Candid shot from Joyce while I was resting from the meal.
Trying to enjoy the soup.
Beating the egg yolk, and I looked super serious.
That's Joyce struggling to finish her meal *joke joke.
Part 2 : Dessert@Coffee Club, Clarke Quay
The mud pie was the main focus in this picture. LOL!
That should sum up everything on Friday evening outing with Joyce. Bad news was I did not brought any cash along, and the good news? Everything was on her!
Thank you Joyce! :)
Had cell group the very next day, and it was rather an emotional one. At least it was the first time that the game masters (Kok Chye & I) had to do forfeit, courtesy from both of the teams. It was also lesson learnt, that I should make earlier plans and not last minute decisions on the games during that day. So I came up with this excel spreadsheet which lists all the games that I will be designing or perhaps outsourcing from some of the entertainment variety show. Almost everyone during the sharing session was feeling emotional after a series of events which happened last week. I can't say it's a bad thing actually, like Joseph said, this is actually a rare opportunity for our test of faith. If life is ever too good for us, we will never be able to taste the goodness of God.
Had a good talk with Wei Qian after cell, which was quite encouraging actually. We have not actually sat down and talked basically due to my stupid commitment to attachment. That is why my weekends have to be very meaningful, but I will also spend time with God and my family.
Service on Sunday was very encouraging! Somehow, I am not bold enough to take up risks or challenges faced in my life. Am I determined to live a life where it involves going to work, eat and sleep and carry on the same routine for the rest of the week? Is this what I called a fulfilling life, is this where I will be stuck for the rest of this year?
Nope, I am not going to just live like that. I know what I am going to do already, in order to find purpose in life, I start reading the bible every night before I sleep.
Played against COR on Sunday, again for the 4th time. Final score was 3-3, and I had much to be accounted for the equaliser from the opposition. Goals from our team were extraordinary but from the opponents, they were plain lucky cause it was played on Sunday (if you get the meaning of it). I started on my favourite position which I did not played well, and then on the central mid where things even got worse. =(
I am determined to train hard and play to my very best. This is my aim, and scoring will just be the icing on the cake itself.
Okay then. Take care.
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