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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.



Looking back since the start of secondary one, my journey has been a rather exciting yet adventurous at the same time. If I were to put the focus now on my grades, the graph shown would probably be increasing constantly, which is, a positive time-displacement graph. Today, I am rightfully standing in the midst of top students in my course, or even the top few in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Am I considered someone successful in life already?

So here's the scenario: A bunch of year one junior students comes up to me and seeks my help to clarify some doubts in their homework. I agreed, but when it came to teaching them, my mind went totally blank. At that time, I realized that I was a road learner.

A road learner is someone who strives for his 'As' but doesn't know what he is learning about. He is someone who figures out the fastest method to solve a problem within a time range. At the end of the day, after achieving the expected grades, he forgets about it and moves on to the next module.

There are three types of learners:

1. Road Learner
2. Road Hogger
3. Passenger

Road learners are faster and capable of learning things the smarter way, sometimes through 'despicable methods'. They are fun and outgoing people and dislikes hanging around in places where the nerds lurk. Road learners are last minute workers, they produce last minute yet quality is recognized in their work. They are people whom the road hoggers will admire. Road learners are quick and decisive in what and how they do things.

Road hoggers are people whom are quiet yet a perfectionist. They are slow in learning, but most importantly they are willing to learn, because of their humility. Unlike road learners, road hoggers will often questions in classes, whereas the opposite would either sleep or don't even turn up for lessons. Road hoggers are hardworking, which is an advantage over the learners.

In a project, a balanced mix of road learners and hoggers should be a perfect one. (I've been in one before and I know it, and loved it )

The most disappointing group of the night would be: Passengers

This group possesses no knowledge of education nor whatsoever, but has a 99% of luck with them. They are people whom the road people will want to stay away from them, but it's difficult.

Shit happens.


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