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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


Me, myself and I

Wei Qian was sharing some thoughts with me yesterday after cell meeting while on the way to Rochor Tau Huay shop. Now here's something interesting, he and I have been pals for more than 10 years already, and he pointed something out which struck me quite hard.

He's an avid reader of my blog, and being the only one who pointed out my weakness, he said: "In your blog arh, I realize hor, it's has been all about me, myself and I."

Nicholas:"Me, myself and I???"

Wei Qian:"Yes, it's true that you are trying to change, or maybe reflecting on the changes around you. But don't you realize the credits goes out to your friends who point out the flaws in you? And yet in your blog, you mentioned that you were the one who pointed out your own flaws. Don't you agree with me that for your case, its always about me, myself and I??? Agree???"

Booooom... A loud warning has been sent straight to my mind.

I plead guilty on this matter. =( Someone please advice me how???

Too prideful and arrogant

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! dont worry i think cause what you had in mind was to share your life with people so you tend to revolve around yourself.
I think it takes time to change now that you buddy has pointed out somehting to you. Dont get too worried or guilty. I'm guilty of that too! Allow God to teach you humility, its hard but its a great lesson to learn!