My Rayban's shades
Overweight Wei Qian !
Blur Kok and Chee Ko Peh !

Fighting-Park-our Champion !
星期三,我们五个人离开新加坡往着去吉隆坡去逛逛,反正我也是第一次到那里,也是第一次和我那般兄弟一起去。我想和他们一定很好玩,很过瘾, 不用怕,我们不是同心恋。
在第一天的晚上,我们遇到了一个很惊讶的情况,那时候是大概十一点左右,当我们要回到宿舍,在开门的那杀那,我们旁边的门敲得很大力!我还以为是鬼呢!开了门之后,事情就是这样, 请看 VCR!
Angmoh: "Hey you were the few guys who locked me inside huh?"
Us: "No! No! We did not lock you inside the room! We just got back from dinner outside."
Angmoh: "I've heard people with asian accent walking past my room, and you guys are the only ones in this place. I am pretty f****** sure you guys locked the room."
Us: "Seriously, we didn't lock you inside. Besides we left the place at around 7 plus in the evening."
Angmoh: "I was locked up in there for about 4-5 hours!"
(Door Slammed!)
How bloody rude was that person! I could have sworn that it wasn't us who locked that bloody door! Unless someone among us did it, and he doesn't wanna admit. (Looks suspiciously at my brothers) It wasn't me of course.
Oh well we couldn't blame him for venting his frustration on us, but I was angry with one thing - He called us "men with asian accent"
How bloody racist is that? You can call us Chinese tofu or Chinese people. But men with asian accent? That's was super hilarious, yet abit offending at the same time.
Oh well, never mind about that.
If it was one of us who did it, admit la. We will not laugh, promise. HAHAHAHAHA