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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


Miss Uma super chio! Like car model, HAHA okay look at my beckham-lookalike hair!

Heads up! We are on sky high! Malaysia Boleh! =D

Notice my hands are trying to do something to kim david, and I am the masked guy.

I'm trying to do a bunny sign on her head, and it's difficult.

Okay attempt failed, she knew it. HAHA!

Shiok! Before the start of the climb, we had to pack our rations. Sharity sat on the floor, making her the outkast.

Do not disturb, resting in progress. My hair damn retro bodoh.

Fastest batch of climbers in CHR.

While waiting for the girls, we decided to camwhore abit. HAHA

Look at the camera and POSE !!!

For more pictures please go to Facebook and check it out. Thanks.

Looking at the days back then at Mount. Kinabalu, everything was almost perfect, just that my hair screwed up the whole thing. I missed those times, the singing, the crapping with the girls, seeing Boon Chye losing to Louis and I while playing "Dai Dee" the night before the climb. And the dinner time during the last night was the best, Fadlee was making jokes out of Mr Toh and Miss Uma, the whole table roared with laughter bodoh! Then what made everyone on the table rolled on the floor and laughing loud was when Toh and Uma both turned over and stared at us. Perfect timing! And I can still remember those jokes that Fadlee made. Super hilarious.

Well after my batch was Wei Qian and co's batch to the same place again. But I doubt they weren't as fun as ours. I still think that our batch are the best among all teams that went up to the top of Mount. Kinabalu.

I still can remember the times that I still owe a Discman! And I brought lots of Westlife, Backstreet Boys and the boyband Blue CDs along with me and it was heavy! Of course we do have our own Ipods now to load all these tracks once and for all. So there I was singing with my man Louis in the bus during the long hours of journey, and fortunately the guys did not complain. So there was this point of time when Xia Ning could not handle our voices anymore and she turned around and criticised our singing. Sharity reprimanded her and told us to continued singing, that really saved our reputation and we continued singing all the way! HAHA

Another memorable part was when we were finding our own room. Louis, Boon and I were lost, and we were all standing outside this particular room, it stated "Tioman Suite". We decided to try and "Huat la!", it was our room! And a mega one indeed! We invited only Sharity and Xia Ning to our room that time, and it was embarrassing though when they came in and I was half naked on the bottom. LOL!

Oh well, I guess everyone had fun during the past, now it seems that whatever situation we are in now, whatever things we want to do, are heading at full speed ahead. As we are reaching adulthood, everything seems to move rapidly. Even building relationships between people, we also do not have that quality time. If only I had a time machine......

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