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Illegally officially 19 A person who inspires to find himself through the journey with God, with a sense of humor.



Since the start of March, I can't seem to post anything happy about my life. I know it's getting boring reading about myself getting so emo over my brothers again and again. I will try my best to type a happy one, but apparently football today was a total joke. No wait wait, I was the joke. What's going on with me?

My dad's birthday ended in style after a quarrel with my mom. There was no celebration due to the cold war, but I was proud of myself. I bought a tub of Haagen Daz ice cream (Dark Chocolate and Cookies) as a gift for him. Fuck you if you think that's cheap, but after today, I am broke again for the week. Respect my filial piety, and not the money.

Next week, I will start work! Wonder what its like to travel by train in the early mornings to work though, it means I have to stand! Oh and that tapping sound of my EZ card, it is irritating and costly too. So much complaints, yet the pay is so little. Live with it arh...

I can't seem to find happy things to talk about. FML.

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