la. but in this break-up i get to accept all the blame and i am the one who caused her to break up with me. the problem does not lie in her it lies in me entirely.
i always give her attitude when im in a bad mood. i tend to make empty promises and break them anytime. many bad things that i have done to her. the good ones mmm i dun think so lo. quite lil to me though. but i still like her and my feelings for her nv drop a single bit. but after every quarrel i tend to pick myself up everytime. but not that time. i was only acting in front of her. hiding those feelings inside me.
well right now i just wanna be in singlehood for awhile. i wanna start knowing her as a fren again getting to understand her more better and talk to her more often lo. haha.
i just wanna thank my bros and frens who gave me the advices, who cheered me up when im down and confused, and those silly jokes to keep me smiling. haha... thanks... im really touched man thanks for really being there. thats the meaning of true frens. to me...
so wad are exactly the problems that caused such a shocking break-up to end my relationship between me and her? well of course both parties must share the responsibilities in a relationship la. but in this break-up i get to accept all the blame and i am the one who caused her to break up with me. the problem does not lie in her it lies in me entirely.
i always give her attitude when im in a bad mood. i tend to make empty promises and break them anytime. many bad things that i have done to her. the good ones mmm i dun think so lo. quite lil to me though. but i still like her and my feelings for her nv drop a single bit. but after every quarrel i tend to pick myself up everytime. but not that time. i was only acting in front of her. hiding those feelings inside me.
well right now i just wanna be in singlehood for awhile. i wanna start knowing her as a fren again getting to understand her more better and talk to her more often lo. haha.
i just wanna thank my bros and frens who gave me the advices, who cheered me up when im down and confused, and those silly jokes to keep me smiling. haha... thanks... im really touched man thanks for really being there. thats the meaning of true frens. to me...
i feel so fcuuuuk up now. reached home and a scolding from my dad cause i was late. told me i could not get the thinkpadt6o but instead to get a cheaper one. what the fcuuuuk? everything also cheap den dun buy better. -.- also i mailed the form e ard night time on 22 march when the mailbox closes ard 5pm. hahahahaha im dead... so dead... fcuuuuking dead
i feel so pissed off. i needa find a place and cool myself down. poly life. new faces new campus new feeling everything is gg to be new. wa lao im really keen to get my hands on the thinkpadt60. and for fcukkk i have to choose another one. cannot i have to appeeeal to my dad...
im missing something in my life. something that can take away all these troubles.
i was thinking to myself. why does one bother to do something in front of the crowd when one doesnt like doin it? it pleases the crowd but it doesnt to someone. its freaking pissed off.
im really in a bad mood now. i kinda feel uncomfortable inside.
1o pointer so wad? big fcuk? i dun even feel happy inside. no more alr. its just plain acting. mmm. i nid a psychologist now. desperate to find an ans to all these qns.
im just entertaining ppl onli. sticking to all their decisions. and at the end of the day there's just emptyness inside me. kinda stupid to type out all these shit i know. but thats wad inside of me.
i always go back home. staring at the com then blog a lil and then slp. the next morning i head out with all my cliques. wad my mom said was true. im treating home like a hotel and parents like an atm machine. i keep reflecting and reflecting. and then i thought ' who cares? they just keep nagging at me. ' in fact im terribly ashamed of myself.
since i can find no one who understands me well enough. blogging my feelings out is still the best. listening to songs helps abit to cheer me up.but after a while my smile fades away just like that. or maybe i dun even have a smile on my face. frens always nick me ' ak nich '. but wad for? for the fun of it?or do they really wanna tease me? im okie with that joke. but does it help me to change who i am? wild thoughts are running around in my mind. lost.
well honestly i like my group of frens. thats one thing to cheer me up. in this group we have different characteristics, personalities, hairstyles, or even laughing techniques. but we also have common interests like ogling at girls, playing the same sports,cycling and talking men's stuffs.
but i gotta say our group has coordination and team spirit. and we are united as one. sad to say we do have conflicts in our group too. its inconvenient to say here but some of you might know it.
did i mention that you can make frens in poly but its difficult to find true frens? thats my thinking but if anyone disagrees den i have nothing to say. of course im studying in the school of engineering in np and i have frens whom i have been with for more than 4 years who are also in that school. im very glad as we stil can get along tgt and not losing contact with them.
well i guess thats the end of part one. some might find it boring. i apologize for that. the next chpt of my life would be mine love journey...
i feel so pissed off. i needa find a place and cool myself down. poly life. new faces new campus new feeling everything is gg to be new. wa lao im really keen to get my hands on the thinkpadt60. and for fcukkk i have to choose another one. cannot i have to appeeeal to my dad...
im missing something in my life. something that can take away all these troubles.
i was thinking to myself. why does one bother to do something in front of the crowd when one doesnt like doin it? it pleases the crowd but it doesnt to someone. its freaking pissed off.
im really in a bad mood now. i kinda feel uncomfortable inside.
1o pointer so wad? big fcuk? i dun even feel happy inside. no more alr. its just plain acting. mmm. i nid a psychologist now. desperate to find an ans to all these qns.
im just entertaining ppl onli. sticking to all their decisions. and at the end of the day there's just emptyness inside me. kinda stupid to type out all these shit i know. but thats wad inside of me.
i always go back home. staring at the com then blog a lil and then slp. the next morning i head out with all my cliques. wad my mom said was true. im treating home like a hotel and parents like an atm machine. i keep reflecting and reflecting. and then i thought ' who cares? they just keep nagging at me. ' in fact im terribly ashamed of myself.
since i can find no one who understands me well enough. blogging my feelings out is still the best. listening to songs helps abit to cheer me up.but after a while my smile fades away just like that. or maybe i dun even have a smile on my face. frens always nick me ' ak nich '. but wad for? for the fun of it?or do they really wanna tease me? im okie with that joke. but does it help me to change who i am? wild thoughts are running around in my mind. lost.
well honestly i like my group of frens. thats one thing to cheer me up. in this group we have different characteristics, personalities, hairstyles, or even laughing techniques. but we also have common interests like ogling at girls, playing the same sports,cycling and talking men's stuffs.
but i gotta say our group has coordination and team spirit. and we are united as one. sad to say we do have conflicts in our group too. its inconvenient to say here but some of you might know it.
did i mention that you can make frens in poly but its difficult to find true frens? thats my thinking but if anyone disagrees den i have nothing to say. of course im studying in the school of engineering in np and i have frens whom i have been with for more than 4 years who are also in that school. im very glad as we stil can get along tgt and not losing contact with them.
well i guess thats the end of part one. some might find it boring. i apologize for that. the next chpt of my life would be mine love journey...
went dinner with ivan and wq at 888. but still cracked many silly jokes ard the table la. but soon we will be having less time meeting tgt for dinner i guess. cause poly life is gg to start soon. but fret not! we will be having a bag packing trip at the end of the year followed by group gathering chalet la. haha. not bad not bad. been settling all my payments and mailing documents to get myself ready to enrol into np. wahahas. i think the first day im gg to do is to play soccer there and then use the library!
well then of course... ogling at girls...................lol =D heeeeeeeeeeee
well then of course... ogling at girls...................lol =D heeeeeeeeeeee
its been such a long time since i posted lolol. well i had a very busy week la. of course gg out with the cliques was coooool and fun. hahaha. i went to the zoo to celebrate mandy's bday which i had promised her tt time. and guess wad it turned out to be a success la cause she had lots of fun and most surprisingly samantha came too! haha. but firstly i had to apologize to the group cause i was v late tt time...-.- ( ivan was the latest LOL )
and then after that i kept going out almost everyday cause i was bored at home and i had forgotten to put my schedule at rtc. so im currently scrimping on my daily expenses to allow me to have more money to go out. i have also promised dear dear that i will go out on a movie date with her. i cant break that promise i made so i have to stick with it. =D
right now gg to enrol into np le. still have to deal with many documents man. i must quickly settle it and get over with it. haha. went back to school today and visited many of my teachers. chatted with them la. haha. brings back the memories during my life in chr. haha. even mr ang still remembers me. shows how influential i am to the sch. i mean through those bad records i had in school last time. haha. wonder if i will become ambassador in np. wow imagine me, putting on the badge and walking ard in np. cooool. wahahas. okie crap...-.-
and then after that i kept going out almost everyday cause i was bored at home and i had forgotten to put my schedule at rtc. so im currently scrimping on my daily expenses to allow me to have more money to go out. i have also promised dear dear that i will go out on a movie date with her. i cant break that promise i made so i have to stick with it. =D
right now gg to enrol into np le. still have to deal with many documents man. i must quickly settle it and get over with it. haha. went back to school today and visited many of my teachers. chatted with them la. haha. brings back the memories during my life in chr. haha. even mr ang still remembers me. shows how influential i am to the sch. i mean through those bad records i had in school last time. haha. wonder if i will become ambassador in np. wow imagine me, putting on the badge and walking ard in np. cooool. wahahas. okie crap...-.-
many times she cried over those stupid mistakes i've done and i felt so useless at that moment. did not console her and all i did was shut my mouth when i could console her with my arms and cheer her up. i thought to myself ' was it gg to end soon? ' i knew i could not lose her and if i did i would really regret like last time. cant afford to make a second mistake. you guys might know who im talking about. yea right now im feeling very confused and moody. went to work today and fortunately today was the busiest day for me. had to take care of many kids and those worries seemed to brush off my mind. but after that it all came like the wind just after i had knocked off from work. damn it man. wandered ard imm thinking about lots of stuffs. but im learning from my mistakes and trying to improve myself. but how? i like her but i dunno how to express it. damn...
thanks mandy... lend me your listening ear for just a few moments but i really appreciated that. =)
thanks mandy... lend me your listening ear for just a few moments but i really appreciated that. =)
finally the chalet was successful and i had lots of fun. haha. we rocked the the chalet upside down. haha. although we did had some conflicts but everything turned out well. we resolve the problems through singing which is a v good way of cooling ppl down. you should have seen it la. haha. totally exhilarating exhausting yet exciting chalet. the next time we gather again would be ard dec like that alr. cause thats the time when everyone is free and has money to book another chalet =D. sleeping time was always the most noisiest one cause there would be some jokers who would made us laugh like siao then we can slp well. haha. in the morning we would be greeted by a loud ' good morning ' by ivaan. lol. smelllly sia...
okie. when i came back from the chalet my mom told me we must go down to my grandfather's funeral. i received the sms ytd la during midnight like that. mmm today ish sunday and i have to cancel my work schedule lo. mmm sian. i no money alr. lionel had been asking me to return the money i owe him and and the chalet has like cost me quite a sum of money from my salary. mmm. have to work harder now and repay all my debts la. oh yea and i wanna get my hands on the puma sweater.
okie. when i came back from the chalet my mom told me we must go down to my grandfather's funeral. i received the sms ytd la during midnight like that. mmm today ish sunday and i have to cancel my work schedule lo. mmm sian. i no money alr. lionel had been asking me to return the money i owe him and and the chalet has like cost me quite a sum of money from my salary. mmm. have to work harder now and repay all my debts la. oh yea and i wanna get my hands on the puma sweater.
wahahas finally today would be our chalet! had some minor problems but managed to settle it peacefully. haha. wow just finished packing mine bagpack and stuffs and im waiting for ang wei qian to wake up and acc me to joash house for soccer. lol. cant slp now cause i want arsenal to qualify for the champs league quarter finals mmm. hopefully the chalet would be very memorable and exciting for all of us. haha. our final gathering as a whole grp... wow...
had some chats with my lao po just now at her blk. haha. long time nv chat with her that long liao haha. miss those times. muackx next week would be our 1oth mth le. i cant wait for that to happen wahahas. gg to cele with her. regardless of work. outiings or even being sacked if i nv report to work. because i nv cele our 8th and 9th mth le. which im guilty abt it and disappointed la. haiz sian so have to make amendments liao. no more delaying.
i think i will stick with the course that i chose and i will work hard to reach my goal. to study in a university. haha. have to aim high if i wanna compete with the ppl in aerospace. lol it will be tough but i had did the impossible before- scoring a perfect 1o for my results. determination and perseverance would be much needed if i wanna aim high...
everybody nids a little high~!~!
the season ends here... nichnichnichnich
had some chats with my lao po just now at her blk. haha. long time nv chat with her that long liao haha. miss those times. muackx next week would be our 1oth mth le. i cant wait for that to happen wahahas. gg to cele with her. regardless of work. outiings or even being sacked if i nv report to work. because i nv cele our 8th and 9th mth le. which im guilty abt it and disappointed la. haiz sian so have to make amendments liao. no more delaying.
i think i will stick with the course that i chose and i will work hard to reach my goal. to study in a university. haha. have to aim high if i wanna compete with the ppl in aerospace. lol it will be tough but i had did the impossible before- scoring a perfect 1o for my results. determination and perseverance would be much needed if i wanna aim high...
everybody nids a little high~!~!
the season ends here... nichnichnichnich
oh great. got out of my sweetest dreams with a few phone calls in the morning. lol went online to check the course im gg into. aerospace technology...ngee ann polytechnic... lol. i think im appealing to go into chemical engineering. which i might go down on wed. tonight's work would be more easy cuz ang wq is coming down to help me out. haha. steady. then treat him dinner again lo.
chalet countdown : 2 days
chalet countdown : 2 days
today ish a very fun filled sunday. had soccer first start in the early morning. soccer training! can you believe it? omg. finally our own soccer training. although it did not turned out the way it shud be. but we stil had fun overall. soon in the afternoon i went down to marina to take a peek at the saf exhibit with the gang and guess wad? jade seah was there. omg she sang she danced and she spiced up the whole stage with the seductive dance moves and looks. wa... now i know why she was crowned... runner up of the miss universe 2oo6. wahahahas
next week i would be packed man. but i dun mind cause its chalet time for us! haha. gg for a movie treat with mei ting lao po tml after work! whoo hoo! song song man! haha oh yea today also went to her house for visiting with the guys haha. had lots of crap and fun and we boomed her house with our laughter la. haha. i like this kind of gathering its brings our bond closely tgt
mmm too bad ivan wasnt there. he missed out on so much. but he had to do his dnt so he could not come. nvm we stil got wed. our final showdown...
next week i would be packed man. but i dun mind cause its chalet time for us! haha. gg for a movie treat with mei ting lao po tml after work! whoo hoo! song song man! haha oh yea today also went to her house for visiting with the guys haha. had lots of crap and fun and we boomed her house with our laughter la. haha. i like this kind of gathering its brings our bond closely tgt
mmm too bad ivan wasnt there. he missed out on so much. but he had to do his dnt so he could not come. nvm we stil got wed. our final showdown...
woke up early saturday afternoon to find myself in just trousers. funny heee. k k watched pimp my ride for an hour and a half. later evening have to go and visit my grandpa death anni at the temple. den follow by a family dinner at a seafood restaurant. its kinda relaxing knowing that you have no work on weekends. oh ya HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIA. =D went to her house and cele that night. did i mention that in the previous post. i think i did lei lol. getting old already haha i mean her not me. super seventeen liao. not like me still at sweet sixteen.
tonight liverpool face off man utd at anfield! if man utd win chelsea chances of winning the title would be diminished. tonight i support liverpool. wahaha! onli for that night nia. haha. tml soccer match again at chr field. have to buck up buck up and def properly... haizz nth to post again.
oh ya stil got one more thing. i've got no money!!!
tonight liverpool face off man utd at anfield! if man utd win chelsea chances of winning the title would be diminished. tonight i support liverpool. wahaha! onli for that night nia. haha. tml soccer match again at chr field. have to buck up buck up and def properly... haizz nth to post again.
oh ya stil got one more thing. i've got no money!!!
late as usual today gg to imm and work. ate 5 curry puffs on the way to fill my stomach if not i cant endure the 9 hours standing at imm. cause its boring. well i brought a book along with me which is interesting reading it. its called the ' purpose driven life ' most christians would have it. but im not. i just wanna find out more about their religion by reading the book. its really a very un-crapped book. it is diff from those kind of inspirational or success kind of books. i just dunno how to describe la. haha. kk monday im finally gg for a movie with lao po after all the workload on me this week. sian man. tml dun nid to work as i have to visit my grandpa. its his death anni and i completely forgotten abt it. -.-
soccer again this sunday with the guys and im prepare to put in more effort and not disappoint the whole defense. i promised. haha. after that have to head down to the saf careers centre to have attend a talk la. and finally in the evening gg to mt house for the first time for visiting. haha. steady see my in- laws. lol heeee
soccer again this sunday with the guys and im prepare to put in more effort and not disappoint the whole defense. i promised. haha. after that have to head down to the saf careers centre to have attend a talk la. and finally in the evening gg to mt house for the first time for visiting. haha. steady see my in- laws. lol heeee
started the day being later for work at rtc. i had to postpone the time of my working hours from 12-6 pm. but i was kinda pissed off when they told me to go off at 3pm. -.- in the end i went to town and look for books lo. came across this book which seems interesting to me. even the assistant at the bookstore agreed that this book is interesting. well eventually i did not purchase it as sophia has the book =) wahahas. ended up buying this book called ' the kite runner ' read the first 3 chpts quite cool haha.
oh yea tml would be sophia's bday ! haha wonder if she's celebrating it la but i got work tml until 1o pm -.- boring yea i noe. but wad to do now. did some math and realise i've got no money for this week liao. ppl out there who owes me money try to return asap. im not gg to threaten or what it is just a gentle reminder. haha.chalet would be due in just a few days and i cant wait for it to happen. oh... this sunday there will be a buffet at lao po's house. haha anything pls sms her or me if you wanna come. haha
oh yea tml would be sophia's bday ! haha wonder if she's celebrating it la but i got work tml until 1o pm -.- boring yea i noe. but wad to do now. did some math and realise i've got no money for this week liao. ppl out there who owes me money try to return asap. im not gg to threaten or what it is just a gentle reminder. haha.chalet would be due in just a few days and i cant wait for it to happen. oh... this sunday there will be a buffet at lao po's house. haha anything pls sms her or me if you wanna come. haha
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