Ever since I got back from church camp, things don't seem to go the right way. I tried going to the left, ended up even worser than ever. My mind is filled so many disturbing issues, for example my attitude towards friends, work and even reading the bible. Sometimes I talked too much, thinking that using the right words could persuade people around me. In fact, I just talk, without executing... I am so glad I have some time to blog, despite all that workload in the office. Seriously, I have been so busy that I only have about 3 hours in the night before the scheduled sleeping time.
Last Saturday, I received an invitation from Edward to his sister's birthday party, alongside with some of my cell group members too. It was the first time savoring different cultural style buffet and of course, Edward's mom spaghetti and her coconut dessert. It was really good I must admit, kept going for quite a few rounds before the knockout phase came. In addition, it was also the first time that I really had a good talk with my cell group members, usually during Saturdays we would meet up for cell, and after that home sweet home. We really did not have any time for chit-chatting or even chill time. Guess it's hard to accommodate everyone, but Wei Qian and I were sure glad we did not miss the fun time.
I better cherish the life now before I get out into the working life, no wonder so many senior workers used to tell me : "Study hard now, or you will regret." I finally understand it now. I hope my 3rd younger brother would really heed this advice, sitting in front of the laptop and playing Dota would help you succeed in life.
As for my 2nd brother, it wouldn't hurt or die just to admit the faults that you have made. You burst the phone bill, you pay for it. I can't imagine how he has that skin to deny when the bill document arrived and amounted to about $60. In addition, every night he doesn't sleep, he just sits in front of the bloody laptop and spends all the electricity away. There was this incident where he did not slept at all, made hell lotsa noise in the room before rushing out to meet his girlfriend and visit his sickly friend at the hospital. HOSPITAL! He doesn't realize the fact that my dad and mom has to work, what happens if he passes that swine flu to them?
He wants to get sick and get warded in the bed, then the whole world would come and visit him and feel sad for him. Trust me on this, there were many attempts before. My mom and dad almost fainted because of his selfish and childish attitude. Damn pissed off now.
Sometimes I wished I had the strength of Nicholas Keith, and just give one death blow. And then I will just submit myself to the police. Case closed.

- noobthenick
- Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.
today was something different after church service. i went out with eileen, oilvia, kok chye and wei qian. chilled at town, places such as coffee club before ending our dinner at bedok. we had a feadt before the long winding journey home. it was a good time i must say, though the following day would be the same old monday blues.
this week would be an awkward week i should say. i have to pay church camp, and china trip fees. i dont know how to ask my dad for this huge amount of moola, really have to ask God for advice. and yeah i have not been praying, and my faith has been wavering over the slightest thing that occured recently.
my temper has recently turned quite bad too, due to some minor crap. seriously i need to change myself before trying to change others. oh in addition to love people of different kinds of crap.
Lord, help me on this...
this week would be an awkward week i should say. i have to pay church camp, and china trip fees. i dont know how to ask my dad for this huge amount of moola, really have to ask God for advice. and yeah i have not been praying, and my faith has been wavering over the slightest thing that occured recently.
my temper has recently turned quite bad too, due to some minor crap. seriously i need to change myself before trying to change others. oh in addition to love people of different kinds of crap.
Lord, help me on this...
I have worked hard this week, and time has passed so quickly that I don't even have time to revise for yesterday's paper. Received a lunch treat from a representative from Michelin who is interested in collaborating with my company, at Earl's Swensen! The salad bar was good, made me felt very refreshing before the main course came, which I ordered wrongly la - tenderloin steak. I almost fainted after struggling with it, and looked "sua-gu" when I attempted to cut the meat.
Coming back from church camp, I seriously don't feel anything at all. Yeah I did felt something during the camp, but coming back to Singapore, everything is back at top speed - working life, spending time with friends, reports and projects. All of these come rushing back straight to your face, how I wish my leg injury would just recover so I can focus on football fellowship with my brothers once again. Been missing football since ... ??? Just being random, Michael Jackson passed away yesterday.
What's next? Transformer 2! Interim final report! Case study project! China trip! All these involves time and money. I have to pay for the trip next Friday, the full amount of the trip - $1300. I need to think of something to pursuade my parents to pay for me. Right now, I still have not paid for the church camp, and feeling guilty about it.
So I was thinking, after 4 months of internship, have I learnt anything or become more mature in my attitude and speech? Does this attachment period actually helped to strengthen the ties between me and my classmates? NO. In fact, it became even worse. I just want to use the china trip as a ground once again, to bring all of us back to those times when we were in Yunan. Welcome back those good old days.
I have not been blogging properly recently, I am not sure about myself too. So many thoughts running through my mind, but its all irrelevant stuffs. What should I do? People around me are experiencing breakdown at this moment of their lives, I feel helpless. I want to pray but I lack the discipline. Everything is moving so fast, or is this one of those lame excuses to cover my butt?
guess what, i still have not paid for church camp yet. don't worry i will not run away from singapore, i will find temporary shelter at tanah merah aloha loyang chalet.
my leg has been getting from bad to worst, especially the injury on my knee, the moment i bend them it will bleed. i can't play soccer with all my kakis, period. i guess i need medical attention and a first aid box at home.
okay what the heck am i talking about? i should talk about the lunch treat at earl's swensen, changi airport terminal 3. i ordered this tenderloin steak, which is medium rare and almost puked after swallowing the entire chunk. tonight i will be having dessert at swensen's, causeway point. i am spoilt for too much good food, and not exercising at all makes me good, cause i am growing fatter and fatter. :)
my leg has been getting from bad to worst, especially the injury on my knee, the moment i bend them it will bleed. i can't play soccer with all my kakis, period. i guess i need medical attention and a first aid box at home.
okay what the heck am i talking about? i should talk about the lunch treat at earl's swensen, changi airport terminal 3. i ordered this tenderloin steak, which is medium rare and almost puked after swallowing the entire chunk. tonight i will be having dessert at swensen's, causeway point. i am spoilt for too much good food, and not exercising at all makes me good, cause i am growing fatter and fatter. :)
hello! i am using my mobile to do my own blogging. i am not sure whether it can be seen here, but i hope i can use this in future to post via mobile.
anyway i have been missing from blogging and praying. so many things have been happening recently, and moving so fast that i can't stop time from going slow. i will be back to full time blogging soon...
anyway i have been missing from blogging and praying. so many things have been happening recently, and moving so fast that i can't stop time from going slow. i will be back to full time blogging soon...
hello! i am using my mobile to do my own blogging. i am not sure whether it can be seen here, but i hope i can use this in future to post via mobile.
anyway i have been missing from blogging and praying. so many things have been happening recently, and moving so fast that i can't stop time from going slow. i will be back to full time blogging soon...
anyway i have been missing from blogging and praying. so many things have been happening recently, and moving so fast that i can't stop time from going slow. i will be back to full time blogging soon...
"you are allowed to go for church camp!" - my supervisor...
since morning, i have been working and clearing off my assignments before i embarked on my next spiritual trip with God to port dickson@kuala lumpur. i want to thank God and all my friends who have been keeping me in their prayers, it really worked. i also want to thank the personnel who approved my leave for the church camp, and i am still being paid for taking leave. ai ling told me to tell the truth rather than lying, well the truth does hurts, but what i have received is even greater and it overcame the hurt and anxiety!
now the next step is to start raising funds for the my expenses for the church camp. to be honest, i have spent quite a bomb on clothes and accessories. lacking the discipline to save once again...
since morning, i have been working and clearing off my assignments before i embarked on my next spiritual trip with God to port dickson@kuala lumpur. i want to thank God and all my friends who have been keeping me in their prayers, it really worked. i also want to thank the personnel who approved my leave for the church camp, and i am still being paid for taking leave. ai ling told me to tell the truth rather than lying, well the truth does hurts, but what i have received is even greater and it overcame the hurt and anxiety!
now the next step is to start raising funds for the my expenses for the church camp. to be honest, i have spent quite a bomb on clothes and accessories. lacking the discipline to save once again...
its saturday morning, i went to catch the preview of "taking of peltham 123". i must say the movie's awesome. credits to those who suggested this movie - billy, sharity and wei qian. fortunately my objection against that horror movie worked. :)
no news means good news. i hope i will start working on my project seriously, and that means even more self discipline. please let me go for church camp... i will pay back by working on fridays. even if it means working on the weekends too, to show my sincerity.
alright good morning singapore! im heading to bed now.
no news means good news. i hope i will start working on my project seriously, and that means even more self discipline. please let me go for church camp... i will pay back by working on fridays. even if it means working on the weekends too, to show my sincerity.
alright good morning singapore! im heading to bed now.
seems the new change in my blog url has send confusion to many readers. i apologize for the sudden change, and i hope you will be able to find your way back here again through the help of msn or emails. i should be sending my url via to those whom i have your email addresses. to random readers, i am sorry but you would need more hard work in the navigation.
football session yesterday at tekong was disappointing, especially after being away for two weeks without wearing my soccer gear. i felt that there simply wasn't any communication at all, and i can't blame the team too. i need to get back on my feet and start communicating. or maybe the reason wasn't the communication, it could be something else... i can't afford to fall in love right now, damn.
okay i have to prepare myself tomorrow if i want to go for church camp, i need advice and tips! it's either i make it, or break it. not being able to attend church camp would lead to billy's withdrawal from the camp too. i don't wish to be the source of this regret. people please pray hard for me, i will also work hard in my prayers, extra hard.
i have not been very discipline in my working assignments, i feel very disappointed in myself, especially when my boss has been treated me so good yet i took it for granted. i want to prove myself to him once again, and this final project might be the only chance to prove my ability. at least when i leave tiger airways i will have no regrets during this 6 months internship period.
ciaos. thank you lord.
football session yesterday at tekong was disappointing, especially after being away for two weeks without wearing my soccer gear. i felt that there simply wasn't any communication at all, and i can't blame the team too. i need to get back on my feet and start communicating. or maybe the reason wasn't the communication, it could be something else... i can't afford to fall in love right now, damn.
okay i have to prepare myself tomorrow if i want to go for church camp, i need advice and tips! it's either i make it, or break it. not being able to attend church camp would lead to billy's withdrawal from the camp too. i don't wish to be the source of this regret. people please pray hard for me, i will also work hard in my prayers, extra hard.
i have not been very discipline in my working assignments, i feel very disappointed in myself, especially when my boss has been treated me so good yet i took it for granted. i want to prove myself to him once again, and this final project might be the only chance to prove my ability. at least when i leave tiger airways i will have no regrets during this 6 months internship period.
ciaos. thank you lord.
while i was slacking at the terminal staff canteen, i came across a father and his two young daughters. looking at them made me feel so warmth, and its been sometime since i experienced this feeling at home. the father bought ban mian for his princesses, and the both of them were very picky in their veggies and the amount of soup and noodles. i was watching and listening to them, it was interesting yet warmth.
will i ever get to reminisce those old times with my family once again?
will i ever get to reminisce those old times with my family once again?
back to blogging after so many days of absence from here. to top it all, i have officially completed my cabin crew training! i am starting to miss all my classmates, especially all the jokes. i will be anticipating my first flight soon as an observer, hopefully. i managed to ace through the assessment drills and papers, but yao jun perfected them all...
yesterday during the test period, i had to re-do the writing of my answers 3 times! all because my instructor was unhappy with the way i drew my "x". i argued that this wasn't art & craft and it wasn't of high importance. then the argument went on and i took my paper and walked off, she also requested an apology from me after i have cooled down. little did i know that it was her last day of training with us today, yet i made it a very memorable one for her. well eventually i apologized, and even bought her a sandwich for her, how sweet can i be. to clear off our dispute, yao jun, candy, my instructor and i took our last interns-instructor picture before leaving.
father's day performance is this sunday, been practicing hard for it. let's hope something special will happen that day - ivan's appearance in church service.
this week is getting much slower compared to last week, many things to clear before the day of the church camp arrives. at least i won't have to worry so much when i'm overseas. so many stuffs, yet so little time. oh well, i need more time management lessons.
football session tonight! anyone?
yesterday during the test period, i had to re-do the writing of my answers 3 times! all because my instructor was unhappy with the way i drew my "x". i argued that this wasn't art & craft and it wasn't of high importance. then the argument went on and i took my paper and walked off, she also requested an apology from me after i have cooled down. little did i know that it was her last day of training with us today, yet i made it a very memorable one for her. well eventually i apologized, and even bought her a sandwich for her, how sweet can i be. to clear off our dispute, yao jun, candy, my instructor and i took our last interns-instructor picture before leaving.
father's day performance is this sunday, been practicing hard for it. let's hope something special will happen that day - ivan's appearance in church service.
this week is getting much slower compared to last week, many things to clear before the day of the church camp arrives. at least i won't have to worry so much when i'm overseas. so many stuffs, yet so little time. oh well, i need more time management lessons.
football session tonight! anyone?
being busy keeps me focused on things that i need to accomplish by this week. so far so good, my interim report's done, i'm not sure of scoring though, let God take over my grading. watched monsters vs aliens with joyce and yao jun. damn hilarious, especially that blue chewing gum, nowadays animated movies are getting more and more creative, and it seemed so real. well my next movie would "terminator salvation". another blockbuster coming up too, transformer: revenge of the fallen. :)
i am a big fan of terminator, especially when arnold's the man for this role in his past 3 movies. now that he's mayor of some state in the U.S, let's hope bale will bring some impact out from this movie.
cabin crew training is coming to an end by this week, followed by a final paper next tuesday. i want to perfect the paper, not just pass it. yao jun said that we should start now, before it's too late. i might be teaming up with him for the iso project, so many things to complete before church camp.
Lord, stay with me and thank you once again for keeping me focused in this path of direction. amen
i am a big fan of terminator, especially when arnold's the man for this role in his past 3 movies. now that he's mayor of some state in the U.S, let's hope bale will bring some impact out from this movie.
cabin crew training is coming to an end by this week, followed by a final paper next tuesday. i want to perfect the paper, not just pass it. yao jun said that we should start now, before it's too late. i might be teaming up with him for the iso project, so many things to complete before church camp.
Lord, stay with me and thank you once again for keeping me focused in this path of direction. amen
i was glad that saturday and sunday was among the best days spent in my life. another fresh start to a new journey with God, i must say. i was still cooped up with my interim report during weekends. today, my supervisor finally endorsed it, thank God. my lecturer also did his part by giving me a few days grace, if not i will never be able to complete this report. fortunately teaming up with him allowed this advantage, but no more soccer this week for me. my knee is hurting real bad! i guess being isn't really that fun after all.
it's a new month finally. lots of struggles during the past 2 months, and soon my bro kok chye will be serving the country. one bro down, two to go. guess the 888 team would just be wei qian, billy and me. we need more recruitments! time flies, and attachment would be ending soon in another 10 weeks? i am currently been attach to tiger airways' cabin crew training, and its been a very enriching programme for me. apart from the air stewardesses, i enjoyed the activities and the lunch sessions with my pal yao jun. sadly, this week would be the last one before the final paper held next tuesday.
another exciting week to come, hopefully this week would be a better one for some of us! my supervisor has been a great mentor to me for the first half of the attachment. his new post means that i will be facing new challenges ahead. yeah he got promoted and posted to the finance sector. i just hope my final report's quality would be twice as much better than my interim. seriously i just scraped through the entire report. my aim of a gpa score of 4, i can smell it...
it's a new month finally. lots of struggles during the past 2 months, and soon my bro kok chye will be serving the country. one bro down, two to go. guess the 888 team would just be wei qian, billy and me. we need more recruitments! time flies, and attachment would be ending soon in another 10 weeks? i am currently been attach to tiger airways' cabin crew training, and its been a very enriching programme for me. apart from the air stewardesses, i enjoyed the activities and the lunch sessions with my pal yao jun. sadly, this week would be the last one before the final paper held next tuesday.
another exciting week to come, hopefully this week would be a better one for some of us! my supervisor has been a great mentor to me for the first half of the attachment. his new post means that i will be facing new challenges ahead. yeah he got promoted and posted to the finance sector. i just hope my final report's quality would be twice as much better than my interim. seriously i just scraped through the entire report. my aim of a gpa score of 4, i can smell it...
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