I just received bad news from my classmates that there are 3 online tests next week! Major killer modules! I've got 2 on Monday and 1 on Thursday. How awesome is that, and I have yet to hit those books or power point slides. Shit. Fortunately, I am not the only one facing the shit, I've got all my brothers and sisters in with me for the whole month. It sounds evil, but blame our education system. So much for that piece of document to get me out of Ngee Ann - the diploma. Another bad news - I am spending early Valentine's alone again, for the second time. Shit.
Anyway, if you are wondering who would be your Valentine, or thinking that you will be alone on Valentine's, do not hesitate to ask me out! Of course, preferably a lady. I cannot date a boy/guy/gay on that special day. I might consider hanging out with my brothers, with the emphasis on the 's'. (:
2 projects - the first deadline on Wednesday and the other on Friday. Please give me hope God.
3 online tests.
1 upcoming Friendship Day event celebration.
Medical Checkup on Monday.
Rather than FML, please... Give me hope.

Recently, I came across a phrase on Facebook, 'Falling for someone you never thought you would fall for'. Sorry for the randomness.

The Singapore Airshow 2010!
I am going to attend this prestigious event this Friday! Whoo hoo! Expect stunning aircraft performances and latest technologies and gadgets from the exhibition! And hopefully, I will be able to meet the Boeing 787 Dream-liner! Picture time babies!
Here's what going to happen on my timetable for Friday:
1. Reach Ngee Ann Polytechnic at 6am.
2. Reach Changi Exhibition Hall by 8.45am.
3. Explore and experience the Airshow till 3.30pm.
4. Head back to campus to prepare for upcoming finals in the Aerospace football competition
5. BBQ session with the Aerospace students.
6. Head home and knocked out to prepare for upcoming Friendship Day.
I am expecting a very tight weekend as the time is ticking real fast on my watch (I don't even own one!) Time management is my best friend for this month before I start screwing my life from scratch again.
P.S: I still cannot do pull-ups, and starting to become pole-phobic.
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