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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.



Warning: This post is not a blog attack to anyone, anywhere and anytime.

I am an avid reader of people's blogs, and most of my inspiration comes from them, with the remainder originating from myself or observations around my environment. However, as time passes, it seems like enabling passwords to secure their blogs are becoming a trend, and those whom are close are able to access it.

In the first place, why start a blog? I believe that a blog is designed and created for people to read and make comments, be it positive or negative. A blog expresses how you feel and what you think of the world and people around you. As a blogger, you must be prepared to face the consequences of whatever you type and the comments you will be receiving from the public. Of course, I am not requesting posts with regards to racism, sexism, or even insulting somebody.

I just don't understand why a password is needed to secure your blog or a random post.

For me, when I am unhappy about a person or something, I will just type it out. I know of the consequences I will be facing, but screw it. If that person is feeling offended by my post, it means he's guilty of it. So what comes after that? Spamming nonsensical bullshit on my tags. That's childish. At least while reading the post, it makes that person reflect on what he/she has done. There's no need to type happy posts while you are putting on a different emotion while looking at the screen.

Go ahead, type whatever you want. At least it makes you feel lighter after looking at the post.

I am already used to receiving shit from shitty people, so start getting used to it in this new year 2010...

Chow Sai~

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