Another month to church camp, raising funds is indeed tough, but I am determined to go all out even if it means starving during working hours. Last weekend was a long one, and somehow a very moody one for most of us. Hopefully, this week would be for the better for some of us, especially Jinwan. The spiritual warfare indeed has started...
Looking back at those 'O' level revision papers for mathematics, I can't seem to remember the basic concepts and techniques used in some chapters, which brings to the point that I have actually been wasting many years mugging only for the grades. Eventually, what's important is the paper qualifications. I might have the best grade among all my pals, but if I don't even understand what I am teaching towards the weakest ones, I have already failed as a student and mentor.
The difference between a "paper qualified" manager and a "skilled & experienced" manager.
Being in the office for a period of time can bore you out, especially when you have nothing to do.
Thoughts running around my head, wondering what's the next step to take in life... I know I have many things left unaccomplished, and yet I am still lazing around waiting for answers or people to give reminders.
We're living in a world of temptations, if we don't discipline ourselves, we will fall. Peer influence from the people around you, like having expensive label wallet, clothes and shoes. But inside that wallet, you have nothing! So the next step, you get a job, pay back all your debts and continue splurging onto those items again. What benefits can you get out of all this? Attract vain women? Boosting your own confidence? If you think that having expensive "Gucci" or "Louis Vuitton" can actually boost your self-esteem, you definitely need a shrink. Unless you can really afford those labels, don't fall into peer pressure around you and end up having to borrow money from friends and struggling to pay them back.
You do not need all these to seek assurance of your self-esteem. Secondly, splurging your parents' money on things that unnecessary items or even stocks is totally unforgivable. Though your parents might have no objections, don't you ever feel guilty? Or ashamed? No wonder the term "rice burner" has such a big impact on some people hiding among the society.
Better starting maturing now if not you will suffer during national service. Curry flavoring isn't going to help you go far in life...
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