6th February 2010: Friendship Day celebration.
Venue: Christ Church Secondary School
Time: 1.30pm - 4.30pm
Theme: Geek style
Lunch is provided and its free!
Contact: Nicholas Ng (83220563)

Counting down to this weekend celebration, I don't feel particularly excited about it. A problematic situation.
What goes around, comes around. It's a total contradiction to feel excited for the upcoming event, and being frustrated over some political issues in classes. I need some proper and rightful guidance in this situation I am facing now.
Matthew 7 reminds me not to be judgmental of people around me, for I will be judged in the same way. It's very hard to pretend nothing's happening especially after looking at the results from the presentation. I wanted to spill the beans to my lecturer about the entire presentation; who's got the most contribution and blah blah. In the end, I did not. Was it the right thing?
In Luke 10, Martha did a lot of things in order to please the Lord, I believed she was a perfectionist. However, she was doing the preparations by herself. Mary, on the other hand, was sitting at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ and listening to his teaching.
I was Martha, but my teammates weren't Mary! Yes I've gotten the desired results, but I was super super stunned when I saw the same results on their grades...
Any kind advice?
I don't have a license, but I drove almost all my teammates to secure an A grade for the presentation.
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