I promise I will never laugh at the dragon boat, canoe and gym people already, period. Today NAPFA was almost perfect; I aced all stations except for pull-ups. I can't even manage to lift myself up the bar for once. Frustration and disappointment were the emotions being expressed at the stadium. I have to train and master the technique of pull-ups, if not when I enter into National Service, that's it.
Oh did I mention I won myself a free 2 months trip ticket to Tekong island? Great, absolutely great.
Some updates on my life for now:
1. Spectacles still yet to be fixed/changed.
2. Nose still suffering from minor swelling.
3. Wearing the white spectacles is definitely not working out for me and the chicks in Ngee Ann.
4. I was just kidding for point number 3.
5. School is great, especially when I am finding a way to cut costs on transportation.
Here's my 5 cents worth on how to travel from your house to Ngee Ann and vice versa:
Firstly, if you are staying in Woodlands or other areas which provide the free shuttle bus service, you are on the right direction my friend. Next, take a morning stroll from your house to the bus interchange. Queue up and wait till the shuttle bus arrives to pick you up to campus.
Cash Spent = $0
Once classes are dismissed, you can proceed to the back of canteen 2 within the campus, and walk your way to the bus stop at the Shell station. Take 961 back to the interchange, and walk home from there.
Cash Spent = $1.31
If $1.31 x 5 days = $6.15,
$6.15 x 4 weeks = $24.60
Bus Concession = $50
Difference = $50 - $24.60 = $25.40.
With that amount of money left, I am still able to use it for other purposes or top up E-Z link card if I am hanging out with my friends. (:
Oh well, it's suitable for those who are considering Ngee Ann as their first choice.
I am still stuck with projects and projects and loads of assignments for this last month before the Lunar New Year and final papers. I heard this year is the Year of the Tiger. Good luck to the girls out there. (inside joke)
Trey's 21st party is coming soon, followed by Ya Ting's...
It's gonna be a blast.
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