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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.


Alone In Wonderland

Genesis 2: 18
" 18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Ironically, one helper isn't enough/suitable nowadays for man. This is the world we're living in, sooner or later sodomy is coming to invade our society.

I often picture myself in the army, in the shower room with the recruits. The next moment, I accidentally dropped the soap bar, and as I bend down to pick it up... (It's up to your imagination, HAHA)

Would you...

1. Rather be alone in wonderland ?
2. Getting attached and heart broken at the same time ?
3. Racking your brains to get your dream girl but only to find out that you're being rejected or taken for granted ?

3 different scenarios, with only one outcome - FML.

Point 1 is interesting, because only the minorities choose this option. It's either they are plain ugly, plain disgusting or just plain gay. Why would people choose to be alone in wonderland ? Here are some answers which I've heard before :

"Oh, being single is great! No troubles at all, no need to accompany your girlfriend. I can do whatever I want."

"I've heard and seen many cases of breakups and divorces, I don't wish to be like them or go through that kind of hurt and disappointment."

"Cannot... I need to concentrate on my studies..."

"Oh sorry, I am gay."

Pathetic bunch of lousy answers. Yet another group of people who choose option 1 is because they don't know how to love. It's alright, if they met people like me, I would teach them and guide them so that they would choose option 3. From there on, they are on their own. Monks choose option 1 because they have no choice, no offence.

Point 2 is a pretty common thing you see in our society nowadays. Getting attached then BOOMZ! I am a victim/mastermind myself too, and breaking up 7 times is never easy.

But thankfully, all my ex-girlfriends are on talking terms with me. Phew! I know some of you guys out there have yet to open your golden mouth towards your ex-girlfriend/s. It's alright! You just have to take your time, make time and find an opportunity to start with all over again.

To forget the person you loved, requires the exact amount of time that you and her were once together. For example, if it took 3 years to be with your girlfriend, it takes 3 years to forget her.

Those who happened to be in option 2 are people who never gives up. You fall in love, then out of love, recuperate and you start looking for new love. Sounds adventurous! But bear in mind, the number of years in your youth-hood is limited.

The good thing you can look upon is that when you fall out from love, you still have good friends around who will be there for you to share your burden. Good friends whom you once forgotten the moment you were attached, and now they are back to cover your sad "ka-Cheng" ! (:

Don't worry, the good friends aren't the petty sort.

Only true friends are. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Point 3 comes after point 2, and you are on the same boat with me! In the single category! Point 3 can also refers to patching with your ex-girlfriend, only if you really love her or if she's super rich.

Okay for the "being rejected part", I cannot help you if she really doesn't like you. It's either your problem, or she's lesbian. For the "taking you for granted part", I also cannot help you. Sorry, the only solution I have is let God provide you with that helper, which means praying with faith for it.

I think point 3 is common sense. You just gotta come up with a lot of tactics. You can find resources from the libraries, like "how to chase a girl for dummies", or "how to be a good boyfriend" etc.

Never ever resort to unscrupulous methods like feigning innocence or making yourself sound like you are desperate for sex and blah blah, like booking a chalet and doing hanky-panky besides the barbeque part! You know who you are. (:

Racking your brain is stupid! Just be sincere, it must be from your heart. Never impress her before a relationship starts, if not you will be tired out even before the end of 6 months. Congratulations to those who passed the 2 months without sweating at all. Oh shit, that's not love, it's pure lust. HAHAHA!

I have a friend who's nice and gentle, but that girl took him for granted. He's that sort my mom commented that girls would fall for him, instead of me. I wonder why... Could it be his gentleness that's causing the problem ? Or the hair ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

sorry la bro. I couldn't hold it anymore, I am laughing now while typing this!

Read and reflect about it. I might be wrong, but am always correct and accurate.

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