Imagine if I was the first Singaporean to be down with swine flu... Fret not, I am not down with the virus. But sometimes, I wished I did.
Soccer practice at Toa Payoh is the worst ever yesterday, we not against the toughest or the roughest opponents there. Instead, we were up against our own teammates. As usual, I started it, all the commotions and disputes, they were all started because of me. I blasted at Wei Qian for not playing well, shouting at Marcus' team when I did not know that they were actually sensitive to those shouts. Kok Chye got mad when I did not play the ball to him, Billy blasting me back for playing at my worst ever form, conceding 10 over goals through him.
We weren't physically rough, but mentally rough. Looks like after yesterday's practice, some might not even come back anymore. This is really dis-heartening, and damaging my team morale, especially when we have one big game at NUS tomorrow in the morning.
Today I received news that some of the volleyball teammates were banished to the beginner level when they actually trained so hard for the past few months. I am so pissed off at this piece of news. Firstly in that stupid cca, there isn't any adult or whatsoever coach to guide the entire team. It's totally run by a committee of jokes, and definitely not the type of people who makes good decisions. I will wait for the attachment to end, then I will make a comeback to the cca, the points don't matter much to me. I will strike back and bring justice to those affected teammates.
Playing sports is good, especially for team bonding(apparently my class don't even know how to kick a stupid ball). But it can also hurt the morale of one, which in turn can damage the entire team.
My temper is recently very short and hot, small little things can piss me off without myself noticing. I would just shout and make stupid comments or hurl vulgarities, and that's not the person I want to be. I need to sit down and make serious reflections on myself, not only in L4D but in football too.
Please Lord, help me get through this strong tide with you. Bring me to a place where I can feel peace and warmth. So that I can control my own temper, and in turn learn to encourage others.
Make me someone who would be humble, so that I would not be arrogant and shouting at others as if I am the best player in that court. Thank you...

- noobthenick
- Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.
Feeling helpless, once again...
God has been speaking to me these past few days regarding temptations and worries, through "Our Daily Bread" on Facebook. I can't say it is a coincidence, it struck me 3 days in a row so far. I kept worrying about whether I could apply for leave during the church camp, whether the debts I owe could be paid back in time, and other nonsensical stuffs which kept me going in circles around my head. Just so you know, my pay slip has already come for this month, and not reaching the month of May I had already withdrawn $110 bucks, to return Yao Jun's debt. I am left penniless, once again. *Not literally...
I once mentioned that I was tired of planning for ATFKER's group outings, and wanted to pass down this responsibility to those whom I thought might give it a shot. Turns out that there were actually outings going on, but without the presence of some of us, including me. I was very disappointed, and I don't wish to emphasize on the word "very", because I can't think of any other word to replace this at the moment. I have a feeling that when the term starts, everyone would be in their smaller cliques, and having their own type of conversations. But feelings are gay, and I will find a way to salvage this situation, I can't just sit there and pretend nothing has happened.
China study trip, mission trip, church camp, new spectacles... All these requires lots of cash. Another problem which in the first place, I shouldn't worry about. Damn
Let's talk about the good things that happened so far:
Chelsea scrapped past Barcelona with a score of 0-0.
Celebrated Pastor Joseph's birthday with style, finally caught him on surprise.
Mr. Calvin, my supervisor, treated me during tea session.
Not much work to do this week, once again.
Gym-ing session last Monday with pal Yao Jun.
.....*I'm trying to think of other things that is good.
3 wins in a row in random teams during L4D session, unbeatable.
Improving dribbling skills, communication with Wq, and lasting stamina to keep me in the game.
Paid back the debt of $100 to Yao Jun.
Renewed my IC card.
Finished planning for this Saturday's Alpha game!
That's about it! Which brings my post to about 17 for this month! A high record!
I once mentioned that I was tired of planning for ATFKER's group outings, and wanted to pass down this responsibility to those whom I thought might give it a shot. Turns out that there were actually outings going on, but without the presence of some of us, including me. I was very disappointed, and I don't wish to emphasize on the word "very", because I can't think of any other word to replace this at the moment. I have a feeling that when the term starts, everyone would be in their smaller cliques, and having their own type of conversations. But feelings are gay, and I will find a way to salvage this situation, I can't just sit there and pretend nothing has happened.
China study trip, mission trip, church camp, new spectacles... All these requires lots of cash. Another problem which in the first place, I shouldn't worry about. Damn
Let's talk about the good things that happened so far:
Chelsea scrapped past Barcelona with a score of 0-0.
Celebrated Pastor Joseph's birthday with style, finally caught him on surprise.
Mr. Calvin, my supervisor, treated me during tea session.
Not much work to do this week, once again.
Gym-ing session last Monday with pal Yao Jun.
.....*I'm trying to think of other things that is good.
3 wins in a row in random teams during L4D session, unbeatable.
Improving dribbling skills, communication with Wq, and lasting stamina to keep me in the game.
Paid back the debt of $100 to Yao Jun.
Renewed my IC card.
Finished planning for this Saturday's Alpha game!
That's about it! Which brings my post to about 17 for this month! A high record!
3rd week of the 2nd month
Last Saturday Joseph's belated birthday surprise!

Previously @ Mind Cafe with the comrades of LOCCW!

P.S: Why am I always at the back of the picture? Is it my height?
Time is not on my side, neither it is on the people around me. Back to school on Friday, and it was very different actually, unlike in the past, many changes in campus especially when I was searching hi and low for the OCBC ATM machine. Friends around me too, aren't the way they used to be in the past. Change is good, but whether it is for the best or the worst, I do not know.
Somehow, I just feel that life is not all about cars, booze and women. And prior to Nick's recent blog post on "rice-burners", it was hilarious because it's true, there are many "ricers" out there who "zh-nged" their cars just to impress, but actually they are not realizing that all these are from their parents' pockets, who slog their guts out just to provide a comfortable environment for them.
It's not a matter of envy or jealousy, it's how people take all these privileges for granted. * I am dead sure some of you might have a guess who, it's obvious.
Politics are on the high rise again, especially for the groupings of the next upcoming China study trip. I was invited to bunk in with Nick and Norman, as they are looking for people who have good hygiene level, I take that as a compliment. But I have made arrangements for my grouping, so I turned down their offer. If everything goes well, Yao Jun, Trey, Ze Ting and I would see ourselves in the same bunk.
One more thing, I've decided to postpone my PDL to next year as I don't think I would have the time for all driving because this year would be financially tight for me - China trip, mission trip, church camp. Adding all these up I would need to fork an amount of around 4k? Jialat, and I only earned 400 a month, paid by my company. I was actually paid 600 bucks a month, but my supervisor knew that life would be too good for me, plus I don't need to work on Fridays.
I can't wait for this weekend to come, especially on Labour Day! Will be playing soccer at NUS in the morning on Friday with Wen Fu and his team.
Played L4D yesterday, and I was mixed up with different people, but the results? I won all 3 games regardless of my teammates. One of the best yet classic performance since the walkout of Kok Chye from eGames. I admit I need to learn humility but seriously I was too good, though there were times I shouted at Kok, once again.
Gym-ing later on after work, with Yao Jun. I have to start training soon, if not during Napfa I will bonk out. Gotta work on those biceps and back muscles. HEHEHEHE
Oh yeah, Joash got his new blog up and running! Please do support him! It was damn hilarious when I read his first post, very emotional yet I was laughing the s*** outta myself. Okay I should encourage him to blog more, since we have not been meeting up for "makan"!

Previously @ Mind Cafe with the comrades of LOCCW!

P.S: Why am I always at the back of the picture? Is it my height?
Time is not on my side, neither it is on the people around me. Back to school on Friday, and it was very different actually, unlike in the past, many changes in campus especially when I was searching hi and low for the OCBC ATM machine. Friends around me too, aren't the way they used to be in the past. Change is good, but whether it is for the best or the worst, I do not know.
Somehow, I just feel that life is not all about cars, booze and women. And prior to Nick's recent blog post on "rice-burners", it was hilarious because it's true, there are many "ricers" out there who "zh-nged" their cars just to impress, but actually they are not realizing that all these are from their parents' pockets, who slog their guts out just to provide a comfortable environment for them.
It's not a matter of envy or jealousy, it's how people take all these privileges for granted. * I am dead sure some of you might have a guess who, it's obvious.
Politics are on the high rise again, especially for the groupings of the next upcoming China study trip. I was invited to bunk in with Nick and Norman, as they are looking for people who have good hygiene level, I take that as a compliment. But I have made arrangements for my grouping, so I turned down their offer. If everything goes well, Yao Jun, Trey, Ze Ting and I would see ourselves in the same bunk.
One more thing, I've decided to postpone my PDL to next year as I don't think I would have the time for all driving because this year would be financially tight for me - China trip, mission trip, church camp. Adding all these up I would need to fork an amount of around 4k? Jialat, and I only earned 400 a month, paid by my company. I was actually paid 600 bucks a month, but my supervisor knew that life would be too good for me, plus I don't need to work on Fridays.
I can't wait for this weekend to come, especially on Labour Day! Will be playing soccer at NUS in the morning on Friday with Wen Fu and his team.
Played L4D yesterday, and I was mixed up with different people, but the results? I won all 3 games regardless of my teammates. One of the best yet classic performance since the walkout of Kok Chye from eGames. I admit I need to learn humility but seriously I was too good, though there were times I shouted at Kok, once again.
Gym-ing later on after work, with Yao Jun. I have to start training soon, if not during Napfa I will bonk out. Gotta work on those biceps and back muscles. HEHEHEHE
Oh yeah, Joash got his new blog up and running! Please do support him! It was damn hilarious when I read his first post, very emotional yet I was laughing the s*** outta myself. Okay I should encourage him to blog more, since we have not been meeting up for "makan"!
I almost received a warning letter from my supervisor, because I made a mistake, a grave mistake.
Perhaps some of you are aware that my IC card was stolen few months back, though I made a police report on this matter, I have never actually replaced the card.
Here's what happened: I was supposed to exchange the hangar pass for my IC card, and I thought using my staff card would do the trick. But the personnel there said that they had to follow the regulations, screw it. My supervisor was appalled when I told him my card was stolen and have not made a new one. He warned me if I don't get it done by this week, I can kiss my attachment goodbye. If you do not know what a hangar is, it's actually a place where aircrafts are being maintained and repaired. I saw the A380 today, lots and lots problems with his particular aircraft. So much of passenger comfort.
So what are the problems I'm facing now? Basically the most obvious of all, financial. I am left with 50 bucks in my bank and I am supposed to raise 100 for the new IC card. Yao Jun agreed to help me out on this issue, initially wanted to ask Billy, but I already had a debt with him. I wonder where I spent all my moola on. Damn, I still have church camp, study and mission trips.
Been out of the office the whole day, went to learn and expose more of myself into the hangar area. I know what I want to be when I grow up, either be in my supervisor position, or become freelance agent to inspect on the aircrafts. You get to become high flyer rather than to do those hands-on. I think this is the kind of work I am set for, but firstly I have to start from the bottom before I can become like my supervisor. You can't slog your guts out for years, it takes one to have the talents.
Tomorrow I do not have work! Yes I see envy faces! But I have to go down to ICA in the early morning. Sad.
I realize my dribbling has improved, except for vision, marking and passings. Give me more time, I will start leading my team the next time we play again. :)
Perhaps some of you are aware that my IC card was stolen few months back, though I made a police report on this matter, I have never actually replaced the card.
Here's what happened: I was supposed to exchange the hangar pass for my IC card, and I thought using my staff card would do the trick. But the personnel there said that they had to follow the regulations, screw it. My supervisor was appalled when I told him my card was stolen and have not made a new one. He warned me if I don't get it done by this week, I can kiss my attachment goodbye. If you do not know what a hangar is, it's actually a place where aircrafts are being maintained and repaired. I saw the A380 today, lots and lots problems with his particular aircraft. So much of passenger comfort.
So what are the problems I'm facing now? Basically the most obvious of all, financial. I am left with 50 bucks in my bank and I am supposed to raise 100 for the new IC card. Yao Jun agreed to help me out on this issue, initially wanted to ask Billy, but I already had a debt with him. I wonder where I spent all my moola on. Damn, I still have church camp, study and mission trips.
Been out of the office the whole day, went to learn and expose more of myself into the hangar area. I know what I want to be when I grow up, either be in my supervisor position, or become freelance agent to inspect on the aircrafts. You get to become high flyer rather than to do those hands-on. I think this is the kind of work I am set for, but firstly I have to start from the bottom before I can become like my supervisor. You can't slog your guts out for years, it takes one to have the talents.
Tomorrow I do not have work! Yes I see envy faces! But I have to go down to ICA in the early morning. Sad.
I realize my dribbling has improved, except for vision, marking and passings. Give me more time, I will start leading my team the next time we play again. :)
Late for work, for the 2nd time
Here are pictures which are overdue during the Easter week.

Gathering at Mind Cafe, which cost a bomb in our pockets. Thanks to Kok Chye :)

I was not happy with the score of course, but was pleased because I kept my cool and laughed all the way while playing against Sharity, Marcus, Choy and Alan. Imagine if I lost my temper, think it would be the other way round.
I was late for the 2nd time for 6 weeks! Usually I would walk to the interchange in the wee hours of the morning. But this morning was special, it rained super heavily. I did not made plans on how to travel there, and I ended up being late for an hour! My supervisor looked calm when I walked into the office around 9 plus, guess he was too busy to be bothered with my attendance.
It's 4 plus in the afternoon and no trace of my supervisor means that it's another slacking day for me again. I did not act like I was busy or what, instead I took the free time to do some reading, and reflecting. A very good way of spending time rather than staring at the screen and not doing something productive.
Not much to talk about after typing this super long email and had it sent to my classmate, who saw problems and politics rising in among us. I am exhausted from the explanation, shall update more tomorrow then.
P.S: Please click on the ads on your right! It wouldn't to just click right? Thanks! I greatly appreciate it. =)

Gathering at Mind Cafe, which cost a bomb in our pockets. Thanks to Kok Chye :)

I was not happy with the score of course, but was pleased because I kept my cool and laughed all the way while playing against Sharity, Marcus, Choy and Alan. Imagine if I lost my temper, think it would be the other way round.
I was late for the 2nd time for 6 weeks! Usually I would walk to the interchange in the wee hours of the morning. But this morning was special, it rained super heavily. I did not made plans on how to travel there, and I ended up being late for an hour! My supervisor looked calm when I walked into the office around 9 plus, guess he was too busy to be bothered with my attendance.
It's 4 plus in the afternoon and no trace of my supervisor means that it's another slacking day for me again. I did not act like I was busy or what, instead I took the free time to do some reading, and reflecting. A very good way of spending time rather than staring at the screen and not doing something productive.
Not much to talk about after typing this super long email and had it sent to my classmate, who saw problems and politics rising in among us. I am exhausted from the explanation, shall update more tomorrow then.
P.S: Please click on the ads on your right! It wouldn't to just click right? Thanks! I greatly appreciate it. =)
My weekend break
Part 1: Dinner@Waraku, Clarke Quay

Candid shot from Joyce while I was resting from the meal.

Trying to enjoy the soup.

Beating the egg yolk, and I looked super serious.

That's Joyce struggling to finish her meal *joke joke.
Part 2 : Dessert@Coffee Club, Clarke Quay

The mud pie was the main focus in this picture. LOL!
That should sum up everything on Friday evening outing with Joyce. Bad news was I did not brought any cash along, and the good news? Everything was on her!
Thank you Joyce! :)
Had cell group the very next day, and it was rather an emotional one. At least it was the first time that the game masters (Kok Chye & I) had to do forfeit, courtesy from both of the teams. It was also lesson learnt, that I should make earlier plans and not last minute decisions on the games during that day. So I came up with this excel spreadsheet which lists all the games that I will be designing or perhaps outsourcing from some of the entertainment variety show. Almost everyone during the sharing session was feeling emotional after a series of events which happened last week. I can't say it's a bad thing actually, like Joseph said, this is actually a rare opportunity for our test of faith. If life is ever too good for us, we will never be able to taste the goodness of God.
Had a good talk with Wei Qian after cell, which was quite encouraging actually. We have not actually sat down and talked basically due to my stupid commitment to attachment. That is why my weekends have to be very meaningful, but I will also spend time with God and my family.
Service on Sunday was very encouraging! Somehow, I am not bold enough to take up risks or challenges faced in my life. Am I determined to live a life where it involves going to work, eat and sleep and carry on the same routine for the rest of the week? Is this what I called a fulfilling life, is this where I will be stuck for the rest of this year?
Nope, I am not going to just live like that. I know what I am going to do already, in order to find purpose in life, I start reading the bible every night before I sleep.
Played against COR on Sunday, again for the 4th time. Final score was 3-3, and I had much to be accounted for the equaliser from the opposition. Goals from our team were extraordinary but from the opponents, they were plain lucky cause it was played on Sunday (if you get the meaning of it). I started on my favourite position which I did not played well, and then on the central mid where things even got worse. =(
I am determined to train hard and play to my very best. This is my aim, and scoring will just be the icing on the cake itself.
Okay then. Take care.
Candid shot from Joyce while I was resting from the meal.
Trying to enjoy the soup.
Beating the egg yolk, and I looked super serious.
That's Joyce struggling to finish her meal *joke joke.
Part 2 : Dessert@Coffee Club, Clarke Quay
The mud pie was the main focus in this picture. LOL!
That should sum up everything on Friday evening outing with Joyce. Bad news was I did not brought any cash along, and the good news? Everything was on her!
Thank you Joyce! :)
Had cell group the very next day, and it was rather an emotional one. At least it was the first time that the game masters (Kok Chye & I) had to do forfeit, courtesy from both of the teams. It was also lesson learnt, that I should make earlier plans and not last minute decisions on the games during that day. So I came up with this excel spreadsheet which lists all the games that I will be designing or perhaps outsourcing from some of the entertainment variety show. Almost everyone during the sharing session was feeling emotional after a series of events which happened last week. I can't say it's a bad thing actually, like Joseph said, this is actually a rare opportunity for our test of faith. If life is ever too good for us, we will never be able to taste the goodness of God.
Had a good talk with Wei Qian after cell, which was quite encouraging actually. We have not actually sat down and talked basically due to my stupid commitment to attachment. That is why my weekends have to be very meaningful, but I will also spend time with God and my family.
Service on Sunday was very encouraging! Somehow, I am not bold enough to take up risks or challenges faced in my life. Am I determined to live a life where it involves going to work, eat and sleep and carry on the same routine for the rest of the week? Is this what I called a fulfilling life, is this where I will be stuck for the rest of this year?
Nope, I am not going to just live like that. I know what I am going to do already, in order to find purpose in life, I start reading the bible every night before I sleep.
Played against COR on Sunday, again for the 4th time. Final score was 3-3, and I had much to be accounted for the equaliser from the opposition. Goals from our team were extraordinary but from the opponents, they were plain lucky cause it was played on Sunday (if you get the meaning of it). I started on my favourite position which I did not played well, and then on the central mid where things even got worse. =(
I am determined to train hard and play to my very best. This is my aim, and scoring will just be the icing on the cake itself.
Okay then. Take care.
Thank God... It's Friday!
Normally private learners would fail on the first attempt, unfortunately I was different. There was no guidance or hints as to which questions were coming out. Just one book and days of mugging, I finally passed my basic theory test! It was nerve-wrecking when my fingernail was poking onto the screen, making sure that there was not a single careless mistake on the answer chosen. At least I get to walked out of that room with a smile on my face.
To make a comparison, the ratio of foreigners to Singaporeans was huge, I'm guessing because it's a Wednesday night, and it's the only time when these people get off from work and have to rush down here to sit for the pathetic test. Not attending the soccer game at Toa Payoh was worth it, every single minute, every single moment of not dribbling and running, was definitely worth a miss. Imagined if I failed the test I wouldn't be saying all this crap.
So what's next? Final Theory test and driving lessons for me. Great, can someone tell me how am I supposed to take up driving lessons during this attachment period? Yes I can take during the night, but I will be exhausted the very next day you know?! Another sticky situation.
This week for me is good, especially after the Easter break. My supervisor bought me toys from Japan! I know I'm childish but Ultraman figurines has always been my all-time favourite! Some more, it's a treat from him. This means I have to be motivated to work harder and try to learn as much from him, you know when he starts explaining something to me. I can understand but when he starts asking me to explain the things that he said, I would be dumb-struck. In a way, it's good cause I'm able to strengthen my speaking ability.
Good news is no news! Okay random, oh I am back to my normal health already. Praise God, and one more day to recover all my stamina to prepare myself for this Sunday's showdown against the same old pathetic team COR. No offence to them but it sucks to play against the same team repetitively. It's like wearing your boxers time after time and yet you are not sick of it. Some more the jersey that I bought is going to be a waste if I don't start against better teams...
Another great weekend ahead! Hope to update if I have the time during Sunday. Bye!
To make a comparison, the ratio of foreigners to Singaporeans was huge, I'm guessing because it's a Wednesday night, and it's the only time when these people get off from work and have to rush down here to sit for the pathetic test. Not attending the soccer game at Toa Payoh was worth it, every single minute, every single moment of not dribbling and running, was definitely worth a miss. Imagined if I failed the test I wouldn't be saying all this crap.
So what's next? Final Theory test and driving lessons for me. Great, can someone tell me how am I supposed to take up driving lessons during this attachment period? Yes I can take during the night, but I will be exhausted the very next day you know?! Another sticky situation.
This week for me is good, especially after the Easter break. My supervisor bought me toys from Japan! I know I'm childish but Ultraman figurines has always been my all-time favourite! Some more, it's a treat from him. This means I have to be motivated to work harder and try to learn as much from him, you know when he starts explaining something to me. I can understand but when he starts asking me to explain the things that he said, I would be dumb-struck. In a way, it's good cause I'm able to strengthen my speaking ability.
Good news is no news! Okay random, oh I am back to my normal health already. Praise God, and one more day to recover all my stamina to prepare myself for this Sunday's showdown against the same old pathetic team COR. No offence to them but it sucks to play against the same team repetitively. It's like wearing your boxers time after time and yet you are not sick of it. Some more the jersey that I bought is going to be a waste if I don't start against better teams...
Another great weekend ahead! Hope to update if I have the time during Sunday. Bye!
Basic Theory Day!
I was reading Nick's post and was laughing to myself. It's very true that if one does not have any work, he shouldn't act as if he's has loads of deadlines to meet and impress the supervisor. I am plain guilty about this myself, I should be honest with myself and towards my supervisor. Instead, I should start bringing my bible and reading it in the office, starting tomorrow.
I want to thank my supervisor actually, he allowed me to leave early as I have to revise and travel down to Bukit Batok for my test later in the night, plus the whole afternoon of revising in the office alone. But only on one condition, I need to pass it if not tomorrow I will be torture with all the work! I have already practised like crazy over the simulator, and hopefully this shit doesn't play me out. :)
Okay then, back to revising already. See ya!
I want to thank my supervisor actually, he allowed me to leave early as I have to revise and travel down to Bukit Batok for my test later in the night, plus the whole afternoon of revising in the office alone. But only on one condition, I need to pass it if not tomorrow I will be torture with all the work! I have already practised like crazy over the simulator, and hopefully this shit doesn't play me out. :)
Okay then, back to revising already. See ya!
The week before the school period is currently the most tense up one because I have to prepare for re-delivery of the aircraft for my company. I even had the honour to escort the Lessors here to meet my supervisor who is still busy preparing his documents for the re-deliverance.
One more day to my Basic Theory Test! I am damn afraid I will fail, cause I took the theory simulator and somehow I can't seem to get all questions correct. Oh well, if I fail, I am already prepared to be mock at by others.
Nothing much happening these past few days after the big performance. I want to get well soon and start kicking balls and eating "you tiao" and "tau huay" ! Oh oh this week on Sunday chillout time, I suggest we go to Chinatown to "lepak" rather than town already, provided I am back in the pink of health. I need to get well fast so that Joyce can treat me to a feast! I was thinking steamboat leh...
Joyce how? =D
One more day to my Basic Theory Test! I am damn afraid I will fail, cause I took the theory simulator and somehow I can't seem to get all questions correct. Oh well, if I fail, I am already prepared to be mock at by others.
Nothing much happening these past few days after the big performance. I want to get well soon and start kicking balls and eating "you tiao" and "tau huay" ! Oh oh this week on Sunday chillout time, I suggest we go to Chinatown to "lepak" rather than town already, provided I am back in the pink of health. I need to get well fast so that Joyce can treat me to a feast! I was thinking steamboat leh...
Joyce how? =D
Sunday was Easter Day, and also the best day for this month for me perhaps. I actually performed for the first time in LOCCW! And nope it is not singing, it is actually percussion! Sound of Resurrection! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! A feeling of excitedness yesterday as we took the stage and wowed everyone in the chapel. Though I was super tired and bleeding from blisters after the performance, it was all worth it. It was worth it because we were celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and even comrades from HeartBeatz came down to support us! It was a very touching yet with a sense of victory moment.
I want to thank my brothers Billy and Yao Jun for coming to support us, though it has been a very busy night for both of them, they still managed to get outta their bed and rush down just to witness a 3 minute performance. Yao Jun, who was supposed to go for prayers(if I am not wrong) in the morning still came. A really big Thank You to you guys, it really motivated me to go out there and give my all. Of course, I threw all my nervousness and burdens onto Him before the actual moment.
For a 3 minute performance, we actually practised for 3 months! To those who did not came to watch, what a waste. And if you're actually thinking: "Wa Nicholas you never jio me lo, so it's your fault."
I just don't want to waste my sms, cause I know some of you will definitely have loads of excuses and reasons. So it's alright la. HAHAHA.
Okay another thing, we should just ban the game L4D. Last night was a mess, Kok's walkout of the lan shop and blah blah signalled to us that we should not even touch this for a long period of time. We seemed to engage in heated arguments when we play this game. I have a part to play in this mess, I often hurl vulgarities at him when I'm being attacked or losing the game. I need to cool down, or maybe I should not even play this shit. I just felt like "the old me", rather than encouraging and supporting, I just whack all the negative comments out.
I should really think through this weekend.
I want to thank my brothers Billy and Yao Jun for coming to support us, though it has been a very busy night for both of them, they still managed to get outta their bed and rush down just to witness a 3 minute performance. Yao Jun, who was supposed to go for prayers(if I am not wrong) in the morning still came. A really big Thank You to you guys, it really motivated me to go out there and give my all. Of course, I threw all my nervousness and burdens onto Him before the actual moment.
For a 3 minute performance, we actually practised for 3 months! To those who did not came to watch, what a waste. And if you're actually thinking: "Wa Nicholas you never jio me lo, so it's your fault."
I just don't want to waste my sms, cause I know some of you will definitely have loads of excuses and reasons. So it's alright la. HAHAHA.
Okay another thing, we should just ban the game L4D. Last night was a mess, Kok's walkout of the lan shop and blah blah signalled to us that we should not even touch this for a long period of time. We seemed to engage in heated arguments when we play this game. I have a part to play in this mess, I often hurl vulgarities at him when I'm being attacked or losing the game. I need to cool down, or maybe I should not even play this shit. I just felt like "the old me", rather than encouraging and supporting, I just whack all the negative comments out.
I should really think through this weekend.
The day before Good Friday
Okay assuming I am right, before Jesus Christ was even born to this world, this was the actual names of our days:
Mournday, Tearsday, Wasted-day, Thirstday, Fightday, Shatterday, Shunned-day
The colors doesn't mean anything basically, just want for emphasis only. So this would be how we would live our lives if it isn't for Him. Okay I shall stop here...
Anyway, Kok Chye seemed very enthusiastic when it comes to shooting zombies, I too loved it, but there are times that we need to limit ourselves. Since this week is quite short for those who are working or studying, its okay to shoot!
I bought my new pair of soccer shoes, and they are super wicked! Especially when it came on for its debut appearance at Jalan Rajah court. I twisted and turned, dribbled and confusing players, defended shots, and scored winning goals. I could really communicate with my shoe, it really suits my playing style.
Anyway, Billy is improving as the week goes by, even players over there also had praises for him. I should learn from him, the part where he accepts those compliments and still maintains his consistency. For me, when I hear praises, I will screw up my foot work and start blasting balls wide open. As for Wei Qian, he is becoming more and more like Stevie G. Not in terms of the looks, but the runs and tackles he make in the court. Wait wait, sounds more like Masherano or Dirk Kuyt. Whatever la... As long as it is a compliment.
Tomorrow would be Good Friday! MINDS' cafe would be the plan for my cell group outing! Which means more spending again... Damn!
Mournday, Tearsday, Wasted-day, Thirstday, Fightday, Shatterday, Shunned-day
The colors doesn't mean anything basically, just want for emphasis only. So this would be how we would live our lives if it isn't for Him. Okay I shall stop here...
Anyway, Kok Chye seemed very enthusiastic when it comes to shooting zombies, I too loved it, but there are times that we need to limit ourselves. Since this week is quite short for those who are working or studying, its okay to shoot!
I bought my new pair of soccer shoes, and they are super wicked! Especially when it came on for its debut appearance at Jalan Rajah court. I twisted and turned, dribbled and confusing players, defended shots, and scored winning goals. I could really communicate with my shoe, it really suits my playing style.
Anyway, Billy is improving as the week goes by, even players over there also had praises for him. I should learn from him, the part where he accepts those compliments and still maintains his consistency. For me, when I hear praises, I will screw up my foot work and start blasting balls wide open. As for Wei Qian, he is becoming more and more like Stevie G. Not in terms of the looks, but the runs and tackles he make in the court. Wait wait, sounds more like Masherano or Dirk Kuyt. Whatever la... As long as it is a compliment.
Tomorrow would be Good Friday! MINDS' cafe would be the plan for my cell group outing! Which means more spending again... Damn!
I am starving! So I posted this picture to keep my stomach from making stupid noises, we had this feast somewhere around the world, just so you know.
I told myself that L4D was to be played on weekends, but I lost the self-discipline and started shooting yesterday night with Kok and Co. I was late for today, and I'm sure those had shared the same experience as me. I wanted to skip work as I am too tired to continue working. Anyway I have to cherish this week already, cause when my supervisor gets back, there's no way I am going to be blogging like that every morning.
Today I will focusing on L4D, now I know there are many out there who commented that this game are for gays. I tell you something, if you have never touch this game before, or let alone looked at the game before, you are indeed the real deal solid game. Do you know how addicted this chick can get? Once your fingers are on the mouse and keyboard, this is it. You just start shooting the crap outta those zombie asses.
Also I realized that through this game, bonds are build, true colors of your teammates are revealed, and sore throats are inevitable. Much more better than Counter Strike, or CS if some of you called it. Yes yes I know, you all might think, wouldn't it affect our school work or grades if we start playing this? Definitely, if you stick your butt and eyes to the screen just killing zombies, you are definitely going to get kick out of your school for good. There's such a thing called "self-discipline", know your limits, and don't worry if your teammates suck, you wouldn't even want to play already. :)
Nothing much on today though, just forgotten to bring my soccer shoes. I have to focus on my work if I want to become successful. Argh get on with work.
Counting Down To Easter
Sharity explained to me that this week was a solemn week for all Christians as Easter Day is coming. In the past, I used to think that Good Friday was just any public holiday, you get to take a break away from school and have long hours of sleep. Just so you know, Easter Day and Good Friday, they are both the same. Eh wait a minute, now I have a question. Easter Day is suppose to be the day where Jesus resurrected from dead right? While Good Friday was the day that He died for our sins? Is this correct? Okay now I'm confused. At least I am concerned about this day, and not taking it for granted. This Easter Day I will be performing (it's not the first time anyway) on stage for the first time with the percussion ministry. Like I have mentioned before, "Sound of Resurrection" is the name of our percussion team to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since this performance is our first ever, we have decided on that name. Cool right?!
Practising the moves and the grooves in the music room compared to in the chapel is much more relaxing, because you don't have the audience in front of you. So you get to perform better, however, in the chapel where everyone will be looking at you on that day itself, you can feel the pressure piling up! Just one mistake you make can affect the entire sound, the entire team and the whole thing will just be screwed. But Wei Qian once said this that took away all the nervousness within me, "You give your best to God, not to the people watching. You perform so that you honor God, and not the people."
Perhaps this is why I don't feel the stress anymore. Secondly I will be wearing another frame without lenses on that day, so I won't be able to look at the audience clearly while dancing and whacking the bins. :)
Once again, it's Tuesday! The first week of the second month of my attachment period. I cannot be afford to slack! I hate it when there's no work, yet again, I hate it when the work's too tough for me. Humans are very practical and imperfect.
Prior to Jinwan's blog, she mentioned that sitting in front of the computer screen can cause hair loss. This is totally wrong! If its true, then those people at work or at lan shops are already bald by now. The reason why we might have hair loss, is that we worry too much about our daily lives. Worry about almost every single crap, whether we have eaten too much or little, thinking whether we will be able to engage in a relationship, whether my hair is messy, or am I too fat or thin, or when the sky might fall onto you. Worrying too much can cause hair loss just so you know. I am a fan of worrying, but but there's just one simple solution.
Try praying! Praying is effective, simple and affordable. Praying doesn't need to be words that can make an impact, or loud. It is simply from the heart, what you want to say out. Praying doesn't cost anything. If you ever worry or feel anxiety, try praying. You don't have to be sad to pray, you can pray whatever time you like! It is applicable to the young and old, different culture and race. So what are you waiting for?
Start praying, today. =D
Practising the moves and the grooves in the music room compared to in the chapel is much more relaxing, because you don't have the audience in front of you. So you get to perform better, however, in the chapel where everyone will be looking at you on that day itself, you can feel the pressure piling up! Just one mistake you make can affect the entire sound, the entire team and the whole thing will just be screwed. But Wei Qian once said this that took away all the nervousness within me, "You give your best to God, not to the people watching. You perform so that you honor God, and not the people."
Perhaps this is why I don't feel the stress anymore. Secondly I will be wearing another frame without lenses on that day, so I won't be able to look at the audience clearly while dancing and whacking the bins. :)
Once again, it's Tuesday! The first week of the second month of my attachment period. I cannot be afford to slack! I hate it when there's no work, yet again, I hate it when the work's too tough for me. Humans are very practical and imperfect.
Prior to Jinwan's blog, she mentioned that sitting in front of the computer screen can cause hair loss. This is totally wrong! If its true, then those people at work or at lan shops are already bald by now. The reason why we might have hair loss, is that we worry too much about our daily lives. Worry about almost every single crap, whether we have eaten too much or little, thinking whether we will be able to engage in a relationship, whether my hair is messy, or am I too fat or thin, or when the sky might fall onto you. Worrying too much can cause hair loss just so you know. I am a fan of worrying, but but there's just one simple solution.
Try praying! Praying is effective, simple and affordable. Praying doesn't need to be words that can make an impact, or loud. It is simply from the heart, what you want to say out. Praying doesn't cost anything. If you ever worry or feel anxiety, try praying. You don't have to be sad to pray, you can pray whatever time you like! It is applicable to the young and old, different culture and race. So what are you waiting for?
Start praying, today. =D
This is why I love my weekends: Cellgroup gathering, percussion training, being a volunteer for the tuition programme at CHR, and last of all, a night of L4D with my bunch of LOCCW kakis. Not a single worry at all when the weekends are here, it felt peaceful when I am with all my kakis.
And yeah Manchester won last night, with a goal from this unknown who has a 10 goals in 19 games in the reserves and became a overnight hero for his club. Marchena is the name of this fella who scored a world class goal against Aston Villa, while Liverpool continue to trail behind the champions. The Premiership is coming to end soon, but my attachment isn't.
This week's is a busy one for me, Easter performance coming up! "Sound of Resurrection" is the name of our team. Now that's cool, I will be performing on Sunday, 11th April at CHR. Please do come for the Easter service to witness your one-and-only performance by us. It's definitely going to throw you off your seats and tremble the entire place. Do come alright ? :)
Back to the office today, I suddenly feel very lost, I need some reprimanding but my supervisor is currently at Japan having his break now. I need to find back my momentum...
And yeah Manchester won last night, with a goal from this unknown who has a 10 goals in 19 games in the reserves and became a overnight hero for his club. Marchena is the name of this fella who scored a world class goal against Aston Villa, while Liverpool continue to trail behind the champions. The Premiership is coming to end soon, but my attachment isn't.
This week's is a busy one for me, Easter performance coming up! "Sound of Resurrection" is the name of our team. Now that's cool, I will be performing on Sunday, 11th April at CHR. Please do come for the Easter service to witness your one-and-only performance by us. It's definitely going to throw you off your seats and tremble the entire place. Do come alright ? :)
Back to the office today, I suddenly feel very lost, I need some reprimanding but my supervisor is currently at Japan having his break now. I need to find back my momentum...

Miss Uma super chio! Like car model, HAHA okay look at my beckham-lookalike hair!

Heads up! We are on sky high! Malaysia Boleh! =D

Notice my hands are trying to do something to kim david, and I am the masked guy.

I'm trying to do a bunny sign on her head, and it's difficult.

Okay attempt failed, she knew it. HAHA!

Shiok! Before the start of the climb, we had to pack our rations. Sharity sat on the floor, making her the outkast.

Do not disturb, resting in progress. My hair damn retro bodoh.

Fastest batch of climbers in CHR.

While waiting for the girls, we decided to camwhore abit. HAHA

Look at the camera and POSE !!!
For more pictures please go to Facebook and check it out. Thanks.
Looking at the days back then at Mount. Kinabalu, everything was almost perfect, just that my hair screwed up the whole thing. I missed those times, the singing, the crapping with the girls, seeing Boon Chye losing to Louis and I while playing "Dai Dee" the night before the climb. And the dinner time during the last night was the best, Fadlee was making jokes out of Mr Toh and Miss Uma, the whole table roared with laughter bodoh! Then what made everyone on the table rolled on the floor and laughing loud was when Toh and Uma both turned over and stared at us. Perfect timing! And I can still remember those jokes that Fadlee made. Super hilarious.
Well after my batch was Wei Qian and co's batch to the same place again. But I doubt they weren't as fun as ours. I still think that our batch are the best among all teams that went up to the top of Mount. Kinabalu.
I still can remember the times that I still owe a Discman! And I brought lots of Westlife, Backstreet Boys and the boyband Blue CDs along with me and it was heavy! Of course we do have our own Ipods now to load all these tracks once and for all. So there I was singing with my man Louis in the bus during the long hours of journey, and fortunately the guys did not complain. So there was this point of time when Xia Ning could not handle our voices anymore and she turned around and criticised our singing. Sharity reprimanded her and told us to continued singing, that really saved our reputation and we continued singing all the way! HAHA
Another memorable part was when we were finding our own room. Louis, Boon and I were lost, and we were all standing outside this particular room, it stated "Tioman Suite". We decided to try and "Huat la!", it was our room! And a mega one indeed! We invited only Sharity and Xia Ning to our room that time, and it was embarrassing though when they came in and I was half naked on the bottom. LOL!
Oh well, I guess everyone had fun during the past, now it seems that whatever situation we are in now, whatever things we want to do, are heading at full speed ahead. As we are reaching adulthood, everything seems to move rapidly. Even building relationships between people, we also do not have that quality time. If only I had a time machine......
This was the Gamemaster who planned it all at a camp during this overseas trip. On one note, he does look a little like Cristiano Ronaldo eh? HAHAHA! But seriously people, touch your heart and ask, isn't he the coolest guy in this blog? BOMB!
Alright then, it's Thursday and the weather is super good! And my pal Yao Jun is however, not in the right mood to work for this whole week. Is "work" the correct word i used? He has been going through crap this entire week, seeing him like that showed me that in the working society, not everything is about work, you need to build relationships with people. If not at the end of the day, your back will full of knife stabs. I am not sure how to help him though, after seeing how his supervisor is so bias against him. Seeing is believing, I was having lunch with Yao Jun, another colleague and their supervisor. His supervisor was chatting happily with YJ's colleague, leaving YJ there to eat his food quietly. This was getting overboard, and as a supervisor, he should treat everyone equally and most importantly, with respect. Right now, I do believe Nicholas Keith is having a much better life than him.
Played soccer yesterday, and both Marcus and my shin clashed during the match, and I've received burnts from it, which I almost shouted when I wore my jeans to work today. I hate people who always swing their hands like monkeys when dribbling the ball or tackling the ball. I hate mondays, F********* Mondays. Damn.
I know that some of my fans out there feedback that I should post more pictures! But sometimes I prefer my blog to be full of words, rather than pictures. Pictures are for girls and gays! Oh well enjoy...

Watch out the food ! It's gonna get burnt.

Wil's trying to act tough by using his bare hands to move the prawns.

Yeah he only knows how to eat and pose .

The veggies bbq pit !

YJ is sick and tired, I need to ventilate my drenched armpits. LOL!

Look! Trey is not driving but cycling with us! Memorable siolx!

Tiger and Wil are looking like gay couple.

Of course, the bbq pit needs someone like me to produce good food like this!
Lastly, I want to thank Adelene Ho for being such a good cell leader and sister to me. I was initially struggling with my excel assignment during the weekends, and despite all the hectic schedules and etc, she took the extra time out to figure out a simple formula that I could use on my assignment. I was surprised when she sent me an email explaining how I was going to apply this formula onto the excel spreadsheet. I managed to silence my supervisor when I showed him the end result. He was impressed and told me there were more to come, which meant that this was just the beginning. I want to thank her for what she has done, and this coming Saturday I would definitely buy her a meal or something. I know it's rather stingy but at least it's I am sincere okay!
It's the third day of my upcoming anniversary with Tiger Airways, and I am feeling rather motivated than excited. Motivated because one month is coming to an end, with just 5 more months to go!
My supervisor is heading to Tokyo next week! And I meant the whole week! This means I am going to have my the entire office to myself. I asked him to get for me Ultraman figurines if possiible. It's been sometime since I bought them for display, so I should not waste such an opportunity. Imagine if the intern can also get a ride there with his supervisor, I would be clubbing and partying all night at Tokyo! Konichiwa bodoh! :) Too bad...

Watch out the food ! It's gonna get burnt.

Wil's trying to act tough by using his bare hands to move the prawns.

Yeah he only knows how to eat and pose .

The veggies bbq pit !

YJ is sick and tired, I need to ventilate my drenched armpits. LOL!

Look! Trey is not driving but cycling with us! Memorable siolx!

Tiger and Wil are looking like gay couple.

Of course, the bbq pit needs someone like me to produce good food like this!
Lastly, I want to thank Adelene Ho for being such a good cell leader and sister to me. I was initially struggling with my excel assignment during the weekends, and despite all the hectic schedules and etc, she took the extra time out to figure out a simple formula that I could use on my assignment. I was surprised when she sent me an email explaining how I was going to apply this formula onto the excel spreadsheet. I managed to silence my supervisor when I showed him the end result. He was impressed and told me there were more to come, which meant that this was just the beginning. I want to thank her for what she has done, and this coming Saturday I would definitely buy her a meal or something. I know it's rather stingy but at least it's I am sincere okay!
It's the third day of my upcoming anniversary with Tiger Airways, and I am feeling rather motivated than excited. Motivated because one month is coming to an end, with just 5 more months to go!
My supervisor is heading to Tokyo next week! And I meant the whole week! This means I am going to have my the entire office to myself. I asked him to get for me Ultraman figurines if possiible. It's been sometime since I bought them for display, so I should not waste such an opportunity. Imagine if the intern can also get a ride there with his supervisor, I would be clubbing and partying all night at Tokyo! Konichiwa bodoh! :) Too bad...
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